• This is a new section being rolled out to attract people interested in exploring the origins of the universe and the earth from a biblical perspective. Debate is encouraged and opposing viewpoints are welcome to post but certain rules must be followed. 1. No abusive tagging - if abusive tags are found - they will be deleted and disabled by the Admin team 2. No calling the biblical accounts a fable - fairy tale ect. This is a Christian site, so members that participate here must be respectful in their disagreement.

Evolutionists: How did legs evolve?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Why do you start these threads though?
The only fruit that ever comes from such a thread is the sharpening of my own steel. That, and there are also those here who haven't heard the arguments I've made here and might find opportunity to use them themselves. I therefore edify myself and those here who are of like mind.

In that 'electric universe' thread you categorically stated that you wouldn't entertain evolution as even remotely possible so you were never going to entertain any answers on this one either in honesty were you?
I never suggested otherwise. I am quite fully persuaded that the theory of evolution is methane filled stupidity.

That has not, however, prevented me from making the argument.

You would dismiss any argument and Barbarian has provided you with shed loads to support the ToE and you just bluster and assert that 'evolution is fantasy' blah blah blah.
You need to reread the thread. He provided zero support for evolution. A point I've made and explained quite clearly over and over again.

If you want to stick to some creationist belief system or whatever you ascribe to then fine. It isn't going to impact on science and you wouldn't waste so much time on a subject that you clearly aren't interested on being objective about anyway.
:rotfl: Had any transference issues much? :rotfl:

I've presented exactly nothing at all other than science! I've not quoted a single Christian nor one single verse from the Bible. I've shown 100% fully accepted biological science and made purely rational arguments that no one has hardly addressed, never mind refuted.

Put up or shut up. If I'm wrong make the argument. That's what this website is for - debating things. There's no rule that you have to like the subject matter and I couldn't care less whether you like me what you think my motives are.


Well-known member

That's not really the term I'd use, not naked like that. Intellectually dishonest fits but even with that, I was speaking in general terms.
However, I've made an argument that you can't refute but won't allow to persuade your mind. That's the definition of what it means to be intellectually dishonest.

And they aren't arguments from incredulity. It isn't merely that self-replicating systems would have a really really hard time happening by accident. That IS NOT the argument. The argument is that they CANNOT happen. It is not possible. Any belief to the contrary is unfalsifiable blind faith. Faith that is supported by exactly nothing. You have no evidence that it even could happen, never mind that it did happened nor do you even have the slightest notion of how it could potentially happen. You might as well believe it possible that a random DNA mutation in your skin cells might produce horns growing from your elbows. Take a guess which random set of mutations would be more likely to happen, DNA for elbow horns from existing DNA or one single strand of self-replicating DNA from randomly mixed amino acids. Take one wild guess.

And I am not merely making an assertion of impossibility. If you think I am, I suggest watching a handful of videos about statistical analysis and mathematics. Spend some time getting to understand what the numbers mean and how the so called "odds" against such an grand succession of accidental happenings that evolution would require means that it would never ever happen, no matter how much time you give it. It isn't merely unlikely, it is impossible.

A particular video comes to mind that sort of illustrates the point. It has to do with how many possible ways a fifty-two card deck of cards can be arranged. It's a far bigger number than you can fathom. If you take a deck of cards and do a good job of randomizing the order, the likelihood is that no one ever, in the history of fifty-two card decks of cards, has ever held a deck in the exact same order as what you just produced. Watch the video and then just spend a minute or two considering which is more complex, a fifty-two digit code or one single strand of DNA (i.e. half of a DNA molecule), which is just one of hundreds of wildly complex things that would have to come together by accident via chance chemical reactions and random errors in the reproduction of otherwise working DNA that existed prior to the development of those systems.


Great Video. :thumb:


Well-known member
It is all the smae tree of life, no?

They are the spindle diagrams or phylogenetic trees. How I love them so because they show ghost lineages joining actual fossil finds. the ghost lineages are all speculation which folks hope, in time, fossils will be found to confirm this speculated ghost lineage. Ghost lineages are missing links.

The trouble for evolutionists is that the rate of finding new fossils falls off and can be accurately determined statistically. For instance they are still finding significant numbers of new dinosaur fossils, but very few and insignificant catarrhine primates (Old World monkeys and apes) fossils. See https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3025669/

You'd also have to assume fossilization were a much more common occurence than it is.

