ARGH!!! Open Theism makes me furious!!!


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Originally posted by Christine

I know this was directed at GPV, but I wanted to make a few comments. You say it is "logically unknowable" and unrational for God to know everything. Rationally, it doesn't make sense for someone to create something from nothing. Yet, I'm pretty sure you believe God created the earth from nothing. God is not restrained by the laws of man's logic. God created logic, so everything He does makes sense and follows His laws of logic. As men, we may have a distorted view of logic which does not line up with God's perfect logic. As Christians, we should strive for our understanding to line up with God's.

It is not self-contradictory or illogical for an omnipotent God to created something from nothing. He is the First Cause. In fact, the uncreated God is the only logical explanation how something came from nothing. It also explains how life, personality, and morals can exist.

It is logically absurd for God to do contradictory things like create a rock so big He cannot lift it. This is not a limitation on omnipotence, but a foolish statement.

Likewise, omniscience means He knows what is knowable. It is an absurdity or logical contradiction to claim to know future free will contingencies as a certainty before they happen. God is a God of truth which is consistent with reality. If God knows future free will choices as a certainty rather than a possibility, He logically must be predestining and causing them (Calvinism). This would negate freedom. Exhaustive foreknowledge is not compatible with genuine freedom. Simple foreknowledge of a future that is not there to know is also indefensible (Arminian).

The Open Theist view that God predestines some, but not all of the future, reconciles all the biblical data and is philosophically sound.


How did I get such great kids??
Originally posted by Hilston

It's not an assertion. Jesus came for the lost sheep of Israel. Jesus upheld Moses who taught that the Gentiles must come through Israel to the Father. When Jesus talked about drawing all to Himself, He was referring to true Israel and the chosen of the nations, not the Body of Christ. Jesus didn't know about the dispensation of the Mystery.b]

You saying this does not make it true. There is no referring to the true Israel only? Did Jesus only die for the Jews? Certainly not!!There is no internal evidence supporting you, and there are no Theologians I am aware of that agree with you. Also....You are confusing the fact that the mystery had not been revealed, with your statement that Jesus didn't know about the mystery. I believe He did know, but He had not shared the information with anyone.

What evidence do you have that Jesus was only dying on the cross to draw the believing Jews to Himself, when He plainly said "...I will draw all men unto myself"

These are complex issues and each poinmt deserves it's own discussion. It's critical that we do not read our preconceived beliefs into God's Word.

Calvinism, or determinism, or fate, or even Arminianism, which is way too Calvinistic for me, whatever you want to call it, is not a dispensational issue. There are plenty of Mid-Acts Dispensationalists who are five point Calvinists. Charles F Baker wrote A Dispensatuonal Theology, which we used for years as our main Systematic Theology textbook at Derby School of Theology, amd he was a hard-core Calvinist. Thank God he knows better now....since he died and went to be with The LORD.

requires much more developing....


How did I get such great kids??

Paul says in 1 Timothy 2:3-4 (NKJV)
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Peter writes in 2 Peter 3:9 (NKJV)
9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

If you will honestly try to answer these two passages, I will give you the same kind of attention to a couple of your questions....Fair, huh?


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by billygoat
If you will honestly try to answer these two passages, I will give you the same kind of attention to a couple of your questions....Fair, huh?
Sure, that's fair. But first, to know what I'm getting out of this arrangement, I have to ask: To what questions of mine do you refer? In all that I wrote to you, I only asked two questions*. One was a simple yes-no-I-don't-know question. The other was rhetorical only.

*Something Clete would not likely notice


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
I couldn't have cared less about the accusation; I was concerned about debating the issues that you brought up about what Open Theism teaches. The Slick Jimmy remark was intended to be funny. You need to lighten up.
Sure, every conservative thinks it's a real hoot to be compared to Clinton. How could I miss that? Maybe that would be a good place for one of those smilies? Or should I rely on my psychic skills?

