Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear Hedshaker,

All of my experiences happened when I was wide awake. Nothing happened when I was asleep. There are rational explanations for my experiences: they were of Our God, the Divine Holy Father of every human and being on Earth. He caused me to have them and together, they form the same story as the Bible says in Daniel and Revelation. God is having me declare the mysteries BEHIND the parables. They've been parables and hidden long enough. "And when the seventh angel sounds, the 'mystery of God' shall be finished, as He has promised to His servants, the prophets." See Rev. 10:7KJV. Once the 7th angel sounds, you will remember some of the things I've said, and then you'll know what I was telling you was the truth. You also will find out many other mysteries of God, but it won't help much if you refuse to be a child of God. What's wrong with having a Father who created you? Is it THAT distasteful??

People are awake through Sleep Paralysis and the hallucinations that sometimes manifest seem very real. It would make sense for someone obsessed with a religion that their hallucinations would follow the same theme.

I'm just giving you a rational explanation Michael. It's up to you whether you take it on board. I don't believe for a second that you have been visited by gods and angels, any more than I believe those who claim to have been abducted by aliens, as much as they fervently claim they have.

People have hallucinations Michael. It's a well established fact, like it or not.

But I understand your reluctance to budge. No one likes being wrong, but I think you should prepare your self for nothing happening this year, or next, or ever. Sorry.


Literal lunatic

I'm not the idiot. You're going to have to find a way to wrap your mind around this scripture and fact. I can already tell you that your mind isn't advanced enough for these things, so I should have spoke in parables so you wouldn't understand what I was talking to others about. Get it! THINK! THINK! THINK!! What would you say if I told you I've seen an angel fly from a star and fly back to it, on a number of occasions? I don't care if you don't believe. Heaven will not roll over and play dead because you don't believe in something about it. Just wait until you're with God and then you can ask Him. Okay? Don't kill the messenger!!



You better learn to read.

And see yer shrink about some new meds.



New member
Dear Alwight,

You believe in ancient writers also for your science beliefs. How are they any better, just because they aren't as ancient as ours?
No Michael, as I explained before I have no interest in simply believing in individual people.
Scientific conclusions are demonstrable from evidence and if wrong can be falsified and revised.
In short I draw my own conclusions from evidence where I can, and because science is peer reviewed by cleverer people than I am, and updated, I'm very confident that generally scientific conclusions that I may not always understand fully are those of well informed specialists everywhere, not just those of one esteemed person.

Our writers just were born a while earlier. That Bible would not sell so well and be the Number 1 Book in the world if there wasn't excellent info and hope in it; an example on how to live, a God Whom to LOVE and He will Love us for eternity.
"Your" ancient writers are non-verifiable anonymous evangelists Michael who probably had a very non scientific agenda. Why should I believe their particular evidence-free assertions of the miraculous and their other imaginative ramblings, but not those from the Qur'an say?

Don't you want a piece of that action or will you settle for just nothing? I just don't understand why Al. You're going to get a leak in your boat and not be able to bail it out. Please, please do something quick! I know that London is full of atheists. There is VERY LITTLE TIME! I'd say a manner of four months or so. So act fast!!

Hop On The Peace Train!!


I'd quite like to live in Middle Earth wielding magic spells, or be like Captain Picard on a star-ship crossing new frontiers in space but sadly reality simply doesn't always match up with our imagination.
I think we should face facts, not construct a fantasy alternative.


New member
No Michael, as I explained before I have no interest in simply believing in individual people.
Scientific conclusions are demonstrable from evidence and if wrong can be falsified and revised.
In short I draw my own conclusions from evidence where I can, and because science is peer reviewed by cleverer people than I am, and updated, I'm very confident that generally scientific conclusions that I may not always understand fully are those of well informed specialists everywhere, not just those of one esteemed person.

"Your" ancient writers are non-verifiable anonymous evangelists Michael who probably had a very non scientific agenda. Why should I believe their particular evidence-free assertions of the miraculous and their other imaginative ramblings, but not those from the Qur'an say?

I'd quite like to live in Middle Earth wielding magic spells, or be like Captain Picard on a star-ship crossing new frontiers in space but sadly reality simply doesn't always match up with our imagination.
I think we should face facts, not construct a fantasy alternative.