Its unfair to assume we will ever have the full database or mature population of all ancient species.

But with time it will be seen (is already seen) that new significant fossil finds taper off. Its not much use finding the same fossils again, quite a lot of use finding a new species in much older or younger than anticipated rock.

I suspect the fossil record is nearly complete, and that the ghost lineages are there due to God creating new species through geological time. If this were so, the missing links will never be found, and it will become obvious by the rate of finding new fossils decreasing.

The Barbarian

Are you saying that as a fact, or as a statement of faith? All the literature I have read says the opposite.

Show us that.

Right, that's just one Phylum.

So it wasn't a completely new fauna; we don't yet know for sure how many phyla evolved in the Precambrian, but our own phylum seems to have done so.

Right, which is completely contrary to what I was taught. Chordates were supposedly very late to evolve because of their complexity, yet here they are from the get go.

Actually, they seem to have evolved after mollusks and arthropods. Do you have a cite for your claim?

I ask you what I asked gcthomas. If these fossils found to date were the complete population of all organisms which ever lived, would you say the Ediacarans and the change from Precambrian to Cambrian looks like a Creation event, or an evolution event?

For example, we see partially-scleritized organisms in the Precambrian, and completely scleritized organisms a little later in the Cambrian. This looks like evolution.

We see primitive mollusks in the Precambrian, and more advanced mollusks in the Cambrian. Again, this looks like evolution.

We see Spriggina, which looks like a very primitive trilobite, and then late in the Precambrian we see soft-bodied trilobites.

Attack of the Mysterious Soft-bodied Ediacaran Trilobite


On the left is Parvancorina, unsegmented and showing simple metamorphosis (each branch is demonstrating ontogeny). Next is Primicaris showing incipient cephalisation. Naraoia comes next, with complete cephalisation and a still unsegmented body. Then we see Kuamaia (a helmetid) which shows a clear division between cephalon, thorax and pygidium. Finally there is Redlichia which has additional trilobite features. This image is not a case of simply lining up fossils and hoping they fit together in a sequence; it is based off of trilobite ontogeny and makes a strong case for Parvancorinomorphs being a basal clade of the arthropods.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The only fruit that ever comes from such a thread is the sharpening of my own steel. That, and there are also those here who haven't heard the arguments I've made here and might find opportunity to use them themselves. I therefore edify myself and those here who are of like mind.

So, again, you weren't really interested in any answers forthcoming from the outset were you? Your mind was made up that evolution is impossible and therefore no matter what was presented to you you'd simply dismiss it anyway.

I never suggested otherwise. I am quite fully persuaded that the theory of evolution is methane filled stupidity.

Exactly, but then again you entertain youtube videos as "evidence" and crank 'science' like 'electric universe theory'.

That has not, however, prevented me from making the argument.

It has, however, prevented you from being in any way objective to counter arguments presented to you of which you've had plenty.

You need to reread the thread. He provided zero support for evolution. A point I've made and explained quite clearly over and over again.

I've been reading it on a daily basis. Not only was there in depth and credible support for evolution presented but it was also tailored to your particular specifics as with the OP. You were never going to really scrutinize it as some 'youtube' video apparently falsifies evolution anyway according to you, so you really just started this charade to assert that people (including the vast, vast majority of the scientific community) are being 'intellectually dishonest' not to concede that evolution is some sort of 'fantasy'.

:rotfl: Had any transference issues much? :rotfl:

I've presented exactly nothing at all other than science! I've not quoted a single Christian nor one single verse from the Bible. I've shown 100% fully accepted biological science and made purely rational arguments that no one has hardly addressed, never mind refuted.

Put up or shut up. If I'm wrong make the argument. That's what this website is for - debating things. There's no rule that you have to like the subject matter and I couldn't care less whether you like me what you think my motives are.

No, you?

You're not even open to the possibility of being wrong as you've openly stated so no argument would persuade you out of the entrenched position you've dug yourself in regardless. That's fine if that's what you wanna do. Just don't pretend that you've found some video on the internet that disproves evolution and expect it to fly.


