Borders, Language, Culture


Well-known member
In many countries people speak more than one language as a matter of course. To pretend that the US, of all countries, should be ethnically monolithic is ridiculous.

Here in Israel, though Hebrew is the most common language, Arabic is very common as well. Street signs are in Hebrew, English and Arabic. You hear a lot of French and Russian as well.

When election time comes around, the ballot instructions are printed up in many languages. Hebrew, Arabic, English, Amharic, Russian...

If you think everybody in the US should speak one language, then check out this link

Here in Israel, though Hebrew is the most common language, Arabic is very common as well. Street signs are in Hebrew, English and Arabic.

(While not refuting your point entirely) many "Arabic" road signs are Hebrew place names written in the Arabic alphabet. (The Arabic name is sometimes enclosed in brackets after.) Jerusalem being the most obvious example.