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
What do you mean what issues? I went through and answered your questions one by one, didn't I?
Yes, and you answered them well. There's was nothing left to discuss about the questions. What became the issue was the charge of being "unchristian" and "unfriendly," and having genuineness of my friendship questioned in public. And all that based on alleged and still unproven charge of misrepresentation.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
I wasn't even addressing the issue of your hurt feelings, Jim.
It's not a matter of feelings, Clete. My hide is pretty thick. It's a matter of being charged with unchristian behavior on the basis of double standards.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
The accusation arose out of your playing games in the first place.
Wrong, Clete. It started because Knight got a dose of his own emotional-argument medicine and didn't like it.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
If you would establish your points as you make them then such accusations would not be as easily forthcoming. Your own style of debate invites people to blow you off.
It's one thing to be blown off. I could care less. It's another thing to be called unchristian on the basis of the TOL double standard. Do you get that? I was originally responding to a statement by Knight. I didn't call him unchristian for his emotional argument. That's what started this whole thing. Are you aware of what he wrote?

Knight wrote: How can you take comfort in thinking that God planned the rape and brutal murder of a 7 year old girl?

So I replied: How can you have any comfort or trust believing in a God whose prophecies do not come true, who is surprised by His own creation, and who continues to sit idly by, unable to lift a finger, while hundreds of people He supposedly wants to save but cannot, plunge into hell on a daily basis?

I'm then accused of being unfriendly and unchristian and behaving contrary to what Knight expects of a friend. It's quite friendly and christian for you guys to say that "Calvinists make God out to be the author of evil ..." and that the Calvinist God plans the rape and brutal murder of 7-year-old girls, but it's not OK for your opponents to say that Open Theists make God out to be a Big Loser. How can you miss the double standard?

You even admit, "I know that [Calvinists] themselves not only do not say such things but also do not consciously believe it. Nevertheless, that is the conclusion that their theology logically leads too whether they are aware of it or not."

DITTO, CLETE!!!!! Why is it friendly and christian for you to state what you see as the "conclusion that their theology logically leads" but it's unfriendly and unchristian if your opponents do it? Double. standard.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Want some cheese with that, Jim?
You really need to get over yourself. We are all here to debate theology; if you don't want to debate things then don't bring them up. Simple as that.
You're clueless. Everything I've said was in response, Clete. I've started nothing here. My statements are being steered by you and Knight. If you don't like the direction they've gone, then you have your own psychic-tag-team selves to blame.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
How about the substance of my post? You asked questions and I answered them. Respond to my answers, that's all. Isn't that how debates are supposed to work?
I was satisfied with your answers. There was nothing else to say. It happens all the time, Clete. Check out some of the other threads I've started in this forum. Very short. I ask a question, I get my answer. Done. Not everything has to be 100 posts long.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
The difference is Jim, that when we misrepresent something the way you do, we don't say that we didn't.
You missed the point again. We all misrepresent from time to time. Sometimes unintentionally. Sometimes deliberately for emotional argument. But the Open Theists are friendly and christian and get a pass when they do it; anti-Open Theists are labeled unfriendly and unchristian when they do it. It's no skin off my front personally. It's the double standard that is offensive to any rationally minded person.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
We understand the use of rhetoric and the impact of an emotional argument.
Right, but it's friendly and christian when you do it; it's unfriendly and unchristian when your opponents do it.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
For example, when I say that Calvinists make God out to be the author of evil, I know that they themselves not only do not say such things but also do not consciously believe it. Nevertheless, that is the conclusion that their theology logically leads too whether they are aware of it or not.