New member
The Barbarian said:
Towards a Creationist Understanding of Transitional Forms
That is the article where the honest paleontologist says evidence is "interpreted as transitional forms" by evolutionists. He also says that the word is an interpretative term, and is ambiguous as is the evidence. He says its an issue that has a high priority to the "evolutionist".

Paleontologist Kurt Wise says "All Christians should be content in His claims for creation. There are those, however, who reject the authority of the Scriptures". ... And, " It is my understanding, for example, that the claim of an old earth denies the veracity of the first 11 chapters of Genesis (e.g., the order of creation, the distinctness of created kinds, the absence of pre-Fall carnivory, the lack of higher animal death before the Fall, the creation of Adam and Eve, the “very good” status of the creation at the end of the Creation Week, the great longevities of the patriarchs, the global nature of the Noahic Flood, the dispersion of people away from the Tower of Babel). This in turn challenges the integrity of any concept built upon these chapters. Yet, it is my understanding that every doctrine of Christianity stands upon the foundation laid in the first few chapters of Genesis (e.g., God is truth, God is a God of mercy and love, Scripture is true, all natural and moral evil on the earth can be traced back to man’s Fall, Christ’s return is global, Heaven is a perfect place with no sin or death or corruption of any sort). Thus, an earth that is millions of years old seems to challenge all the doctrines I hold dear."
The Barbarian said:
Darwin points out that the word "species" is ambigous.
And???... Evolutionists still says its ambiguous.
The Barbarian said:
That's not honest of you. St. Augustine points out that the "days" of Genesis can't be literal ones. You know this; why pretend otherwise?
I agreed with that. What I said was... "Augustine goes the opposite direction from that which you wish. He, like some others thought God had more of an instantaneous creation. (He had some false ideas because he only used a latin translation, not the Hebrew). As you know, or perhaps willfully forget, Augustine says that those who believe more than 6000 years have passed since God created have been deceived.


Well-known member
Actually, they seem to have evolved after mollusks and arthropods. Do you have a cite for your claim?


This is the order we were taught things evolved.

First came Protozoa. They got together in colonies and specialised forming sponges and Coelenterates. The Coelenterates were diploblastic, no coele or body cavity, only a coelenteron. They were diploblastic which came before triploblastic. They were radially symmetrical which came before bilaterally symmetrical. They had a single opening which came before a through gut. They had no head (uncephalised) which came before cephalised. They had no circulatory system which came before circulatory systems (haemocoele - insects, molluscs), they could be chopped up and could regenerate, which came before unable to regenerate. A ventral nerve cord came before a dorsal nerve cord, and these all came after the Coelenterate network of nerves - jellyfish and hydra don't have a nerve cord.

We were led to believe that from a common ancestor, these changes occurred in order, taking millions of years.

But what do we see in the Cambrian? All I was taught is baloney. All the above characteristics which were supposed to be successive, spring up at once.

I wish I could give you the sources which the good folks who taught me evolution used, but I cannot. Unfortunately the lessons remain with me so that I can only quote my head.


New member
[MENTION=2589]Clete[/MENTION], calling me intellectually dishonest because I disagree with you is the height of intellectual arrogance. You believe it therefore everyone else is dishonest. Ridiculous.

And don't tell me that I need to study some statistics - I teach advanced maths and physics for a living. If anyone is going to be deceived by a well produced crank YouTube video it will be you. If you think that statistics can prove something impossible you need to go back to college. A proof will involve systematically and 100% disproving every possible alternative, which you haven't. All you can so is say that something is so unlikely, in your opinion, that for it to have happens would be incredible. Hence my suggestion that you are arguing from a position of incredulity. But your uneducated incredulity doesn't count as a proof, in afraid. You'll have to do better than that to close the argument.


Well-known member

On the left is Parvancorina, unsegmented and showing simple metamorphosis (each branch is demonstrating ontogeny). Next is Primicaris showing incipient cephalisation. Naraoia comes next, with complete cephalisation and a still unsegmented body. Then we see Kuamaia (a helmetid) which shows a clear division between cephalon, thorax and pygidium. Finally there is Redlichia which has additional trilobite features. This image is not a case of simply lining up fossils and hoping they fit together in a sequence; it is based off of trilobite ontogeny and makes a strong case for Parvancorinomorphs being a basal clade of the arthropods.

Barbarian, I did warn you before, that I am hard to impress, like a bad date.

