ECT Complete Works of Oswald Chambers

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The right lines of work

"I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me." John 12:32.

Very few of us have any understanding of the reason why Jesus Christ died. If sympathy is all that human beings need, then the Cross of Christ is a farce, there was no need for it. What the world needs is not ‘a little bit of love,’ but a surgical operation.

When you are face to face with a soul in difficulty spiritually, remind yourself of Jesus Christ on the Cross. If that soul can get to God on any other line, then the Cross of Jesus Christ is unnecessary. If you can help others by your sympathy or understanding, you are a traitor to Jesus Christ. You have to keep your soul rightly related to God and pour out for others on His line, not pour out on the human line and ignore God. The great note to-day is amiable religiosity.

The one thing we have to do is to exhibit Jesus Christ crucified, to lift Him up all the time. Every doctrine that is not imbedded in the Cross of Jesus will lead astray. If the worker himself believes in Jesus Christ and is banking on the Reality of Redemption, the people he talks to must be concerned. The thing that remains and deepens is the worker’s simple relationship to Jesus Christ; his usefulness to God depends on that and that alone.

The calling of a New Testament worker is to uncover sin and to reveal Jesus Christ as Saviour, consequently he cannot be poetical, he must be sternly surgical. We are sent by God to lift up Jesus Christ, not to give wonderfully beautiful discourses. We have to probe straight down as deeply as God has probed us, to be keen in sensing the Scriptures which bring the truth straight home and to apply them fearlessly.

Chambers, O. (1986). My utmost for his highest: Selections for the year. Grand Rapids, MI: Oswald Chambers Publications; Marshall Pickering.

Word based mystic

New member
when encountering the lost, or anyone for that matter, It is the stepping back of ones self and own (goodness) and care and release of the Holy spirits Love, peace, joy that has a true eternal impact on oneself and the other person.
Dying to ones self and carnal love daily and taking up the cross is our daily call.

If we impact people with fleshly and carnal fruit, it will produce death and/or carnality in that person as well as oneself.

I.E. mans love is conditional.. If and then is the first words or thoughts from mans conditional love.
Gods love is without a first word or condition. Love God and Love your brother.


New member
Well, they are the ones I am asking about? So why am I asking again and again and again??? Why can't you ever answer questions asked of you if your God is who you say he is?

Read this one: Power of the Soul.pdf

There is one teacher in S. Florida and his students some of which are scattered as are some of mine

I am the one who has received most of the revelations, and am the only one who has anything in writing

Like it says in my signature block I give e-books away for free

The odds of you or anyone else in this age seeing signs and wonders following their ministry while not being in agreement with us, who are in agreement with God and His Apostles concerning the foundational doctrines of Christ, are slim at best

Just the fact that the Pentecost church that was lifted up in the late 1800s and throughout the 20th century was founded on signs and wonders following them, but now have zero to show for themselves while they still teach the same doctrines they always have, proves there has been a change in the age from when their beliefs being symbolized by the imperfection associated with the larger room of the OT Tabernacle were still sufficient.

To put is simple for you....... the church is no longer being allowed the leeway with false doctrines they have been able to get away with up until the end of the 6th day and dawn of the 7th day. We are now making the transition into the seventh day since creation that is the same as the third day since Christ and the beginning of the Sabbath when no works of the flesh (aka traditions of man) will be allowed before God. For this reason Jesus said He would be made perfect on the third day when He finally will have a body on earth to rest His Head in Heaven on.

Now, one must be walking out the Holiest of the Tabernacles in their life (rather than just Pentecost aka the larger room of the Holies) if they hope to see evidence of God's stamp of approval on their worship.

Meanwhile you are not even going to be able to finish walking out Pentecost (let alone begin to walk out Tabernacles) until you learn the truth of the foundational doctrines of Christ as stated in Heb.6:1-2 KJV

Pentecost cannot be completed without one learning how to discern the truth of the scriptures that can only be done through obedience to how God says we are to learn the truths of the Bible that are needed in order to gain Godly wisdom.

It has been offered to you numerous times in the link below but you have been calling evil to be good for so long now that you have developed scales over your eyes that are causing your blindness the same as Saul had before God removed them allowing Paul to appear in the body once ruled by Saul

However, as long as your content worshipping lies that are keeping you from witnessing signs and wonders following your ministry, why should you even bother to take the time to learn the truth?