The difference is that when someone accuses me of attacking a straw man I don't start whining about double standards, ...
Wrong, Clete. It doesn't bother me to be accused of attacking a straw man. We all do it. What bothers any rationally minded person is convenient double standards. It should bother you, Clete, as someone who claims to be rational. But because one of your own is guilty, he gets a pass.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
I just prove what i've said is true (or at least I make an argument anyway). And that's exactly what you should have done. That's exactly what Knight would have wanted you or anyone else to do as well.
Then why did he question the christianity of his opponent? Why question his friendship? Knight did not want or care to hear the proof. He's heard it before, as have you. You don't even understand the issue, so don't tell me what I should have done. You don't even acknowledge Knight's offense against reason, so don't tell me what Knight would have wanted.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Can you not read? I swear it's as if you are on another planet or something! I explained very clearly how I DO NOT AGREE with you characterization.
On the contrary. You affirmed everything I said, for which I was satisfied. You even added clarification, for which I was grateful.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Okay Jim, I know you must know this already but I'll walk you through this anyway (it's a short trip). You are on a public debate forum. What you and one other participant may or may not have discussed on the phone is of exactly zero value in such a venue.
Thanks for the lecture, Clete. But on the contrary. Here is the value: The person to whom I was speaking is major proponent of Open Theism in this forum, yet he somehow forgets our discussion about one of the primary planks of the Open View (God's repentance). Furthermore, other proponents of this theology have read my statements about the figure, yet somehow continue to express an inability to understand how figures can mean the opposite of what they say. Further still, there are readily available writings on the subject that provide clear and logically sound explanations for the figures. But I have yet to meet or encounter a single Open Theist who cares enough to lift a finger to discover it for himself. That says a lot. When I point out to an Open Theist that there is a misunderstanding about a doctrinal tenet, they don't say, "Really? Please explain." Instead, I get resistance and defiance. Open Theists are so arrogant that it doesn't matter to them whether or not they properly understand an opposing viewpoint. It is anti-intellectual. Anti-knowledge. It is provincial, puerile and small-minded.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Further, points or counter points that you may or may not have made on completely separate threads are perhaps findable, but who wants to do all that? If you want to make a similar point to one you've made in the past and don't want to reestablish that point then either don't make the point or link or repost what you said about in the past yourself. It is not laziness on my part if you are too lazy to copy and paste something you said before, and I can assure you that I, for one, have no interest in memorizing your theology, or the arguments used to support that theology.
Forget me. Forget my theology. Think of your own understanding. Think of your own acquisition of knowledge. If you truly cared about what determinists believe and how they treat anthropopathic language and passages, you wouldn't need me to chide you about it. You would go find out on your own intitiative. If I were convinced you cared one whit about it, I would happily oblige. It's clear to me that you don't; neither does Knight. He just wants to know if Swordsman personally has an explanation.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Now, with that having been said, I understand that not every point has to be fully established every time you make it, especially if the one your conversation with is familiar with your position. However, if you are specifically asked to do so, then to refuse is not only unfriendly but it's down right silly! After all, what are you here for if not to debate the theology you've come to embrace? It just doesn't make any sense!
My goal is accomplished. I pointed out Knight's selective memory. I exposed his double standard. Part of debating theology is exposing the fallacious reasoning of the opponent.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
They might be intended to do that, but you never explain yourself or the logic behind the conclusion you claim are so obvious! You just say things and expect people to accept it on the basis of your magnetic personality, I guess! The fact is Jim, people cannot read your mind and that fact has nothing to do with how smart you are or how stupid they are. It is your responsibility to communicate your own point in a manner that those you are communicating with can understand it. If you aren't willing to do that then keep your point to yourself.
If you only knew how often I do this, you would thank me.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Again, it is not my responsibility to translate your responses into something coherent. It has been my repeated experience that you answer questions with questions about as often as you don't. You would much rather have someone "figure it out" than for you to explain it to them. Care to attempt to find someone who disagrees with me on that?
It's called Socratic Irony. It's how I learn. It's a perfectly legitimate form of discourse. Jesus and Paul used the method. It's quite effective.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
I told you that I was imitating you Jim! I didn't actually think you were teaching universalism; I just pulled something out of thin air, stated it with no explanation and left you to deal with it by reading my mind. It's not too easy to do, is it?
It only further shows that you're having a hard time keeping up, Clete. You can't even mock me accurately.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
"3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,"

It means just what it says, just what it seems to say by a simply reading of the text.
Didn't you say earlier that it is an "overstatement" to say that God wants everyone to be saved? It's an "all-or-not-all" proposition, Clete.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
It has to have been a misrepresentation of one kind or another Jim. You said it [that God cannot save everyone] as though it was a bad thing to believe and yet you believe it yourself, you must! Even if your theology is correct God doesn't save anyone in violation of His stipulated requirements.
Once again, you've missed the point. The Open Theist God has a problem. God wants to save more than He can, because of His stipulated standards. The determinist view has no such problem. God wants to save, and will save, exactly and only those whom He has chosen to save. No more. No less. Yes, we both believe God cannot save everyone, but my view doesn't put that desire on God, as yours does. Or does it? You're still waffling on that point. Is it an overstatement or not?

