Dumb post of the day--Kett's pick 1-31-2013

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New member
You are forgetting the bias of the board. This board has a conservative Christian, Open Theist, Mid Acts bias. All websites, whether they admit or not have a bias. What makes the post foolish, is she comeing onto a site that has these biases and is making these charged statements.

I would be just as dumb if I joined a Catholic site and made charged statements about the Catholic church.

Sometimes you have to obey God, rather than men.


I understand completely about the biass.

There is biasses in every denomination, that does not mean I would not speak the truth to them, at any time whether it be in person on in their church, or on their board.

If you think that is foolish, that is your opinion, but I have another.

Why call it a discussion board, and have it open to all, if you are not allowed to have your own opinions? Why not just put in the top page...'differences of opinions are not really allowed here'.

....and, then you ask a price to join and be a member, which I would never do, due the REASONS I have stated.

I would not pay money to join a biassed board.

My opinion, and I have a right to it.

I believe 100 percent in the freedom of speach...uncensored, without another man having a right to put his foot in my mouth.


Take it or leave it...I am not, nor was I ever hear to please anyone...but, the one I serve.

Who is NOT a mere man on a message board.


New member
I'm not forgetting the bias of the board.

I don't think it's foolish to disagree with said bias, nor do I think it's dumb to make charged statements in the process of that disagreement. I'd say the same if it was a Catholic website.

This site needs more people to disagree with the prevailing bias; it's only by disagreement that discussions are at all interesting.

When different opinions and beliefs are presented, challenged, argued, questioned, etc., there's a dynamic energy at work. Too often lately, opposing views are shut down here and the result has been a dulling of ideas and overall reduction in thread and post quality.

My vote for :first:

Desert Reign

Originally Posted by Lovebug
..and, those who know the truth would know that NOTHING that was commanded to Israel of the flesh is commanded to anyone anymore.

Dispensational is the lie of satan, from the pits of hell, that is keeping men from coming to a true knowledge of the gospel.

Dumb Post of the day.Not charged enough to rank as blasphemy, but charged enough to make the post very stupid. Here's why:

1. Now who's playground is this? Of the the objectives of TOL is to help members understand what Open Theism and Mid Acts Dispensationalism is.

2. This member complains when folks don't recognize her as a Christian--yet she turns around as does the the same thing to other Christians in so many words, namely Dispensationalist Christians.

1. No whining--
2. No innapropriate tagging--they will be deleted.
3. no debating
4. no disrespect of TOL staff--
5. Keep things civil

any violating posts will be deleted.

I tend to agree with Anabenedetti. I happen to agree with Lovebug that the law of Moses is no longer in force and if she says that opposing (dispy) views are the works of the Devil then that is certainly rhetoric which I would not use but it is still just rhetoric. If you compare that with some of the stuff you routinely hear from certain folks I won't name, Lovebug's rhetoric sounds quite tame.


New member
I am simple pointing out that she does the very same thing to others that she chides others for doing--that is what makes the post dumb. Knight hands out DPOTD too.---->

It isn't her view point that I take umberage with, it is her presentation. She is at war with everyone on the board--but herself. Her behavior is a disruptive influence on the board.

Where have I told anyone they are not saved?

You have no clue what I DO believe, but hopefully, my other post cleared that up for you.

There is ONE Judge who is able to save and destroy.

People fail because they do not understand He really did save the world by dying on a tree.

People fail because they do not understand that by believing we are born again, but that is not the salvation that occurred on the cross for the world.

People fail because even after we do believe and are born again, that knowledge is removed slowly over time...(carnal knowledge, or false knowledge), and even the very babes, who only understand milk, cannot be unsaved.

People fail because they make false assumptions and judge others by their own knowledge, instead of what a person actually says.

You failed here. I was never even guilty of what you judged me guilty of.

Again, find something I am guilty of, if you want to make me a laughing stock before men, to be picked and pruned with your sharp ridicule.

Do you think I do not know you or Knight has the power to ban me forever?

Do you think I care?

Here is what I care about.

Speaking truth, over the lies of men.

I can do it on a 100 boards just like this one..banning men because they disagree with the board DICTATION of religion, is nothing but childishness.

You want to know what I would call maturity on that?

Be brave and let FREEDOM RING.


New member
A thread like this was a more appropriate approach to take than giving her an infraction for contantly dogging members in thier threads.

You mean like they dog me, even my salvation? Without infraction?
Perhaps you all should learn what causes unnecessary disputes.

Desert Reign

If you want to debate if MAD or OT is valid or not open a thread on the topic. threads like this are not for that purpose.

Surely this an outright denial of free speech? In any other thread, if a person gets a personal criticism, he is free to answer it as he sees fit. What you are saying is that in this thread you are allowed to criticise a person and they are not allowed to defend themselves.


New member
Sorry, but that is an untrue statement. (that I judge the salvation of anyone).

Here let me fix it for you.

I believe Jesus saved the WORLD by dying on a cross.

That means I believe the WHOLE world is saved.

Being saved and being born again, is not the same event..so, if you want to judge my beliefs, at least know what I believe.

Those who are saved, (the world), will be judged at the END of their individual lives, unto everlasting life, if they believed, for to them, they had been born again, and gained everlasting life....or condemned, if they failed to put their salvation into practice, by believing the good news...salvation for them was conditional, but, God does give every single human their whole lifetimes to either reject what He DID for them, or not..and, He does not cut them off until they stand before HIM, as the ONLY JUDGE of salvation.

The point being is that God does NOT judge anyone He HAS saved; the WORLD, until they breath their LAST breath.

The born again event is when we put our free salvation into practice, and when this is done, we can never be unsaved..

but, the saved who never believe, will be cut off, but NOT until they stand before Jesus HIMself upon their natural deaths.

He is longsuffering not willing that ANY that He HAS saved should perish.

I do not judge the salvation of any man.

So, stop with the false accusations.

If you want to talk about someone who does, go talk about your own..type of believers who are ignorant to the basic milk.


New member
Originally Posted by Lovebug
..and, those who know the truth would know that NOTHING that was commanded to Israel of the flesh is commanded to anyone anymore.

Dispensational is the lie of satan, from the pits of hell, that is keeping men from coming to a true knowledge of the gospel.

I tend to agree with Anabenedetti. I happen to agree with Lovebug that the law of Moses is no longer in force and if she says that opposing (dispy) views are the works of the Devil then that is certainly rhetoric which I would not use but it is still just rhetoric. If you compare that with some of the stuff you routinely hear from certain folks I won't name, Lovebug's rhetoric sounds quite tame.

Thank you, for being 'brave' enough to speak the truth.



New member
Surely this an outright denial of free speech? In any other thread, if a person gets a personal criticism, he is free to answer it as he sees fit. What you are saying is that in this thread you are allowed to criticise a person and they are not allowed to defend themselves.


It is like the hypocrite who cannot remove the splinter from his brother's eye, because of the huge beam in his own.

Breaking his own rule of 'do not cause unecessary' disruption.

Don't they realise that a thread like this, does just that?

Gee wiz, people..get a clue.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I see that this thread has turned into a complaint session. Time to close it.
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