Creation vs. Evolution

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If that's what you sincerely believe then keep believing it. The Hebrews creation story is completely inconsistent with the material evidence contained within the earth. God doesn't make mistakes, drown the earth except for an ansestor if the Jews (who concocted that story) then start over only to have the same results.

Dear Caino,

Man back then was living much longer lives by far. God did not want to always strive with their spirit hundreds of years, so He shortened their lives to an average of 120 years max. Less amount of time to continue evil ways and yes, even good ways. Yes, God called upon Noah to make a boat and how exactly to build it. Pretty impressive for back then. And yes, He 'drowned the Earth,' and every creature, birds, and creeping things were on the ark. I think that Noah lived for 950 years!! Man lived long back then. The Earth became corrupt, by choice of listening to the wrong piper/ Satan, and God did not want to keep men living to such old ages, because it was just that many more years that these people kept their souls corrupt. Who needs it. It was a hard lesson learned, for the countless generations to remember that God got rid of their butts off of the Earth during Noah's time on Earth, and He can do it again, sans a Flood of the entire Earth.

God has taught us that He will come against evil and not put up with it.

May God Make Clear Your Thoughts And Heart From Erring,



Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7 The Lord said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them.

Did God make a mistake before Noah's day?

Dear Lilstu,

I tend to believe that God made an example of those corrupt people to show man that He will not tolerate it and that man should instead choose Good over Evil. Same with in the Garden of Eden. Our whole purpose on Earth since Adam and up is for us to learn to choose Good over Evil. That is the lesson we must learn in this lifetime on Earth. That is the reason for all of the suffering, too.

Much Love, In Christ's Example,



Come on ....there may be some water vapor up there...but it is not waters.

Dear Lilstu,

Haven't you seen the heavy, dark clouds above heaven (the expanse between the ground and the sky} that pour out water to flood parts of the Earth? But God puts His rainbow in the sky to remind Him and us that He will never send a Flood over the whole Earth. It does say in the Bible that He sent it over the whole Earth, but I can't remember now where I found it. I mentioned it way back in this thread.

God's Best For You,



Why would God be sorry if he didn't make a mistake?

Dear Lilstu,

God was trying to make a point! He was sorry that He had to clobber so many people, but they were listening to the devil instead of Him, and they brought it upon themselves. They chose evil over good continually. I can imagine it was like an orgy down here, to say the least. And killing!! Lying!! Theft!!

Much Love, In Christ,



King Hezekiah Shrine

King Hezekiah Shrine

For All Of You!! Here is something that proves a few things indeed:

Archaeologists unearth ancient gate-shrine in Israel

Published September 28, 2016

Israeli archaeologists have unearthed a 2,900-year-old gate-shrine they say confirms the biblical story of King Hezekiah, who mandated the worship of God and the rejection of all other deities.

The gate-shrine in Tel Lachish National Park was uncovered decades ago, but a new excavation has completely exposed the gate, which is the largest one known from the First Temple period.

“The size of the gate is consistent with the historical and archaeological knowledge we possess, whereby Lachish was a major city and the most important one after Jerusalem,” said excavation director Sa'ar Ganor.

According to the Book of Kings, he said, “the cities’ gates were the place where ‘everything took place’: the city elders, judges, governors, kings and officials — everyone would sit on benches in the city gate. These benches were found in our excavation.”

The 80x80-foot Lachish city gate is 13 feet tall and consists of six chambers, three on either side of the main street that passed between them. Among the artifacts found in its rooms were benches with armrests, jars, a large number of scoops for loading grain and stamped jar handles that bear the name of the official seal impression. Two of those impressions say “belonging to the king of Hebron.”

The continuation of the building is the gate-shrine, whose steps “ascended to a large room where there was a bench upon which offerings were placed,” Ganor said. “An opening was exposed in the corner of the room that led to the holy of holies; to our great excitement, we found two four-horned altars and scores of ceramic finds consisting of lamps, bowls and stands in this room.

“It is most interesting that the horns on the altar were intentionally truncated,” he said “That is probably evidence of the religious reform attributed to King Hezekiah, whereby religious worship was centralized in Jerusalem and the cultic high places that were built outside the capital were destroyed.”

The archaeologists also uncovered a stone fashioned in the shape of a chair, with a hole in its center — a toilet that was installed to desecrate the place.