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Okay, and the point is? Why did you ask the question in the first place? Was it pop quiz time or what?
I was establishing that I had correctly represented your view, remember? Your answer was sufficient to establish it.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
It's not your words that misrepresents our view but the implication that God is somehow weak because He can't make somebody love Him.
It's not weakness I'm implying. It is incoherence. How could a God who wants all men to be saved and to come to the saving knowledge of Christ sit by and watch scores of people plummet into hell? Statistically, He is losing big-time (hence the term, Big Loser), and any economist, statistician or gambler would suggest He cut His losses and end it all right now. The "God Who Risks" is betting against the house, and He loses big every single day.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
You do believe that hundreds of people go to Hell each day right? So it’s misleading because you say something as though it is a negative when you affirm it yourself.
It's not misleading. You just keep forgetting the difference. The difference is this: Your view cannot coherently sustain the premise; mine can.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Pour the normal meanings of these words back into them and this is a correct statement. In other words, read this statement without the Calvinistic idea of "unconditional election" in your head and suddenly you have Biblical truth.
You have it backward. Pour the biblical meanings of these words into them and it is a correct statement. In other words, read this statement without the Open Theistic spectacles cemented to your face and without the inane ideas of non-individual "corporate election" and non-salvific "choosing-for-a-task" in your head and suddenly you have Biblical truth.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Now, I don't care if anything else you've said is a mischaracterization of the Open View or not, this definitely is. Or do you think that I believe God to be a "Big Loser" (capital B, capital L).
No, that's an example of an emotional argument, intended to be provocative.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
This is also a terrific example of being unfriendly, but I'm not really concerned about that so much.
You forgot "unchristian." Of course, that's not what you're doing when you say the determinist God is the author of evil. No, you're being friendly and christian (or "funny" -- it's hard to tell. Probably cuz I'm too uptight).

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Not that it's not important, it's just that little jabs like this is what make this forum more fun and more real than any other that I've seen. But call it what it is, it is a mischaracterization, an intentional one at that.
You're so honest! Wow, you admit to making a mischaracterization! What an amazing person you must be. Friendly and christian, too, that is, unless you're an anti-Open Theist. In which case, it's unfriendly and unchristian. Go figger.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Well I really do want to know, but I am not going to PM you for it.
Based on your track record, and that of other Open Theists, perhaps you'll pardon me if I'm not convinced. Perhaps not. I don't care.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
The topic is hot right here, right now, and I, for one, have never (or at least I do not remember having ever) heard you or anyone who calls the word "repent" a figure of speech explain what the figure means in any way that makes any sense at all. Typically, what most people get from a verse that clearly says that God changed His mind is that He didn't change His mind. It's totally contrary to the obvious meaning of the text.
That's what figures do. They mean something different, sometimes opposite, to what the words suggest. If you've never found anything that explains it, then you haven't looked hard enough.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
You know what I think? I think that you know that this is not so.
I already knew that is what you think. It's Open View arrogance. I've seen it before. Open Theists just can't fathom the possibility that their view could be wrong, so they blithely dismiss it. If you really thought it was possible to be wrong, you'd stop at nothing to find out, much like I've stopped at nothing to investigate Open Theism. But you don't really care, do you?

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
I think that you just don't want to debate it. You're more interested in pointing out supposed flaws in Knight’s and my character than in discussing the issue rationally and unemotionally.
Your character? Sheesh. Get over yourselves. I'm not the one going around hypocritically calling people "unfriendly" and "unchristian".