Looking at http://www.zobodat.at/stable/pdf/ANNA_83_0083-0090.pdf and reading about Parvancorina, this is an extremely "complex" organism, so it just pushes back the question from "where are trilobites ancestors?" to "where are Parvancorina's ancestors".

The Ediacaran period is described by many as an experimental period. Depending on one's disposition, experiment by evolution, or experiment by God? I am the only one on this forum (that I know of) who pushes the idea that God experiments, particularly where there are major changes, like transition from unicellular to multicellular, transition from animal to human, transition from water to land.

Because God overdoes Himself in creating every variety and shape and size and bizarreness of creature, it makes it easy (even for a 3 year old) to arrange critters in order of similarity of body form.

I even object to the idea of the "complexity" of life, that some animals are "complex" (highly evolved) and some are "simple" (not highly evolved). This way of judging organisms implies that complex is better/advanced/more like us. Its evolutionary thinking.

Anything that lives successfully and reproduces itself has finished a winner.
Cyanobacteria, the first to be fossilised, and still with us today, have a winning formula.

But for Jesus, humans might have been the shortest lived species in the history of planet earth, because "complex" and "highly evolved" folks like Donald Trump are speaking of nuking other countries, and maybe destroying human life from the planet - leaving the cockroaches the ultimate winners.

Thus humans would have inhabited earth for 6000 years (according to creationists) or 1 million years (evolutionists) but for the prophesied future intervention of Christ the Saviour, who comes to save mankind from extinction. And if it is not Donald, or Kim, it could be Mr. 666 but someday in the future there will come a nuclear winter and Prophet Nevil Shute's "On the beach" future.


New member

This is the order we were taught things evolved.

First came Protozoa. They got together in colonies and specialised forming sponges and Coelenterates. The Coelenterates were diploblastic, no coele or body cavity, only a coelenteron. They were diploblastic which came before triploblastic. They were radially symmetrical which came before bilaterally symmetrical. They had a single opening which came before a through gut. They had no head (uncephalised) which came before cephalised. They had no circulatory system which came before circulatory systems (haemocoele - insects, molluscs), they could be chopped up and could regenerate, which came before unable to regenerate. A ventral nerve cord came before a dorsal nerve cord, and these all came after the Coelenterate network of nerves - jellyfish and hydra don't have a nerve cord.

We were led to believe that from a common ancestor, these changes occurred in order, taking millions of years.

But what do we see in the Cambrian? All I was taught is baloney. All the above characteristics which were supposed to be successive, spring up at once.

I wish I could give you the sources which the good folks who taught me evolution used, but I cannot. Unfortunately the lessons remain with me so that I can only quote my head.

Your last paragraph there; I'm not certain I fully agree with it.

There is this one Bible study teacher I greatly admire and who I often find has practically expressed a lot of my own mind on many things and often in almost my exact same words, and vice-versa, as I have been told as much by some of those of his various students I have run into over the years.

Tracing that back over the years simply out curiosity about that kind of thing, what I have found is that that is the case not only because we obviously look at things from one heck of a similar approach, but from the same "sources."

And then there was this one individual in another endeavour in life who after he died and his notes were made public and concluded his own findings for a time, over the years it was found many of His assertions had been almost word for word those of various people over the centuries he had actually read, while others turned out simply a case of his sameness in mind with such.

But much was able to be traced back to these other people, who either directly, or indirectly, or not at all; had simply looked at things from where he had.

Some people even accused the guy of plagiarism in their ignorance of such minds and how that kind of thing can work over continents and or throughout history.

My point to you being that who ever taught you what ever they taught you had shared their kind of perspective in common with others in one way or another; just a matter of not looking where most would look, rather; where most would not even think to, let alone be even remotely ready to.

Do that and you just might find those "sources" out there that your present way of looking at that has obviously not yielded you your desired result.

While I'm at it; ignore the know it all's in their arrogance, and the fool's in theirs and its blindness also, to these kinds of perspectives.

Walk your own path in these things.

You must. For your path must be your own


The fool only thinks he knows where you are coming from and are therefore wrong in his estimate; and so does the arrogant fool, and is also therefore wrong in his.

"But wisdom is justified of her own children."

It is...what it is.


Well-known member
Your last paragraph there; I'm not certain I fully agree with it.

