Eternity is not TIMED!!


One hell that is spoken of just refers to the Grave. -- At the end, there is no more burying, they just go to Hell, the Lake of Fire; that's the Baptism of the evil Soul. - The flesh has nothing to do with anything. - It's the Body of Satan or the Body of Christ. --- Remember!! -- Matthew 3:11 KJV --- Some of them were Baptized with the Holy Ghost, and some with fire. - Baptism is a Burial in something. - The world has chosen to be Baptized in something other than with the Holy Ghost!!

Paul -- 122912

Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire.

Mark 9:47 "If your eye causes you to stumble, throw it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, than, having two eyes, to be cast into hell,



New member

Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire.

Mark 9:47 "If your eye causes you to stumble, throw it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, than, having two eyes, to be cast into hell,


Mark 9:47 refers to the "Body of Christ the Church", not to a carnal person’s body!! Do you all really believe that Jesus wants you to cut off your hands and feet just for walking to the wrong restaurant??

Paul – 122912


New member
So the universe is co-eternal with God?

Creation ex-nihilo mean anything to you?


You know well that “Co-eternal” is not in the Word of God; But, “I AM” IS!! – It was the Word of God who Created the Universe, and it is the Universe “WHO” created God!! – Psalms 19:1 KJV – ((( “The Heavens declare the Glory of God; and the Firmament Sheweth ))) his Handywork”!! -------//-- Who said that, God or the Heavens?? – They are the ((( Same One ))). Or you can’t hear either!!!

If God is Eternal, then the Universe is Eternal at the same TIME!! -- Just because you can’t hear the Heavens declare who and what God is, doesn’t mean that ((( I CANNOT )))!! -- It’s the Universe, or God who says that ( WE are ONE with him ). ------- Did you read my little Parable poem???

Paul – 122912


Mark 9:47 refers to the "Body of Christ the Church", not to a carnal person’s body!! Do you all really believe that Jesus wants you to cut off your hands and feet just for walking to the wrong restaurant??

Paul – 122912
I am pointing out that Revelation uses the word "hades" in the NASB rather than hell in the KJV while Mark uses the word hell for the greek word "gehenna". You mentioned that there are differences.

I don't know what else you are talking about.

Ask Mr. Religion

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You know well that “Co-eternal” is not in the Word of God; But, “I AM” IS!! – It was the Word of God who Created the Universe, and it is the Universe “WHO” created God!! – Psalms 19:1 KJV – ((( “The Heavens declare the Glory of God; and the Firmament Sheweth ))) his Handywork”!! -------//-- Who said that, God or the Heavens?? – They are the ((( Same One ))). Or you can’t hear either!!!

If God is Eternal, then the Universe is Eternal at the same TIME!! -- Just because you can’t hear the Heavens declare who and what God is, doesn’t mean that ((( I CANNOT )))!! -- It’s the Universe, or God who says that ( WE are ONE with him ). ------- Did you read my little Parable poem???

Paul – 122912
Freelight, meet LA.
LA, meet Freelight.




Eclectic Theosophist
Stillness and movement......

Stillness and movement......

Freelight, meet LA.
LA, meet Freelight.



We're quite different AMR. You might want to lighten up with calling those who are more liberal and eclectic in their spirituality as 'moonbeamers' :rolleyes: . Also poking fun at people who identify as 'Other' as their religious affiliation. Sticking on a label isn't necessarily 'better' than choosing to have none at all, for 'God' looks at the heart, not your theological pedigree chart or dogma. Neither does slapping on the label 'Christian' make you more 'better' or more 'right' than any other human being on the planet, since we are all God's children. Frankly some do not accept the label 'Christian' because the demeanor of some with that label is unattractive or repelling.

Our views on time and eternity may correlate in some ways, but this is something that still bears research and dialogue. 'God' pervades and encompasses all time and eternity.