Cross Reference

New member
There is one teacher in S. Florida and his students some of which are scattered as are some of mine

I am the one who has received most of the revelations, and am the only one who has anything in writing

Like it says in my signature block I give e-books away for free

The odds of you or anyone else in this age seeing signs and wonders following their ministry while not being in agreement with us, who are in agreement with God and His Apostles concerning the foundational doctrines of Christ, are slim at best

Just the fact that the Pentecost church that was lifted up in the late 1800s and throughout the 20th century was founded on signs and wonders following them, but now have zero to show for themselves while they still teach the same doctrines they always have, proves there has been a change in the age from when their beliefs being symbolized by the imperfection associated with the larger room of the OT Tabernacle were still sufficient.

To put is simple for you....... the church is no longer being allowed the leeway with false doctrines they have been able to get away with up until the end of the 6th day and dawn of the 7th day. We are now making the transition into the seventh day since creation that is the same as the third day since Christ and the beginning of the Sabbath when no works of the flesh (aka traditions of man) will be allowed before God. For this reason Jesus said He would be made perfect on the third day when He finally will have a place to rest His Head.

Now, one must be walking out the Holiest of the Tabernacles in their life (rather than just Pentecost aka the larger room of the Holies) if they hope to see evidence of God's stamp of approval on their worship.

Meanwhile you are not even going to be able to finish walking out Pentecost (let alone begin to walk out Tabernacles) until you learn the truth of the foundational doctrines of Christ as stated in Heb.6:1-2 KJV

Pentecost cannot be completed without one learning how to discern the truth of the scriptures that can only be done through obedience to how God says we are to learn the truths of the Bible that are needed in order to gain Godly wisdom.

It has been offered to you numerous times in the link below but you have been calling evil to be good for so long now that you have developed scales over your eyes that are causing your blindness the same as Saul had before God removed them that allowed him to become Paul

However, as long as your content worshipping lies that are keeping you from witnessing signs and wonders following your ministry, why should you even bother to take the time to learn the truth?

I take it then you see yourself as some sort of a Jesus Christ?

Cross Reference

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Originally Posted by Livelystone View Post
No, there are a few others

Well, they are the ones I am asking about? So why am I asking again and again and again??? Why can't you ever answer questions asked of you if your God is who you say he is?

Can I ever expect a reply to this? Just wondering'.

Word based mystic

New member
I knew someone 20 years ago who was utterly convinced he was one of the two witnesses in revelation.

I think he has passed away since then.

livelystone you quoted "Pentecost cannot be completed without one learning how to discern the truth of the scriptures that can only be done through obedience to how God says we are to learn the truths of the Bible that are needed in order to gain Godly wisdom."

ummm. Firstly before you can be see into the kingdom or enter the kingdom you must be born again. This is something The Spirit does. not your above statement. It is then we can begin to commune, learn, and love properly.

Many have special revelation that they claim to have. I.E. Squeaky Him and you would get along great.

You both promote your own special brand of revelation from God while implying that your method of learning is the correct and likely the only way to the truth.

Jesus is the way the truth and the life. not your (special) carnal/mental understanding.


New member
I knew someone 20 years ago who was utterly convinced he was one of the two witnesses in revelation.

I think he has passed away since then.

livelystone you quoted "Pentecost cannot be completed without one learning how to discern the truth of the scriptures that can only be done through obedience to how God says we are to learn the truths of the Bible that are needed in order to gain Godly wisdom."

ummm. Firstly before you can be see into the kingdom or enter the kingdom you must be born again. This is something The Spirit does. not your above statement. It is then we can begin to commune, learn, and love properly.

Many have special revelation that they claim to have. I.E. Squeaky Him and you would get along great.

You both promote your own special brand of revelation from God while implying that your method of learning is the correct and likely the only way to the truth.

Jesus is the way the truth and the life. not your (special) carnal/mental understanding.

Bite your tongue bro

By your own words obviously you are only a child in Christ knowing very little of what is required of you to know

FYI, getting into Pentecost means you have already gained the Holy Spirit that comes from being born again that is the seed of Christ in you that is the hope of glory in you but not yet glory in you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seeds can not produce fruit that only a full grown tree that has matured into the image of who the seed came from can produce the same fruit

Going from Pentecost to Tabernacles requires this maturity that is only available through gaining the knowledge of the one who planned out the journey we need to complete from a simple seed into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ that just happens to be the high calling of our profession

Why do you think the NT stresses our knowledge of the truth so much if God did not mean when he said HIS PEOPLE perish because of the lack of knowledge?

HIS PEOPLE are persons who already have the Holy Spirit that is the reason why they are His people........... but they are still perishing

Do you get it grasshopper?

If not, try harder and spend some time with my earlier reply to you


New member
How you present yourself is what I based that question on. Sorry, great one, if I pumped you up too much however, you write like you can walk on water.