There is this one Bible study teacher I greatly admire and who I often find has practically expressed a lot of my own mind on many things and often in almost my exact same words, and vice-versa, as I have been told as much by some of those of his various students I have run into over the years.

Tracing that back over the years simply out curiosity about that kind of thing, what I have found is that that is the case not only because we obviously look at things from one heck of a similar approach, but from the same "sources."

And then there was this one individual in another endeavour in life who after he died and his notes were made public and concluded his own findings for a time, over the years it was found many of His assertions had been almost word for word those of various people over the centuries he had actually read, while others turned out simply a case of his sameness in mind with such.

But much was able to be traced back to these other people, who either directly, or indirectly, or not at all; had simply looked at things from where he had.

Some people even accused the guy of plagiarism in their ignorance of such minds and how that kind of thing can work over continents and or throughout history.

My point to you being that who ever taught you what ever they taught you had shared their kind of perspective in common with others in one way or another; just a matter of not looking where most would look, rather; where most would not even think to, let alone be even remotely ready to.

Do that and you just might find those "sources" out there that your present way of looking at that has obviously not yielded you your desired result.

While I'm at it; ignore the know it all's in their arrogance, and the fool's in theirs and its blindness also, to these kinds of perspectives.

Walk your own path in these things.

You must. For your path must be your own


The fool only thinks he knows where you are coming from and are therefore wrong in his estimate; and so does the arrogant fool, and is also therefore wrong in his.

"But wisdom is justified of her own children."

It is...what it is.

Thank you for the encouraging post. It got me reminiscing about some of the influences from the past - a subject I rarely dwell upon. Imagine we had perfect memories and could trace back the origin of our beliefs. It would be nice to thank the many folks who changed our lives forever. Some of my teachers will never know how much they meant to me, or did for me. And then there are some individuals whom I observed, loved, and resolved never to be like them. I thank them too for teaching me what not to be, by example.

It is great that you can trace some of your influences and like-minds.

And I love the proverb you quoted "But wisdom is justified of her own children." One cannot argue with what works.


New member
The DNA itself couldn't evolve at all, never mind a replication process that has to be encoded in it from the proto-type model or else it dies. Clete
However... DNA does evolve in a downhill direction. (Yes, I know that is not a scientific term). We have thousands of harmful mutations in our genome, and about 150 more or added with each successive generation. These VSDM's (very slightly deleterious) are considered as dangerous, or more dangerous than harmful mutations; reason being, is that selection is incapable of detecting and removing these mutations. they accumulate in our genome causing problems to future generations. One geneticist suggested that each successive generation, has about a 1% loss of fitness. Geneticists have created different models attempting to explain how humanity has survived the long time frames demanded by common ancestry beliefs. (additive model, synergistic epistasis, multiplicative model).

The evidence is consistent with... and helps support the Biblical creation account. Our genome was perfectly created and has been subjected to corruption. Science helps support God's Word and provides us an additional avenue of worship.


Coming from the sea to land fins became legs.

In the YEC religion, why did God create a bunch of life forms that don’t even exist anymore, or were killed in the Jews flood myth?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
[MENTION=2589]Clete[/MENTION], calling me intellectually dishonest because I disagree with you is the height of intellectual arrogance.
Oh would you please give me a break. Are you gonna cry or what?

I explained what I meant. Get over it or else explain how my explanation doesn't fit you.

You believe it therefore everyone else is dishonest. Ridiculous.
I already specifically explained that this isn't my thinking. Did you not read my post or should are start dropping the 'intellectual' part off my accusations of dishonesty?

And don't tell me that I need to study some statistics - I teach advanced maths and physics for a living.
In that case (assuming its even true) you are flatly without excuse. You are indeed, at the very least, intellectually dishonest.

If anyone is going to be deceived by a well produced crank YouTube video it will be you.
This stupid comment comes from my being willing to discuss alternative cosmologies that I REPEATEDLY state as clearly as can be stated that I don't buy into on a thread where I specifically asked people to simply debate the topic without name calling and where you couldn't control yourself for half a dozen posts.

You're not just intellectually dishonest.

