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New member
In the Thread; -- ( The Apostle Paul was Charismatic…. Oh yes ), -- there was a little dispute that Apostle Paul was something like Christ. --- (( I gave Proof that Paul and Jesus was the same one in the Spirit )). – “Exclusively Christian” >> (( Look at Post #138 )). ---- Everyone seemed to Ignore that like always showing that no one cares what God says. -- I figured they would!!!!

SOOOO!!! – Let’s see if you all “Ignore” what’s to come!!! – I’m fed up with your Ignorance!!!!

Compare the following two events; ---- First the AD70 Event, - and the next soon Event.

(( Luke 21:20-21 KJV )) – 20- “And when ye shall see (( Jerusalem compassed with armies )), then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.
21- (( Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains )); and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto”. --//---
That’s the AD70 Event. -- Now the Next event.

When you see ( “New Jerusalem” / the Church ) Compassed with armies, know that your desolation is near, Then you who are in the Country inter in through the Gates of the Heavenly Jerusalem. --///-----

There is NO Rapture in this one!!!!!

Paul – 022414