Without the ability to construct fantastic alternatives there would be no progress.
Who knew moldy bread could yield an antibiotic?
Who knew that an inanimate object heavier than air could be caused to become airborne?
Who knew that machines could be programmed to think?
What next?
This world is an exciting place filled with possibilities both imaginable and presently unimaginable.


New member
Without the ability to construct fantastic alternatives there would be no progress.
Who knew moldy bread could yield an antibiotic?
Who knew that an inanimate object heavier than air could be caused to become airborne?
Who knew that machines could be programmed to think?
What next?
This world is an exciting place filled with possibilities both imaginable and presently unimaginable.
It's one thing having an active imagination bybee but fact is still fact and fantasy remains fantasy.
However moldy bread I can positively verify with evidence as fact. :plain:


New member
Dear StanJ,

You are a wonderful dear person! But my friends are NOT Trolls!! They are just trying to share their views and they can't do that if people won't let them speak their point of view. That is how we've gotten this far on this thread. We share what we believe in. I can't just tell everyone who doesn't believe with me on some issue that they are a troll. I know what a troll is and noguru, with his OWN point of view, is very welcome here. You and him do NOT get along together. That's where the problem lies. Stan, we agree on most everything. I hope that's enough. I do appreciate you tons, so please keep letting me know your opinion. I will learn from you, so don't give up the ship. What would have happened if Jesus cut off all of those who didn't agree with Him? What about the harlot, what about the tax collector. He went to those who needed Him, and I do His work also. What do the YEC's need me for as much as the OEC's need me for. The YEC's already believe what I'm saying. Do you understand? I sure hope so because I would hate to lose you since you are a wonderful friend and companion, who I could scarcely do without. We can't hang around only with the people who believe just like us. Jesus didn't.

May God Increase Your Countenance Sevenfold,


:angel: :angel: :angel: :rapture:

Well sometimes you can be to close to a situation to see the reality Michael but sadly this doesn't change my opinion of him. A troll is a troll is a troll.
Jesus rebuked trolls, ALL the time.


And like I say, do some research on Sleep Paralysis and Hallucinations During Sleep

There are rational explanations for your experiences, Michael.

Dear Hedshaker,

You just don't get it, do you? The rational explanation for my experiences is that God visited me among other things. It's rational to me, even though it is rare. Jesus visited Saul on the way to Damascus. He does what He wants.

If you don't want to be saved, that's your prerogative. But I still love you and care about you. You deserve better than your science has to offer.

Many Blessings And Cheerio,


:angel: :angel: :angel:


Michael, you are an unlearned idiot.

The scripture says they will shine LIKE stars.


Not will be stars and absolutely NOTHING about living on them.

Dear 1Mind1Spirit,

What don't you get. What about LIKE STARS don't you understand. What else do you think it says in Daniel 12:3KJV?? I've been told it. I didn't just put my imagination to work and decide that was what Daniel 12:3 means. It was revealed to me. You are the one who is wrong 1Mind, and I hope you learn from your mistake. We will be part of a star.

We are all a ball of energy inside our bodies. That electric impulse keeps our heart beating, and our nerves feeling, and our organs functioning. It is energy and it shines like light when it's out of our bodies. A small amount of light, yes, but with many, it becomes a light as bright as a star. This is what Jesus meant when He said, "I will make you a pillar in the Temple of my God (see Rev. 3:12KJV). And also, "And I will give him the morning star (Venus). (see Rev. 2:28KJV).

May The Lord Open Your Eyes,




For some folks mysteries require pragmatic explanations only.
For some of us there are things hidden yet revealed in ways which surpass pragmatism.
God is a mystery yet knowable beyond pragmatic explanations.
Peace and blessings dear Michael.

Dear bybee,

Thanks for posting!! I can't wait to find out more mysteries of God. It all is SO AWESOME!!

Tons Of Love From God And Me, Bybee,


:angel: :angel: :angel:


People are awake through Sleep Paralysis and the hallucinations that sometimes manifest seem very real. It would make sense for someone obsessed with a religion that their hallucinations would follow the same theme.

I'm just giving you a rational explanation Michael. It's up to you whether you take it on board. I don't believe for a second that you have been visited by gods and angels, any more than I believe those who claim to have been abducted by aliens, as much as they fervently claim they have.

