Creationists stumped by new hominid fossils


Well-known member
Yes of course it's true. All of the many and varied paranormal and ghostly stories are all totally true, every word....... that is. until these stories get properly investigated in a scientific manner, with an eye on genuine authenticity. ...

...It's the same with prayer. Every double blind scientific test carried out always yield results not conducive to prayers being answered.


I have been slow to answer this mainly because I don't have a good answer to this.

Firstly, I am very glad that you have so little experience with the paranormal and would encourage you to keep it that way.

I don't have much experience with it either - just enough to believe it.

As for prayer being answered. I like to think my prayers are answered. My family calls me the "King of Lousy Miracles" when I tell them of the little ways I feel God has intervened. They tell me to NEVER give my testimony.

There is no frustration which one has which is too small for the Great God of Heaven to drop what He is doing and help one out. Does a Father watching his child trying to make a sandcastle consider it "too small" to concern himself with helping his 4-year old make that sandcastle? Doesn't he have more important things to do?

Like the father in the song "And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon, little boy blue and the man in the moon...."

Nothing is too small for God. So yes, I wear my crown proudly.
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