This is the first time archaeologists have confirmed the assertion in the Bible that toilets were installed in cultic locations to destroy them. Lab tests suggest the toilet was never used, leading the archaeologists to conclude that it was installed there as a symbol.

“The uncovering of these finds joins a long list of discoveries that enlighten us about our historic past, a past that is manifested in our country’s soil and in the writings of the Book of Books,” said Miri Regev, Israel’s minister of culture and sport.

“The Bible – the founding book of the Jewish people, draws the country’s boundaries and the heritage of the Jewish people that was exiled from its country and returned to its homeland,” she continued.

“It boldly commemorates the way of our forefathers, the prophets, the kings and the judges, and the Israel Antiquities Authority deserves praise for this important discovery, a discovery that deepens our connection to our ancestors who walked this land.”

The Nature and Parks Authority and Israel Antiquities Authority plan to open the gate, which is currently covered, to visitors after they have developed the site and conserved the artifacts.

THANKS For Checking This OUT!!!



Dear Caino,

Man back then was living much longer lives by far. God did not want to always strive with their spirit hundreds of years, so He shortened their lives to an average of 120 years max. Less amount of time to continue evil ways and yes, even good ways. Yes, God called upon Noah to make a boat and how exactly to build it. Pretty impressive for back then. And yes, He 'drowned the Earth,' and every creature, birds, and creeping things were on the ark. I think that Noah lived for 950 years!! Man lived long back then. The Earth became corrupt, by choice of listening to the wrong piper/ Satan, and God did not want to keep men living to such old ages, because it was just that many more years that these people kept their souls corrupt. Who needs it. It was a hard lesson learned, for the countless generations to remember that God got rid of their butts off of the Earth during Noah's time on Earth, and He can do it again, sans a Flood of the entire Earth.

God has taught us that He will come against evil and not put up with it.

May God Make Clear Your Thoughts And Heart From Erring,


When the Hebrews were rewriting and exaggerating their history, they found it impossible to trace their pretentious bloodlines back to an Adam who they presumed was the first man since they had no science and were ignorant about evolution. To fill the gap they expanded a local flood legend to include the entire world.

Many people have been in other parts of the world for tens of thousands of years.


New member
When the Hebrews were rewriting and exaggerating their history, they found it impossible to trace their pretentious bloodlines back to an Adam who they presumed was the first man since they had no science and were ignorant about evolution. To fill the gap they expanded a local flood legend to include the entire world.

Many people have been in other parts of the world for tens of thousands of years.

How is it pretentious to claim ancestry back to the first man? In case you missed the implications, everyone that ever lived would have that same status.

Jose Fly

New member
As usual... you don't have it straight.
Really? So then your answer to the apparent conflict between you saying "rapid speciation is part of the Biblical model" and Stripe saying speciation never happens is not that Stripe says creationists shouldn't use the word species, and you agree with him?

Then what is your answer?

You have been shown many times that Stripe and I agree on rapid adaptation. He only objects to the use of rubbery words such as 'speciation'.
Then why have you been claiming that "rapid speciation is part of the Biblical model"? And what exactly were you referring to with the term "speciation"?

Jose Fly

New member
** No wonder evolutionism caused racism to dramatically increase

You've been asked to back that up before and never provided anything, yet here you are repeating it again. How dishonest.

BTW.... a loss of pre-existing information perfectly fits the Biblical creation model.*

You can't say what "genetic information" is or how to measure it, nor can you say what the "Biblical model of creation' is, yet here you are repeating it.

You remind me of another creationist I used to interact with. She would repeat the same things over and over and over, ad nauseum, even though she couldn't defend any of it. Eventually another person told her, "I don't think you even understand the difference between the truth and a lie". Looks to me like you are cut from the same cloth.


New member
Yes, Australian Aboriginies have been there for 60,000 years+ American Indians for tens of thousands of years. Man is about 1,000,000 years old. There have been migrations all over the globe.

You failed to answer the "why" part of the question. You've stated what you believe, now why do you believe this?


New member
And that answer did nothing to answer the question. How is claiming to descend from the first man pretentious? The very definition of "first man" means everyone who ever lived descended from the first man. Your math isn't adding up.


New member
And that answer did nothing to answer the question. How is claiming to descend from the first man pretentious? The very definition of "first man" means everyone who ever lived descended from the first man. Your math isn't adding up.

Mark 10:6 But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female.
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