gather in His name


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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so this can all be connected to Constantinople?

you betcha


Constantine the rider of the white horse from the white sea started it


Mohammed the rider of the red horse from the red sea started Islam which conquered it after 1000 years


Marx the rider of the black horse from the black sea started communism which tried to end all religions in the area

what about the pale horse?

that is not clear but I think the rider is death and he is riding right here, right now

good night charity


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GOOD Morning sMiles

GOOD Morning sMiles

Deception is Magical, enchantment with a Benefit, wisdom is science, an wealth is the comforter. Good is to repeat Good. Learning is swallowed up by Death. Old Age is every mans due. inheritance is what is left to be claimed by you.


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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so what about the beasts?

the two beasts of Revelation are the last two of Daniel

so are yours different from what is generally accepted?

a little different

based on what?

the temple

the temple?

it is all about the temple

let's hear about it

two destroyed the temple, one desecrated it, and the other is preventing the third one from being built

good night charity


Well-known member
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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so what about the temple?

it can't be built


the abomination of desolation is standing in the holy place

I love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes, it is Matthew 24:15 KJV

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

good night charity


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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

today is Sunday

we put away our differences

we give thanks
we give praise

we ask for forgiveness
we ask for guidance
we ask for help

we do it together

good night charity


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so the Dome of the Rock is the abomination of desolation?

it is now standing in the holy place

but they expect it to be a man

based on an obscure passage

why don't you agree?

they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate

I love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes, it is Daniel 11:31 KJV

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

good night charity


New member
The locusts have no king.

A tiger is stronger Than a Lion!

A snake has its poison in its teeth...

A dog in its tongue..

A scorpion in its tale..

A Man Has Poison in his heart...

Pro 30:14 [There is] a generation, whose teeth [are as] swords, and their jaw teeth [as] knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from [among] men.

Pro 30:33 Surely the churning of milk bringeth forth butter, and the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood: so the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so what else do you know about the fourth beast?

it had ten horns

I love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes, it is Daniel 7:7 KJV

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

good night charity


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so what are the four beasts of Daniel?

can I give you a link?

that is what I would expect from amr

I wonder how many of his got deleted

you really got hit hard

many of my links don't work now

let's see what you have

the beasts of Daniel

good night charity


New member
Certainly, we gather in His name, brother Chrys. But... what exactly is in His name besides 5 letters? We believe on His name, we pray in His name... Well? Maybe 77 generations of God's kingdom between Luke 3:38, and Luke 3:23 counting in reverse the generations of the Messiah prophesied by the murderer Lamech in Genesis 4:24? This 'name' brother Chrys? Maybe there's more to His name than we realize? Maybe we need to know the truth about Him! I certainly don't have all the answers to all the questions, but I know the truth, brother Chrys...

In His name, Kayaker

I enjoy reflections in Revelation.


Well-known member
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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so what about the seven heads and ten horns?

they are the dynasties of the two beasts


most are looking for kings

why are you looking for dynasties?

I wasn't until I realized the Roman Empire had seven of them

and Islam?

they have ten

how did you count them?

I let them do the counting

how convenient is that?

I certainly appreciated it

good night charity
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so are you going to give us a link to the dynasties?

I hope they work

will you fix them if they don't?

I have already fixed a few

so give us a link

okay, this is for the seven heads

do you have one for the ten horns?

this is for the ten dynasties of Islam

thank you

you're welcome

good night charity


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so you like to tie things together

some passages are really good at that

give us an example

a sea of glass mingled with fire

I love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes, it is Revelation 15:2 KJV

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

what does that tie together?

we shall see

good night charity