If you think that statistics can prove something impossible you need to go back to college. A proof will involve systematically and 100% disproving every possible alternative, which you haven't. All you can so is say that something is so unlikely, in your opinion, that for it to have happens would be incredible. Hence my suggestion that you are arguing from a position of incredulity. But your uneducated incredulity doesn't count as a proof, in afraid. You'll have to do better than that to close the argument.
I understand what a formal proof is. I also have common sense and an ability to think critically and with discernment.

Guess what? This is not a formal debate, nor is anyone here formulating a formal scientific or mathematical proof of anything. It isn't merely unlikely in the normal sense. Winning the lottery is unlikely. Dying in a car accident today is unlikely. Having a hurricane dump water in one place for four straight days is unlikely.

And yes, in a mathematical sense the evolution of DNA is indeed "unlikely" but it takes unlikelihood to an entirely different place. It isn't merely that it is such an occurrence would be rare, it would never ever ever happen. If the universe were 100,000 times older than even the wildest claims that evolutionist's make, it still would never have happened. An ape accidentally typing out a complete Shakespearean play is FAR more likely but no matter how long an ape types, it would NEVER EVER EVER NEVER type even one single sentence of a Shakespearean play, never mind a whole one.
If you understand the numbers involved the way you claim to, then you know that even the so called Drake Equation doesn't even come close to giving life enough opportunity to happen by accident - not even remotely close. In fact, the Drake Equation may be one of the most brilliant examples of mass delusion and propaganda that has existed in human history. It completely ignores the incomprehensible and ineffably wild complexity of even the simplest forms of life and doesn't come within many of orders of magnitude of giving the universe enough opportunity to accidentally produce life and yet even most Christians have bought into it. The F(l) term in the equation is effectively zero or at least hundreds of orders of magnitude closer to it than the "1" that was originally used. And that's just one of the terms, the F(i) term is nearly as close to zero as well. If you want to know what an argument from incredulity looks like, the way the Drake Equation typically gets used is it.

So, I was about to put you back on ignore but I've decided instead to keep on grinding you into powder for everyone to watch. If you want to continue whining like a baby, fine. Have at it. If you want to make whatever feeble attempt to refute a word I've said that you think you're capable of then fine and dandy. Either way, you're the best thing that ever happened to a debate on evolution that any creationist could hope for.

Last edited:


New member
[MENTION=2589]Clete[/MENTION], to pick just one item, I have yet to see a calculation of the odds of producing DNA by anyone other than creationists trying to discredit science. Are you different here? Can you justify your claim that the universe would have to be 100 000 times older than it is for it to not happen even then?


Well-known member
Following the link to the Drake equation, this is what Drake calculated apparently...

"Plugging Drake's original numbers into the Drake Equation produces a value of 10 for the number of broadcasting civilizations in our galaxy."

So why have we not heard from ET?

To me, the fact that although we monitor signals from the cosmos, there is still nothing, proves, to my satisfaction, that evolutionists biggest prediction, has failed.

The existence of ET life is predicated upon life being able to evolve.
If life could evolve, hey I embrace Drake like we are brothers. I love the fact that their MAJOR proof for evolution has been tried, and failed.

Or is the excuse going to be that we, we Homo sapiens are so special an evolutionary event, that the rest of the cosmos has not caught up to radio waves yet.

Just like the ghost lineages in the fossil record, all we supposedly need is time to fill in the blanks. And I am sure ET is calling right now, from millions of light years away. If we don't get too clever and nuke ourselves in the next few years, we will hear from him/her/it.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
So, again, you weren't really interested in any answers forthcoming from the outset were you? Your mind was made up that evolution is impossible and therefore no matter what was presented to you you'd simply dismiss it anyway.
I was interested but I didn't come to this thread having never explored the issue of evolution.

That isn't to say that I wouldn't have allowed my mind to be persuaded had someone presented a surprise argument that managed, by some means, to be persuasive in manner that I couldn't refute. Nor does it mean that had I been presented with an argument I'd never heard before that I would simply ignore it. At the very least I'd look into it and either find a good refutation or admit that I could not do so. That's precisely what it means to "sharpen one's steel". Intellectually honest people aren't afraid to breach nearly any topic precisely because of this exact process. They know that either what they currently believe will be enhanced and strengthened or they will the learn. The intellectually honest are never afraid to learn the truth or to reject error.