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
I'm not impressed Jim!
I don't care. It wasn't my intent to impress you, but to shame you and to show that you really don't give a hoot. If you did, you wouldn't waste so much time rehashing things that have long been established.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
You know why? Because you not any different than I am at all in this respect.
Really? What have you read of Calvin or his cronies? What have you read of about the figure of anthropopathism? List the titles and authors.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
I like you, have read and read and read book after book after book, listened to sermon after sermon, teaching after teaching ...
Really? Yet you still go around with a distorted definition of total depravity and immutability? If that's true, then the destructive effect of Open Theism on the mind is worse than I thought.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
The fact is, that your intellectual honesty is precisely the reason why I find our inability to agree on virtually anything so frustrating.
We agree that God cannot save everyone, but for different reasons. We agree that the Bible is God's inerrant and infallible word, right? We agree that Jesus is God incarnate, right? I'm sure we could find a whole host of other things.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
In other words, I can tell that we aren't talking past one another because you are trying to be difficult or dishonest. On the contrary, it's perfectly clear that the points you make seem to you to be perfectly obvious as are the points that I make to me. It's clear that we are both interested in determining the genuine truth and yet something just doesn't connect, at the risk of being repetitive, it truly is as frustrating as anything I can think of at the moment.
I wish that weren't the case, Clete. Perhaps we should have a phone conversation, just to get to know better how we each communicate. Maybe there is a disconnect and I'm reading something into your words that isn't there, or vice versa.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
No you don't but you don't explain yourself either. It's not enough to simply say, "That's not an accurate rendering of Calvinist doctrine." and then leave it for everyone to believe or be stupid. You act as if I and Knight are supposed to stop everything and put our whole theology in limbo based on the strength of the simple fact that you've made a claim that we don't know what we are talking about.
Again, the point is that no one here seems to care. I've posted excerpts of Calvin and Augustine. I might as well have posted excerpts from the Book of Mormon or the Upanishads. Open. Theists. don't. care.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
What you aught to say is "That is an inaccurate rendering of Calvinist doctrine. A more accurate rendering of the Calvinist position would be such and such because this or that person who is an authority because of this or that qualification said this or that statement concerning this issue which is relevant because etc, etc." It's called fleshing out a point and making an argument.
Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt. No. One. Cares.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Reading minds doesn't work. If you know something that the rest of us are apparently ignorant of then speak up and teach us something. But if you bring it up it is not up to us to figure out why you are right, it’s up to you to prove your own position. A point with which I know you agree but it just seems that you often forget.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
I have given you zero reason to rationally make such a statement. I have been a touch on the sarcastic side perhaps but I have not been disrespectful toward you in any way.
I didn't claim you've been disrespectful toward me. You seem (seem -- I don't know -- I'm just guessing based on observation) to not respect the debate. Someone once said, "Our enemies make us scholars." Those words are meaningful to those who respect debate. They go out and study their enemy. They more thoroughly study their own positions. They change and refine and hone their arguments. Here, it's just the same ol' song, different thread. Same distorted assumptions, different forum. If I ever saw an Open Theist say, "Based on those quotes, I've been making a wrong assumption about the doctrine of total depravity. I'm going to stop that," then I would say, "There's a person who seems to respect the debate."

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
On the contrary, you are the only one here that I disagree with, that I actively desire responses from. (Z Man had that honor along with you but lost it a few days ago.) That is true precisely because I do respect both you and the debate. There are those here who are playing games and I sometimes like to have some fun with people and play around also, but I think, more so than most, I take this stuff very, very seriously. Ask Z Man if you doubt that this is the case.
While appreciate your kind remarks, and I sincerely desire to have a cordial and respectful discussion with you, your exit interview with Zman made me re-think even wanting to talk to you on the phone. Something told me that I was seeing my future.

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Well as I said, I have no intention of PMing you for the argument. The issue is on the table right here, right now. Link to a previous post of yours if you like or if you don't even want to do that then I submit that you shouldn't have engaged the discussion in the first place.
I didn't "engage" the debate. I made an observation and expressed it in similar terms as Knight. I pointed out the disingenuous nature of Knight's question and his selective memory. For that I was vilified as unfriendly and unchristian. And now I've exposed the double standard. Mission accomplished. There's no debate to engage.

And by the way, it's fitting that the discussion has come to this, given the title of this thread.
Last edited:


New member

natewood3, which word in Gen 3:9 is a anthropomorphism?

Actually, the Hebrew basically says, "Why are you where you are?" Do you believe there is no rhetorical question or anthropromorphism here? Do you think God is actually asking where they are, as if He does not know?

I would take it more as a rhetorical question than anything...


How did I get such great kids??
Originally posted by Hilston

Sure, that's fair. But first, to know what I'm getting out of this arrangement, I have to ask: To what questions of mine do you refer? In all that I wrote to you, I only asked two questions*. One was a simple yes-no-I-don't-know question. The other was rhetorical onlyl

I reread the last couple posts and, I may be dumb, but I don't know what questions you mean.

What I am saying is, if you will directly answer a couple of my points, I will do the same for you. You may have to repeat your questions.

I say these two passages (and many others) show that God wants all to be saved. All are not saved because many choose to reject Him. This puts the lie to Calvininism. How do you answer these two verses?

2 Peter 3:9 (NKJV)
9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

1 Timothy 2:3-4 (NKJV)
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by natewood3


Actually, the Hebrew basically says, "Why are you where you are?" Do you believe there is no rhetorical question or anthropromorphism here? Do you think God is actually asking where they are, as if He does not know?

