Favorite Quotations


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"I was sorry to have my name mentioned as one of the great authors, because they have a sad habit of dying off. Chaucer is dead. Spencer is dead. So is Milton; so is Shakespeare. And I’m not feeling so well myself."
-Mark Twain

"I hate atrocities, crimes against humanity, and war. But I repeat myself."
-Cat Stevens

"Music is a proud, temperamental mistress. Give her the time and attention she deserves, and she's yours. Slight her and there will come a day when you call and she will not answer."
-Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind

"The Kraken stirred. And ten million sushi dinners cried out for vengeance."
-Neil Gaiman, Good Omens


like marbles on glass
For misogynists everywhere:

"This is the underside of my world.

Of course you don’t want me to be stupid, bless you! you only want to make sure you’re intelligent. You don’t want me to commit suicide; you only want me to be gratefully aware of my dependency. You don’t want me to despise myself; you only want the flattering deference to you that you consider a spontaneous tribute to your natural qualities. You don’t want me to lose my soul; you only want what everybody wants, things to go your way; you want a devoted helpmeet, a self-sacrificing mother, a hot chick, a darling daughter, women to look at, women to laugh at, women to come for comfort, women to wash your floors and buy your groceries and cook your food and keep your children out of your hair, to work when you need the money and stay home when you don’t, women to be enemies when you want a good fight, women who are sexy when you want a good lay, women who don’t complain, women who don’t nag or push, women who don’t hate you really, women who know their job and above all—women who lose. On top of it all, you sincerely require me to be happy; you are naively puzzled that I should be wretched and so full of venom in this the best of all possible worlds. Whatever can be the matter with me? But the mode is more than a little outworn.

As my mother once said: the boys throw stones at the frogs in jest.

But the frogs die in earnest."

Joanna Russ


By the improper standards of feminists, the Bible itself is misogynistic.

That's the issue I have with feminists. The definition of 'misogyny' has basically become 'anyone who criticizes women for anything, period'.

Plenty of alleged criticism for men though; enough to fill a book. But one sentence against women and the angels sing a dirge.
It's pretty sad, really.

#The Whore who sits on Kings


like marbles on glass
By the improper standards of feminists, the Bible itself is misogynistic.

That's the issue I have with feminists. The definition of 'misogyny' has basically become 'anyone who criticizes women for anything, period'.

Plenty of alleged criticism for men though; enough to fill a book. But one sentence against women and the angels sing a dirge.
It's pretty sad, really.

#The Whore who sits on Kings

I myself have never been able to find out what feminism is; I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute.

Rebecca West


Why? I already know what I need to know.

There's a politically correct version, then there's the real version- the literal breakdown of the word itself- that all but few fall under.

#Follow the Pale Horse to the Whore, who brings down the Kingdoms with her worldly thought; the reenactment of Eve and the Serpent


like marbles on glass
There's a politically correct version, then there's the real version- the literal breakdown of the word itself- that all but few fall under.

#Follow the Pale Horse to the Whore, who brings down the Kingdoms with her worldly thought; the reenactment of Eve and the Serpent

And of course, you've taken it upon yourself to define it in the way that suits you, so feel free to refer back to the quote which drew you here:

"Of course you don’t want me to be stupid, bless you! you only want to make sure you’re intelligent. You don’t want me to commit suicide; you only want me to be gratefully aware of my dependency. You don’t want me to despise myself; you only want the flattering deference to you that you consider a spontaneous tribute to your natural qualities. You don’t want me to lose my soul; you only want what everybody wants, things to go your way; you want a devoted helpmeet, a self-sacrificing mother, a hot chick, a darling daughter, women to look at, women to laugh at, women to come for comfort, women to wash your floors and buy your groceries and cook your food and keep your children out of your hair, to work when you need the money and stay home when you don’t, women to be enemies when you want a good fight, women who are sexy when you want a good lay, women who don’t complain, women who don’t nag or push, women who don’t hate you really, women who know their job and above all—women who lose."


Women turned men into women.

Who in history agrees with how you feel of the sexes?
George Washington, King Richard, Saint Paul..

Honestly, tell me how bad women suffer while you see all the male homeless and male divorced for failing feminist philosophy.

It's nonsense; that big, looming elephant in the room with every discussion about domestic relationships.
There's a supreme lack of male vindication and you as well as everyone else knows it_


New member
Hall of Fame
Women turned men into women.

Who in history agrees with how you feel of the sexes?
George Washington, King Richard, Saint Paul..

Honestly, tell me how bad women suffer while you see all the male homeless and male divorced for failing feminist philosophy.

It's nonsense; that big, looming elephant in the room with every discussion about domestic relationships.
There's a supreme lack of male vindication and you as well as everyone else knows it_

yeah, you just got out of jail because you were completely innocent and some woman caused it right?