Who are the other authors?

I told you in my earlier reply that I am the only one who has a published work you can access.

My one friend does have some non published works and one friend of his also has one or two of the same but I have no way of accessing them let alone posting them

Meanwhile, you never read what I have here (other than the first page) let alone read my book that goes much further (even though the knowledge in it is years old) than anything written by the others,

Their strong points are they are good teachers and communicate well with others. We work well together but I have yet to hands on teach classrooms as they do.

Galatians 6:6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.

1 Corinthians 12:29 Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?



New member
How you present yourself is what I based that question on. Sorry, great one, if I pumped you up too much however, you write like you can walk on water.

Who are the other authors?

FYI I have never claimed to be able to do anything of myself

All that I have of Him has been given to me, so freely I have been given, and freely I give it to others

Word based mystic

New member
Bite your tongue bro

By your own words obviously you are only a child in Christ knowing very little of what is required of you to know

FYI, getting into Pentecost means you have already gained the Holy Spirit that comes from being born again that is the seed of Christ in you that is the hope of glory in you but not yet glory in you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seeds can not produce fruit that only a full grown tree that has matured into the image of who the seed came from can produce the same fruit

Going from Pentecost to Tabernacles requires this maturity that is only available through gaining the knowledge of the one who planned out the journey we need to complete from a simple seed into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ that just happens to be the high calling of our profession

Why do you think the NT stresses our knowledge of the truth so much if God did not mean when he said HIS PEOPLE perish because of the lack of knowledge?

HIS PEOPLE are persons who already have the Holy Spirit that is the reason why they are His people........... but they are still perishing

Do you get it grasshopper?

If not, try harder and spend some time with my earlier reply to you

i will read all your replies as well as go to your directed.
However i have come to see that most people that relate newer or more deeper cutting edge revelations usually are pushing a soul based initial understanding that leads to Being born again.

so I apologize for the assumption and will look closer to your premises. thanks for the correction. Sometimes I allow the last (special/new revelation) person trying to promote their new cutting edge revelation affect my assessment of the next person who talks about such new writings and the like.

Have been through and or dealt with the kingdom now, rainbow revelation, the way fellowship organizations and doctrines and am a bit careful with NEW, cutting edge revelations.

My apologies.
hope to look at your studies within a day or so.

although I do believe as the grasshopper that i am, i could snatch the pebble from your hand...:eek:

Cross Reference

New member
I told you in my earlier reply that I am the only one who has a published work you can access.

My one friend does have some non published works and one friend of his also has one or two of the same but I have no way of accessing them let alone posting them

Meanwhile, you never read what I have here (other than the first page) let alone read my book that goes much further (even though the knowledge in it is years old) than anything written by the others,

Their strong points are they are good teachers and communicate well with others. We work well together but I have yet to hands on teach classrooms as they do.

Galatians 6:6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.

1 Corinthians 12:29 Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?

I don't want to access them. I just want the authors names if they are authors who have published anything that has influenced you.

Lazy afternoon

Well, they are the ones I am asking about? So why am I asking again and again and again??? Why can't you ever answer questions asked of you if your God is who you say he is?

Read this one: Power of the Soul.pdf

Yes I have that in print.

When the AOG church discovered it was in their library they tried to destroy it but a friend took it and gave me a copy.

We can see from this who and what the anti- Christ spirit is.

It lives in the life of the fleshy minded believer who heaps up knowledge of scripture but twisted to conform to himself.



New member
Well, what you have been given and who gave it to you is what I want to ascertain.

What makes you think you are qualified to be a judge of either me or what I teach?

Faith with works, (done by God) or faith without works, (done by God) is the only litmus test that proves God's approval and blessing on a ministry

You have stated you are Pentecostal who claim to believe in signs and wonders, (beyond speaking in tongues that do NOT prove anything other than the person not knowing what to pray for in their native tongue) so why do you not have some accounts of signs and wonders following your ministry of that of what ever church you attend?

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

Lazy afternoon


What makes you think you are qualified to be a judge of either me or what I teach?

Faith with works, (done by God) or faith without works, (done by God) is the only litmus test that proves God's approval and blessing on a ministry

You have stated you are Pentecostal who claim to believe in signs and wonders, (beyond speaking in tongues that do NOT prove anything other than the person not knowing what to pray for in their native tongue) so why do you not have some accounts of signs and wonders following your ministry of that of what ever church you attend?

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

You are still on about signs and wonders, when you should be concentrating on the fruit of the Spirit instead.