Btw, the concept 'ex nihilo' can be contested on certain levels of logic as being untenable, which I was going to address more on antoher thread. The idea of an eternal/infinite cosmos is concordant with an eternal/infinite God, if Creation was always in the MIND of God, as 'infinite potentiality'...then creation is co-existent with-in God always, as all potentials and actuals simultaneous exist in 'God', in the Eternal NOW, an everlastingly continuity of both 'Be-ing' and 'Be-coming'. - the existential and experiential aspects of life.

I have more on God, space and time in my blog post Here. We've had many threads on the subject.

Time and eternity co-exist in God.

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Eclectic Theosophist
Preferring heaven NOW........

Preferring heaven NOW........

Thank God for Hell!

Of course only a depraved and twisted mind would thank God for hell, or do you suppose its a high honor and joy to see souls eternally tormented and punished with no remedy or hope of salvation ever? Is that logical to Infinite LOVE? - it is religious beliefs such as this that keep many away from 'Christianity',..or maybe we should term that 'Churchianity' ;)



Eclectic Theosophist
time-points in eternity.....

time-points in eternity.....

The Universe has no beginning or ending. - Only as the “Creation” of God, has it a Beginning and an Ending.

First we recognize 'God' as having no beginning or end, being a timeless reality. If this is so, then God is that which is always already being....or that which ever is....before any definition of space or time, prior to any movement, image or form. God is not only infinite, but also infinity.

This local universe apparently had a beginning, for worlds that begin or appear in space, have a beginning at a particular time-point relative to all other movements or creations in space which bring in the perception of time. Time is just a definition-point of some movement as it relates to others, so that all 'beginnings' and 'endings' are just sprees of movement or inter-action as it were in the space of eternity.

The worlds arise and fall in 'God', that Infinite Consciousness which is the bed of all creation, while the eternal reality of 'God' as that pure energy and awareness behind all quiscient, still, without motion...being pure Light (spaceless/timeless). Eternity is the very heart of all, because 'God' is that Heart, the Still Light at the center of all. - all creative movements, worlds and forms arise as the play of God's thought, in its activity of thinking, ordering, in-forming, investing, relating all things....and this 'movement' is 'creation'.

Creation then was always within the Creator, at least in potential, so it is co-eternal with God, since the germ or seed of all that is or ever will always innate within its source. And we could go on......




New member
Tell that to an Open Theist that believes that God is "in time". See if they have faith in the future.

I'll just say what I receive, and let 'em have fun with it; - I don't CARE!!! -- That's what the Apostles did!!

Paul -- 123012


New member
I am pointing out that Revelation uses the word "hades" in the NASB rather than hell in the KJV while Mark uses the word hell for the greek word "gehenna". You mentioned that there are differences.

I don't know what else you are talking about.

I know it!!

Paul --123012


New member
First we recognize 'God' as having no beginning or end, being a timeless reality. If this is so, then God is that which is always already being....or that which ever is....before any definition of space or time, prior to any movement, image or form. God is not only infinite, but also infinity.

This local universe apparently had a beginning, for worlds that begin or appear in space, have a beginning at a particular time-point relative to all other movements or creations in space which bring in the perception of time. Time is just a definition-point of some movement as it relates to others, so that all 'beginnings' and 'endings' are just sprees of movement or inter-action as it were in the space of eternity.

The worlds arise and fall in 'God', that Infinite Consciousness which is the bed of all creation, while the eternal reality of 'God' as that pure energy and awareness behind all quiscient, still, without motion...being pure Light (spaceless/timeless). Eternity is the very heart of all, because 'God' is that Heart, the Still Light at the center of all. - all creative movements, worlds and forms arise as the play of God's thought, in its activity of thinking, ordering, in-forming, investing, relating all things....and this 'movement' is 'creation'.

Creation then was always within the Creator, at least in potential, so it is co-eternal with God, since the germ or seed of all that is or ever will always innate within its source. And we could go on......