I would take it more as a rhetorical question than anything...
Ok fine.... but it certainly isn't a anthropromorphism wich is what you asserted.


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Originally posted by Knight

Ok fine.... but it certainly isn't a anthropromorphism wich is what you asserted.
Knight, you do realize that this isn't the way the argument is supposed to flow right? Don't you know that only Calvinists are supposed to know what an anthropomorphism is? They're supposed to be able to attribute everything in scripture that doesn't fit into their theology to their interpretation of this definition.

Person seeking answers: "But what about this part that says...."

Calvinist: "It's an anthropomorphism so don't worry about it."

Person who was seeking answers but now just accepts whatever the Calvinist says since he assumes he must know what he's talking about if used a big ol' word like anthropomorphism: "Uh, yeah, sure, ok." :freak:


New member
I'm still around. I know there are some questions directed at me in this thread that I haven't answered yet. I _will_ get back to them, just not sure when yet because I have just started a new project: a blog.

(I very much value my discussions here and on other forums, but it occured to me that I ought to start a journal so that I can keep track of how this fellowship helps me grow. :^) )

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Poly

Knight, you do realize that this isn't the way the argument is supposed to flow right? Don't you know that only Calvinists are supposed to know what an anthropomorphism is? They're supposed to be able to attribute everything in scripture that doesn't fit into their theology to their interpretation of this definition.

Person seeking answers: "But what about this part that says...."

Calvinist: "It's an anthropomorphism so don't worry about it."

Person who was seeking answers but now just accepts whatever the Calvinist says since he assumes he must know what he's talking about if used a big ol' word like anthropomorphism: "Uh, yeah, sure, ok." :freak:
Yea... but.... I think Nate got his desired outcome..... 3 days of wasted obfuscation. :)


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Originally posted by billygoat

I reread the last couple posts and, I may be dumb, but I don't know what questions you mean.
I only asked two questions.

Question #1 was:
"Having read [Calvin, Pink, Luther, Hodges, Clark, Shedd, and more others than you can recall on the spot], do you agree that Open Theists don't know what they're talking about when they refer to immutability and total depravity?"

And Question #2 was:
"Really? Have you read much of what people write here? It is the epitome of half-baked, myself included."

Which was rhetorical.

Originally posted by billygoat
What I am saying is, if you will directly answer a couple of my points, I will do the same for you. You may have to repeat your questions.
I don't have any questions besides the single question above, and frankly, I'm not holding my breath. So this "fair" proposition you've offered doesn't really balance out.

Originally posted by billygoat
I say these two passages (and many others) show that God wants all to be saved. All are not saved because many choose to reject Him. This puts the lie to Calvininism. How do you answer these two verses?

2 Peter 3:9 (NKJV)
9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

1 Timothy 2:3-4 (NKJV)
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
My answer is that "all" in both cases do not mean "all without exception," but rather "all we elect of the dispersed Jews of Asia Minor" (2Pe 3:9) and "all kinds of men, neither Jew nor Gentile, the elect according to the Mystery" (1Ti 2:4).

Having read Calvin, Pink, Luther, Hodges, Clark, Shedd and more others than you can recall on the spot, you probably already could've guessed part of that, right?

Which is filling up faster, heaven or hell?


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Originally posted by Poly

Knight, you do realize that this isn't the way the argument is supposed to flow right? Don't you know that only Calvinists are supposed to know what an anthropomorphism is? They're supposed to be able to attribute everything in scripture that doesn't fit into their theology to their interpretation of this definition.
Poly, just so we know whether or not you have any idea what you're talking about, can you tell us what is the Calvinist's definition of anthropomorphism?

Originally posted by Poly
Person seeking answers: "But what about this part that says...."

Calvinist: "It's an anthropomorphism so don't worry about it."
This is a false characterization. Those who appeal to anthropopathism and anthropomorphism affirm that there is even more to "worry about" precisely because God chose to use figurative language. You should have read that somewhere, if you really gave a hoot.