What exactly is your point here anyway? Do you come here to be convinced away from your worldview or to defend it and poke holes in those worldviews that appose it?

I've been here for a very very long time, AB. If you think that anyone is here to be persuaded by anyone, you're wrong. It happens from time to time but coming here thinking that you're going to convince anyone of anything is an exercise in frustration, to say the least.

Exactly, but then again you entertain youtube videos as "evidence" and crank 'science' like 'electric universe theory'.
I entertained one alternative cosmology as an intellectual exercise. And the video I posted here is only evidence in the sense that the information is presents is evidence. The video itself is only as good as the content in it. Are you suggesting that the molecular biology depicted in the speaker's computer animations is false or in some way misleading or made up? Surely that isn't what you are suggesting.

As for the electric universe thread, it isn't quite dead yet. There are still five more videos in that series and I intend to post them all. If you can refute one word of the material they present, I invite you to do so. It's what the thread is intended to be for. If anyone on TOL ever shows up to do a good job of refuting their arguments my intent is (was) to take the debate over to their own forum and either defeat them in a debate or be defeated myself. Either way, I win.

It has, however, prevented you from being in any way objective to counter arguments presented to you of which you've had plenty.
I've responded to the arguments made. None have been made that don't automatically fall apart once removed from an evolutionary paradigm. I'm telling you that evolution is flawed on a conceptual level and that is the level at which I will keep the debate until such time as the evolutionist had earned the intellectual ground that he must stand on in order to offer interpretations of data. You want me to concede that ground by responding to specific "evidence" as though it were legitimate evidence because you know, perhaps just intuitively, that for me to do so concedes the entire debate. I won't be making that mistake.

I've been reading it on a daily basis. Not only was there in depth and credible support for evolution presented but it was also tailored to your particular specifics as with the OP. You were never going to really scrutinize it as some 'youtube' video apparently falsifies evolution anyway according to you, so you really just started this charade to assert that people (including the vast, vast majority of the scientific community) are being 'intellectually dishonest' not to concede that evolution is some sort of 'fantasy'.
That was my strategy in a nutshell, yes.

It worked out rather nicely although not with the impact I envisioned at the beginning.

But what you call credible support for evolution is only that if you accept the premise of the evolutionary paradigm. As such it isn't support, its question begging. A point I have made repeatedly and that has not been refuted. In fact, if anything, it was acknowledged, if not conceded.

You're not even open to the possibility of being wrong as you've openly stated so no argument would persuade you out of the entrenched position you've dug yourself in regardless.
Everyone is entrenched, AB. Everyone! Every scientist, every pastor, every expert or even skilled laymen on any topic you care to name. Every single person that spends the time and effort to learn gets more and more entrenched into whatever worldview he has chosen to accept. This is so precisely because of the time and effort he has put into the learning of it as well and the relationships he has built within and around that effort, whether its people he's learned from or with or people he has taught. The secret is to have dug your trench honestly and to have provided a means for escape from the hole you've dug if error is detected. There is one and only one single way to accomplish that. Sound reason! Unfortunately for you, logic is intellectual ground that atheists haven't earned and cannot use without borrowing from the Christian worldview. That alone disproves evolution but I almost never make or use that argument because it implies that I really ought not even be having the conversation in the first place because to do so implies your right to use the logic that rightly only belongs to my side of the argument. That sort of make TOL a boring place to be.

That's fine if that's what you wanna do. Just don't pretend that you've found some video on the internet that disproves evolution and expect it to fly.
Oh it flies alright. It flies so unbelievably well that none of you evolutionists have hardly touched the subject matter and none of you has addressed the actual argument I've made based on the information presented in that video. That argument being, in a nut shell, "Legs from fins, doesn't explain the legs found on molecular machines inside every cell that just so happen to not only have hip, knee and ankle joints but that are long enough so as to "step over obstacles" as the speaker put it in the video." There was, as best as I can recall, no explanation at all about where other legs come from. Legs from fins was pretty much the only thing offered. I could have chosen to press the issue by pointing out that fins are just water born legs and insisted on an explanation of where fish legs (fins) come from but I knew that doing so would prematurely back you guys into a corner and so chose to accept it for the sake of argument and instead attempted to get some explanation for where insect and spider legs came from. The closest we got to that was a claim as to where spiders themselves came from but no form of any creature related to spiders or even insects was presented that didn't already have fully formed legs, and when it became apparent that nothing along that line was forthcoming, I pulled the trigger and presented the video.