People have hallucinations Michael. It's a well established fact, like it or not.

But I understand your reluctance to budge. No one likes being wrong, but I think you should prepare your self for nothing happening this year, or next, or ever. Sorry.

Dear Hedshaker,

I don't have hallucinations. Have never had one. Won't you have egg on your face.




You better learn to read.

And see yer shrink about some new meds.


Dear 1Mind,

You just hate to be wrong, eh? I know how to read quite well and I don't need any meds. I know what happened to me is the truth and you will find out when you are with God.



No Michael, as I explained before I have no interest in simply believing in individual people.
Scientific conclusions are demonstrable from evidence and if wrong can be falsified and revised.
In short I draw my own conclusions from evidence where I can, and because science is peer reviewed by cleverer people than I am, and updated, I'm very confident that generally scientific conclusions that I may not always understand fully are those of well informed specialists everywhere, not just those of one esteemed person.

It is more than one esteemed person. The Bible is written by many esteemed people. They are specialists about God and Jesus, just like your scientists are specialists about science.

"Your" ancient writers are non-verifiable anonymous evangelists Michael who probably had a very non scientific agenda. Why should I believe their particular evidence-free assertions of the miraculous and their other imaginative ramblings, but not those from the Qur'an say?

I'd quite like to live in Middle Earth wielding magic spells, or be like Captain Picard on a star-ship crossing new frontiers in space but sadly reality simply doesn't always match up with our imagination.
I think we should face facts, not construct a fantasy alternative.

You wouldn't want to live in Middle Earth. That is the bottomless pit or Hell, whichever you want to call it. It has no bottom, just a top and a center. People think they all on top of it because of gravity. Thus it symbolically is a bottomless pit.

You won't be like Captain Picard, because you will be in Spirit form, not a human form. These are facts. Why would I lie to you? What would I have to gain from it?

Cheerio And Ciao!!



Without the ability to construct fantastic alternatives there would be no progress.
Who knew moldy bread could yield an antibiotic?
Who knew that an inanimate object heavier than air could be caused to become airborne?
Who knew that machines could be programmed to think?
What next?
This world is an exciting place filled with possibilities both imaginable and presently unimaginable.

Dearest bybee,

Thanks so much for your facts. Jesus is next. Everyone will find out!! As unimaginable as it sounds. I can't wait, to be honest!! I know some people don't want it to happen, but that does not mean it won't.

Much Love, In Christ!!


You're :first:


New member
It is more than one esteemed person. The Bible is written by many esteemed people. They are specialists about God and Jesus, just like your scientists are specialists about science.
Hi Michael,
I don't think it's known who the writers of the Bible were let alone know if they can be considered esteemed or not. :plain:

You wouldn't want to live in Middle Earth. That is the bottomless pit or Hell, whichever you want to call it. It has no bottom, just a top and a center. People think they all on top of it because of gravity. Thus it symbolically is a bottomless pit.

You won't be like Captain Picard, because you will be in Spirit form, not a human form. These are facts. Why would I lie to you? What would I have to gain from it?

Cheerio And Ciao!!


Middle Earth is in fact a fantasy realm from the mind of J. R. R. Tolkien, I could have made that more clear perhaps. ;)


New member
The reason I can't understand your Presuppositionist mind-set Stan is because you can't offer any rationality or reason for it.

Well I have explained it, but your need for rationality that YOU can accept and understand seems to keep you from accepting what I've given you. That's nothing I can remedy for you, sorry.


New member
Hi Michael,
I don't think it's known who the writers of the Bible were let alone know if they can be considered esteemed or not.

You and I have dealt with this Alwight and I've shown you that all the books have confirmed writers that bear their name for the most part. Hebrews is now shown to have been written by Luke and the Gospel of John by Lazarus. If there are any others you're not sure of, let me know.


New member
You and I have dealt with this Alwight and I've shown you that all the books have confirmed writers that bear their name for the most part. Hebrews is now shown to have been written by Luke and the Gospel of John by Lazarus. If there are any others you're not sure of, let me know.
You've only shown me what you baldly assert to be true Stan which clearly wasn't particularly convincing to me, nor what in all probability is true imo.
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