Does 1 Timothy 2:11-14 justify the sceptic?


New member
Right - so you don't agree with Paul when he said that a woman should not teach and have authority over a man?

Paul for the most part was teaching Jews and Messianic Gentiles in the context of the Mosaic law.

Paul was a rabbi of the Pharisee sect so his background was in the Mosaic law, which he correctly taught cannot produce salvation.

Be careful with Paul's teachings. (2 Peter 3:16)


New member
Why would a omniscient God furnish man with such a brief explanation for such an important matter?
I don't get it.

The overwhelming majority of people will be resurrected at the Last Day, however, Jesus is looking for a few men and women to serve with him in the kingdom of God. Jesus will rule over all nations.


New member
The overwhelming majority of people will be resurrected at the Last Day, however, Jesus is looking for a few men and women to serve with him in the kingdom of God. Jesus will rule over all nations.


Perhaps I didn't write clearly.

Why would a omniscient God furnish man with such a brief explanation for such an important matter? Woman are not to teach and have authority because Eve was created after (and for) Adam and because Eve (and not Adam) was deceived. That's it?

I don't get it. Even those that claim to be Christians are left baffled - resorting to jumping through hoops to reinterpret Paul's words because they cannot imagine Paul said what he seems to say. I wonder if there is a correlation between such Christians and belief in Darwinism (where such proscriptions against women would not be logical).


New member
The overwhelming majority of people will be resurrected at the Last Day, however, Jesus is looking for a few men and women to serve with him in the kingdom of God. Jesus will rule over all nations.

Matthew 7:13
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.