gather in His name


Well-known member
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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so when did you start doing this stuff?

about ten years ago

what started it?

Louis Farrakhan referred to the pope as a whore on tv

did that upset you?

it made me wonder

about what?

how he could do that

how could he?

he said it says so in the bible


Revelation 17

so what did you do?

I read Revelation

for the first time?

maybe the second

then what?

I decided I would find another interpretation

good night charity


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Hall of Fame


hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

today is Sunday

we put away our differences

we give thanks
we give praise

we ask for forgiveness
we ask for guidance
we ask for help

we do it together

good night charity


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so where did you start?

with the number 666


I searched Daniel for the word number


it referred to years


I started looking at what happened in the year 666

what did you find?

historians stay away from that year

is that all?


what else?

Islam was getting ready to attack Constantinople

good night charity


New member
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so when did you start doing this stuff?

about ten years ago

what started it?

Louis Farrakhan referred to the pope as a whore on tv

did that upset you?

it made me wonder

about what?

how he could do that

how could he?

he said it says so in the bible


Revelation 17

so what did you do?

I read Revelation

for the first time?

maybe the second

then what?

I decided I would find another interpretation

good night charity

That comment was shocking but the lack of media response was more shocking...and telling.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so you started with the number 666?

in Daniel number referred to years

and that led you to Constantinople

Gibbon has Islam attacking 46 years after Mohammed left Mecca

that would be 668

not if you use the calculator

what do you get with the calculator?


good night charity


New member
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so you started with the number 666?

in Daniel number referred to years

and that led you to Constantinople

Gibbon has Islam attacking 46 years after Mohammed left Mecca

that would be 668

not if you use the calculator

what do you get with the calculator?


good night charity

Maybe they calulated the years later, when they Mezrimized themself by the thought of ending BC. Another way to Make god agree to keep them on the throne longer.
Govenment tends to Attack itself when to many people start to complain an challenge it. whatch it buy somemore time to adjust its cusions, change cheeks.

Night chrys. :)

he who Killed Jesus an cut him off is a beast, an anti Jesus. an not Anti, holy ghost


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

they didn't have that calculator back then

they did have the Julian calendar

when did that start?

46 BC

when did the Islamic calendar start?

622 the year of the Hijra

so that gives you 668

not if you use regnal years

how's that work?

Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC

and that gives you 666


good night charity


New member
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

they didn't have that calculator back then

they did have the Julian calendar

when did that start?

46 BC

when did the Islamic calendar start?

622 the year of the Hijra

so that gives you 668

not if you use regnal years

how's that work?

Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC

and that gives you 666


good night charity

would you agree this style of achient Numbering systemSix hundred threescore [and] six. FOUND filed as the Last book of the New testment... is this more Lightly to be Have been written before the Murder of Jesus?
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.

Just to note that the Books Luke, Mark etc, are served with the intention that they should automatically be programed as written prior to the book of revelations alocated postion

Jam 5:17 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.

If the book of revelations is from BC, then, why on earth did it exceed the Murder of Jesus, an, the promise of His return..before the generation passed away. (three years an a Half) why is this scrubbed up, an slotted in as if an AD SCRIPTURE, while it contains the Maths system signifcant to 666 years prior?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

was Revelation written before Jesus?

most of it

by whom?

John the Baptist before he knew Jesus

based on what?

John refers to Him as the Lamb of God

is that all?

most of Revelation does not use the Name of Jesus

so who put it in?

some other John later on

good night charity


New member
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

was Revelation written before Jesus?

most of it

by whom?

John the Baptist before he knew Jesus

based on what?

John refers to Him as the Lamb of God

is that all?

most of Revelation does not use the Name of Jesus

so who put it in?

some other John later on

good night charity

vatican city is the only one that can the truth, They, using Moses Law were the government at the time; all kinds of books were taken from people an used to help them, evidience not about us, point it at them, an the 3 estates they are willed every night you sleep.
questions to be asked? yes, vatican city wont answer, why would you condemn your owned un biblical!
Vatican city, why not tell us the Part where you dont tell us much at all. such as a prisoner an his writing are in prisoned by the Roman Empier...slyness.
Such is an action that is not wanting to get caught in action, stealing an re Naming Books. Who is Luke, Who is Mark? An Jesus Is destroyed by Moses Laws an is caused by books to follow all the Roman Catholic rituals to be sat by God, an exchanged for a Holy spirit. That is going to teach the usa, using dodged up scriptures, recking with Moses Laws, orded By the governing roman empire.

Till 50 tone of pure BC Jewish Gold, carted Back to Rome, an is not showing up on 2days World Financals, all governments are keen to no!, an Know from the Vatican where it is Hidden. changing the scripture is not a problem for Rome. Murdering Jesus? Governments dont answer for lash outs... its been worth ist weight in Gold. so much for the Place prepared..its Hardly Lightly that Pirates would believe what they force you to believe for money.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so what is the Church's view of Revelation?

there is no official interpretation

so you can believe anything you want

not exactly

what exactly

it should be consistent with the rest of the bible

shouldn't it be consistent with the teachings of the Church?


are you consistent with the teachings of the Church?

not exactly

good night charity


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so why are there so many different interpretations?

everyone has an ax to grind

is that true with you?

I suppose so

what is yours?

tired of hearing the pope referred to as the antichrist

isn't that something you should ignore?

I suppose so

so you can't?

well I really wanted to learn for myself

and once you did?

wanted to share it with others

do you find it falling on deaf ears?

for the most part yes but it is not my job to worry about that

good night charity


Well-known member
Hall of Fame


hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

today is Sunday

we put away our differences

we give thanks
we give praise

we ask for forgiveness
we ask for guidance
we ask for help

we do it together

good night charity


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so why is there so little interest in Revelation here?

I can only speculate

I love it when you speculate

there are many mad people here

what is their problem?

they see everything in the future

what is wrong with that?

it ignores the past

aren't you forcing the interpretation to fit the past?

to some extent yes

isn't that just as bad?

not really

how so?

well the future can be anything you want it to be so it doesn't limit your interpretation

and the past does


good night charity


New member
:) perfect! Existence before you exist will prime existence.

Much chatter about being, little engineering to prove!