Admittedly, the video didn't have the impact I was hoping for but that was because I naively expected a far more robust explanation of how evolutionary "science" believes legs of all sorts evolved. The ensuing conversations where not expected at the outset. They evolved from my attempts to draw what I was expecting out of whomever I could draw it out of but it never came. As a result the video which was intended to refute every explanation for all sort of legs only got to directly impact the legs from fins idea. It still refutes other leg evolution ideas in that it refutes evolution itself but just not with the impacts that I wanted. That is sort of the beautiful thing about the truth though. When you're stuck in a falsehood, robust explanations are indeed rather rare and hard to come by and when presented, whether in video form or otherwise, the truth still refutes the lie whether the lie is fully fledged or not.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
[MENTION=2589]Clete[/MENTION], to pick just one item, I have yet to see a calculation of the odds of producing DNA by anyone other than creationists trying to discredit science. Are you different here? Can you justify your claim that the universe would have to be 100 000 times older than it is for it to not happen even then?

The number 100,000 was chosen arbitrarily. I doesn't matter what number you put in there. It can be 100,000 or 10100,000. The actual result is the same. It makes a mathematical difference but not a real one. A point that the video I presented to you makes beautifully using a code with only 52 digits, never mind the 3 billion base pairs found in human DNA or even the 525 genes (each of which have approximately half a million base pairs) found in the simplest life form yet found.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
However... DNA does evolve in a downhill direction. (Yes, I know that is not a scientific term). We have thousands of harmful mutations in our genome, and about 150 more or added with each successive generation. These VSDM's (very slightly deleterious) are considered as dangerous, or more dangerous than harmful mutations; reason being, is that selection is incapable of detecting and removing these mutations. they accumulate in our genome causing problems to future generations.
I agree that we are degenerating as any system does but I think that the mutations are no so deleterious as you suggest. Not that they are good but merely that they aren't as bad as some have suggested. There are mutations that occur that do, or at least may, not have any effect at all. We have to remember that there is a whole lot more about how DNA works that we don't know than what we do know. It is at least conceptually possible that an acceptable error rate was designed into the system. We know that there is a direct error correction mechanism that exists in the actual replication process but that doesn't mean that there aren't other mechanisms that are there to overcome at least some of the errors that make it past that process. One possibility, just to give an example, is that much of our DNA may not have useful information in it. The useful information may be hidden inside a mass of data allowing for what is, in effect, a safety in numbers sort of strategy similar to a sardine swimming in a school full of millions of other sardine as a means of protection against the Swordfish.

That's clearly just conjecture and whether it at all true or not, there are clearly mutations that are indeed harmful and that do make it passed whatever mechanisms exists, regardless of how many there are or how they work, but the point is that the 150 errors (to use your number) that occur don't necessarily translate to 150 bad things that happen.

One geneticist suggested that each successive generation, has about a 1% loss of fitness.
That is clearly not an accurate number. The race would be extinct in a hundred generations. The mean general gap is about 25 years (that is mothers have their first children when they are about 25 years old on average). Therefore the race would have zero fitness (i.e. we'd all be dead) in 2500 years.

Geneticists have created different models attempting to explain how humanity has survived the long time frames demanded by common ancestry beliefs. (additive model, synergistic epistasis, multiplicative model).

The evidence is consistent with... and helps support the Biblical creation account. Our genome was perfectly created and has been subjected to corruption. Science helps support God's Word and provides us an additional avenue of worship.
Can't argue with that. The truth supports the truth, regardless of it's type or origin.



New member
The number 100,000 was chosen arbitrarily. I doesn't matter what number you put in there. It can be 100,000 or 10100,000. The actual result is the same. It makes a mathematical difference but not a real one. A point that the video I presented to you makes beautifully using a code with only 52 digits, never mind the 3 billion base pairs found in human DNA or even the 525 genes (each of which have approximately half a million base pairs) found in the simplest life form yet found.


Is that a calculation based on a random assembly of amino acids? Then it isn't evolution you've disproved, since none have claimed that a modern genome was assembled randomly - evolution isn't random. I smell intellectual dishonest from you Clete. ;)