WELL, at least you will make some kind of coment, but these "Geniuses" know nothing but what they believe, if anything!! - They're too afraid to comment with any intelligence!!

"In the Beginning, God"!! - That's the Beginning according to GOD!! - But the "Universe" has never not existed, and will never not exist in the furure, except according to the "Knowledge to learn of God", who He is, not what the Universe is!! -- No one can show in "Reallity", that the Universe is any other than "Eternal". - That is without beginning or ending according to the Carnal, not the Spiritual / GOD!! - There is the Carnal and there is the Spiritual, and they are (( Different ))!!

Paul -- 123012


Eclectic Theosophist
meta-insights in time and eternity

meta-insights in time and eternity

Tell that to an Open Theist that believes that God is "in time". See if they have faith in the future.

Hi sky and all reading,

For open theists, I imagine different viewpoints exist in the greater arena of what we call eternity, yet some make assumptions on God's foreknowledge which appears to be limited by the very definition of 'time', since if knowledge is 'time-bound', then it cannot be final or perfect, - it is 'conditional knowledge' at best.

But to re-iterate, all time and eternity is in God, because 'God' includes the totality of all that is definite and indefinite. The time-points that are defined as events or happenings in the cosmos are mere 'points' relating to other 'points' and so are known or defined because they exist in relation to other points. Hence the 'beginning' or 'ending' of anything; the perception of movement, relativity, inter-action, etc.

Yet these movements are all arising within God, or in some kind of relationship to God...while God remains the One Still Light at the center of all things, before any space-time relativity or movement. In this sense God Alone is the stationary reality(the zero-point) that is prior to any-thing (space, time, energy, mind, matter, etc.)....yet from 'God' these movements emenate or are orchestrated by his power, maintained and sustained as a play of energy, light, matter.

So we have the infinite and the finite, the indefinite and defined points of form that emerge in space. We have the undimensional and all the dimensions that 'appear' in that which is unlimited, unbound, truly infinite. It seems a paradox in contrast, but this contrast exists by virtue of relativity. Creation exists within a relativity of space-time perception. Anything pre-creation or that transcends this space-time relativity-vector is out of the bounds of space-time limitations. God's knowledge prior to and transcending these bounderies is unlimited in nature, and essentially eternal and infinite. Within space-time as events and possibilities become 'actual', we can say that knowledge is only 'real' or 'actual' at that particular point of realization in the 'present', so that only the 'now' is actual, or real. But since 'God' pervades, encompasses and transcends all points of space and time, there is always some fundamental aspect of God's knowledge that is unlimited....although creation is conditioned by limits and definitions.

Yes, there are bounderies in the dimensioned universes, galaxies, star-systems, etc...obviously...but what was prior to these and beyond still latent, potentialized and unknown at this point in time. The Universe of unvierses is open-ended :) ...even though bounderies of space, containments, forms and eco-systems exist within their own spheres as it were.

See my post on 'original infinity' Here - and take the poll on this thread if you like.



New member

Appreciate the admission. :)


Since you all think you’re so smart, let me explain a mystery to you so you can deny it also!!

If I’m right and you all are wrong, which to you, - that can’t be, but just in case you can’t prove me wrong, this is what you all are up against!!

The Universe is SO Large and complex, and has every Law of Science, and of Himself at His disposal. – The laws of science are vast enough to become a self-thinking existence creating within IT / HIMSELF a thinking being calling Himself “GOD”. – If any of you geniuses think you’re going to out-think It / Him, - OK GOOD. - "And there’s none “GOOD” but the Creation / God"!! – If a person is tuned to His thinking; - that person is safe, but if you think you can out-smart the Universe and His Thoughts / His own - OK!!!
Every contrary thought within Itself has tried to confuse the Laws of the Universe and he has also failed; - so now it’s your time; all you smarter than the whole Universe / God. – Now, prove this wrong, while guessing where I have arrived at this.

Paul – 123012