And we should all know when you are drunk and we should be the ones who act accordingly right?

God forbid that you accept any responsibility for your own choices huh.


yeah, you just got out of jail because you were completely innocent and some woman caused it right?

And we should all know when you are drunk and we should be the ones who act accordingly right?

God forbid that you accept any responsibility for your own choices huh.

I went to jail for reasons I have neither divulged or am willing to talk about, and of which you have no idea of.

You're projecting is hilarious. Why don't you look through this thread and see it for what it is- your persistent harassing and projection: obviously you have some fascination for my existence on here, why don't you tell us all the real reason why you are doing what you're doing :think:


New member
Hall of Fame
I went to jail for reasons I have neither divulged or am willing to talk about, and of which you have no idea of.

You're projecting is hilarious. Why don't you look through this thread and see it for what it is- your persistent harassing and projection: obviously you have some fascination for my existence on here, why don't you tell us all the real reason why you are doing what you're doing :think:

I'm showing that you have a bad habit of blaming others for your own damage. Like you first calling others liars for repeating what you said, then blowing it off that you said it because you were in a drunken rant - and that WE should have known you were drunk, and we should be responsible for what you say - as if we are responsible for YOU.


I'm showing that you have a bad habit of blaming others for your own damage. Like you first calling others liars for repeating what you said, then blowing it off that you said it because you were in a drunken rant - and that WE should have know, as if we are responsible for YOU.

I still stand by the fact that you and others have lied on me. Until you can provide evidence that I ever proclaimed I was a Muslim, I really don't care for what you're saying; I'm merely entertaining it.

I'll tell you something I've stood by since day one:
Your lot are a bunch of mad feminists, under a guise that your beliefs are orthodox.
I bring up Paul, yet you all are too busy with Judas' silver sacked in your face, bought off by conceit.
Feminists are sell outs you see_

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
I still stand by the fact that you and others have lied on me. Until you can provide evidence that I ever proclaimed I was a Muslim, I really don't care for what you're saying; I'm merely entertaining it.

I'll tell you something I've stood by since day one:
Your lot are a bunch of mad feminists, under a guise that your beliefs are orthodox.
I bring up Paul, yet you all are too busy with Judas' silver sacked in your face, bought off by conceit.
Feminists are sell outs you see_

For what it's worth, I see the changes in you :)


New member
Hall of Fame
I still stand by the fact that you and others have lied on me. Until you can provide evidence that I ever proclaimed I was a Muslim, I really don't care for what you're saying; I'm merely entertaining it.

All they need to see it is clicking the links i provided and read your own words on how you admitted it and tried to spin it.

The way you blame others make it clear that your tale of woe (women are to blame for YOUR actions) is most likely a little different than you claim.


All they need to see it is clicking the links i provided and read your own words on how you admitted it and tried to spin it.

The way you blame others make it clear that your tale of woe (women are to blame for YOUR actions) is most likely a little different than you claim.

I don't blame anyone for anything.

I don't even blame the Devil.
Part of free will, which a great deal of Christians neglect, is that you can't blame anyone for anything.

Very different from predestination, you see. Free will theology is, in actuality, a very tough and hard pill to follow when perceived correctly- it's why the Church was so strict, even now..

But there is a cause and effect- a symmetry between the actions of men and women:
Men have fell to women, and now they fail to behold the Pale Horse in their steed.
The Idolatress of Babylon is not arbitrary, it is Eve and the Serpent incarnate, and liberal society is the new world order.

I've firgured all that out, and so has Christendom- why DO YOU THINK only men are allowed preachers and priests, and why all the apostles and prophets and Jesus are all male?


It is something I have time and time again been trying to illustrate to you all- give me one single reason..

That's the kit and kaboodle of it. You can project on me all you want, make me out to be a something I'm not, but the heart of the issue has rooted in the subject of feminism and the answer therein destroys your entire standing.

Stop laboring under delusions.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I still stand by the fact that you and others have lied on me. Until you can provide evidence that I ever proclaimed I was a Muslim, I really don't care for what you're saying; I'm merely entertaining it.

I'll tell you something I've stood by since day one:
Your lot are a bunch of mad feminists, under a guise that your beliefs are orthodox.
I bring up Paul, yet you all are too busy with Judas' silver sacked in your face, bought off by conceit.
Feminists are sell outs you see_

Are you, "anti-female?"


like marbles on glass
why DO YOU THINK only men are allowed preachers and priests, and why all the apostles and prophets and Jesus are all male?


It is something I have time and time again been trying to illustrate to you all- give me one single reason..

Because the Bible was written during and about a patriarchal society dominated by men. Please don't tell me it was utopia.