Creationists admit "We are losing badly"

Jose Fly

New member
URL=""]Dueling sources[/URL]?

The surveys are showing that...

The 60 percent level of acceptance of human evolution includes all adults. But digging into particular age groups reveals that, while acceptance is significantly lower in adults older than 65 (49 percent), it is significantly higher in younger adults, between 18-29 (68 percent), with other age groups close to the national average.​

I've often said that the creationism/evolution battle won't be won by changing minds, but by older generations dying off and taking their beliefs with them, while being replaced by younger, better-educated generations.

Realize that the numbers flux a little so I think your supposed victory is premature and not that significant. Don't break out the party hats just yet (as if a negative is something to celebrate anyway, perhaps you all don't really like each other).

Thanks for your opinions.

Jose Fly

New member

So basically this shows that your typical creationist is an older person with (at best) a high school diploma.


Well-known member
I've often said that the creationism/evolution battle won't be won by changing minds, but by older generations dying off and taking their beliefs with them, while being replaced by younger, better-educated generations
Still dueling statistics, perhaps a little wishful thinking? :think:

Thanks for your opinions.

So basically this shows that your typical creationist is an older person with (at best) a high school diploma.
Again, dueling statistics. Yesterday I read an article about college students doubting evolution on the increase.


Hall of Fame
Because if you want to insist there is no God, and you want us to prove there is, then you should do the same.

How does others not accepting your view disallow you the freedom to worship and believe as you please?


Hall of Fame
I see what brewmama is saying, basically that if you say we can't prove God is real that you also can't prove he's not.

Of course ... the bigger question is why should anyone need to prove it ... UNLESS they are using their religious beliefs for creating laws?


Well-known member
One of the few intelligent design blogs left is "Uncommon Descent". Recently, Sal Cordova--an ID creationist--was banned from the blog, which seems kinda odd since he's a fairly well-known creationist and ID apologist. But in banning him, his fellow creationists sent him a letter that explains he was banned for also participating in a non-ID creationist site. That letter states (in part)...

I guess it's progress to see ID creationists finally coming around and recognizing the reality of the situation....ID creationism is dead, long since so. Millennials are accepting the reality of evolution in greater numbers, are leaving Christianity, and are citing the faith's anti-science attitude as among their reasons for leaving.

All good news. :up:

You have no idea what you are saying sir. I don't mean about skirmishes about the 'truth' of a certain find today or not. I mean about the upper classes in England giving in to Nazism (based on evolution) and what it would have done. You just spouted your treason against the US Constitution, and if you really were intellectually honest (the Left operates on the MO that that is an oxymoron few participate in), you would leave the west and enjoy communist China or life under Sharia. See you.

If you don't think the Left does not control the information channels of today, like in 1984 (the novel), then try this: when is the last time you saw the phrase 'Christophobic'? NOWHERE. It is not used even though every other -phobia is now standard language and thought to be the standard morally.

That's why this week we have Yale U students trying to petition the end of the 1st and 2nd amendments. That's how mixed up and toxic we have become.

Actually, I just heard a report today on how many times major media have been interviewing ICR (creation research), trying to gain an understanding of intelligent design because it is truly there in plain sight, but then they write it off as 'religious.' This is the battle that must be overcome. It's Lyell's fault. He started a religion that wanted to get rid of 'physico-theologians' which is a horrid way to procede. But I hope you get my point: he started a religion. He did not start science. And that is what you are part of and that is why it is injuring us all in its blindness about the freedom of the West and its basis.


Hall of Fame
I don't intend to and never said I did. It is the atheists that want us to prove that He exists.

I am not an atheist, and the only time I would require proof would be IF your religious belief was used to change the law.