Originally posted by Poly
Person who was seeking answers but now just accepts whatever the Calvinist says since he assumes he must know what he's talking about if used a big ol' word like anthropomorphism: "Uh, yeah, sure, ok." :freak:
Prove to all of us that you didn't "just accept whatever the Open Theist says" and define for us what an anthropomorphism is according to the Calvinist view. If you can't, then I think it's a fair assumption that you are the very same sort of person you criticize above.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Hilston

I don't have any questions besides the single question above, and frankly, I'm not holding my breath. So this "fair" proposition you've offered doesn't really balance out.

My answer is that "all" in both cases do not mean "all without exception," but rather "all we elect of the dispersed Jews of Asia Minor" (2Pe 3:9) and "all kinds of men, neither Jew nor Gentile, the elect according to the Mystery" (1Ti 2:4).

Having read Calvin, Pink, Luther, Hodges, Clark, Shedd and more others than you can recall on the spot, you probably already could've guessed part of that, right?

This sounds like eisegesis or deductive reasoning to support a preconceived theology. Why the aversion to God's love for all men in an impartial way? This is consistent with His justice and holiness and love.

Jn. 3:16 "For God so loved the elect..."

Come on...


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
godrulz, I noticed you had "chess" as one of your interests. Have you ever heard the term "solve the game of chess"?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Yorzhik

godrulz, I noticed you had "chess" as one of your interests. Have you ever heard the term "solve the game of chess"?

No. tell me more. Have you ever played 3-D chess?


New member

You did not answer what I asked in the first place: If they are not rhetorical questions or anthropromorphisms, what are they? Did God really not know? Do you believe there is no rhetorical question or anthropromorphism here? Do you think God is actually asking where they are, as if He does not know?

How would YOU interpret these verses...


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by Hilston

Sure, every conservative thinks it's a real hoot to be compared to Clinton. How could I miss that? Maybe that would be a good place for one of those smilies? Or should I rely on my psychic skills?
Yeah, okay you've got a point here. I should have been more clear. It really was intended to be just a funny jab, not overtly insulting. Sorry about that.

Knight wrote: How can you take comfort in thinking that God planned the rape and brutal murder of a 7 year old girl?

So I replied: How can you have any comfort or trust believing in a God whose prophecies do not come true, who is surprised by His own creation, and who continues to sit idly by, unable to lift a finger, while hundreds of people He supposedly wants to save but cannot, plunge into hell on a daily basis?

I'm then accused of being unfriendly and unchristian and behaving contrary to what Knight expects of a friend. It's quite friendly and christian for you guys to say that "Calvinists make God out to be the author of evil ..." and that the Calvinist God plans the rape and brutal murder of 7-year-old girls, but it's not OK for your opponents to say that Open Theists make God out to be a Big Loser. How can you miss the double standard?
I see it Jim. It just seems that you read more hostility into than is intended. I really believe that all Knight wanted was for you to make a real argument instead of just lobbing emotional stink bombs. While I know you've made substantive arguments before, it does seem sometimes that you're not interested to really debating but just scoring cheap points for impact. And I'm sure it is true that Knight reads more hostility into your posts than is there as well. The point being, nobodies perfect. All this just seems a bit overly sensitive to me.

You even admit, "I know that [Calvinists] themselves not only do not say such things but also do not consciously believe it. Nevertheless, that is the conclusion that their theology logically leads too whether they are aware of it or not."

DITTO, CLETE!!!!! Why is it friendly and christian for you to state what you see as the "conclusion that their theology logically leads" but it's unfriendly and unchristian if your opponents do it? Double. standard.
There is no double standard, at least not an intentional one. I don’t really think Knight believes that saying such things is unfriendly and unchristian but that it is when that's all you seem to do and then refuse to substantiate your statements. Maybe I'm wrong.

Wrong, Clete. It doesn't bother me to be accused of attacking a straw man. We all do it. What bothers any rationally minded person is convenient double standards. It should bother you, Clete, as someone who claims to be rational. But because one of your own is guilty, he gets a pass.
He gets no pass. If his intent was as you suggest then he was wrong for having said what he said. It seems to me however that he was simply trying to draw you out, albeit ineffectively.

Furthermore, other proponents of this theology have read my statements about the figure, yet somehow continue to express an inability to understand how figures can mean the opposite of what they say.
Yes, no one denies that such figures exist. The problem is that the text cannot be saying that God didn't repent when the whole context of the statement makes it clear that God was unhappy about the condition of things.
I'll show you what I mean...

Gen 6:6 And it repented the LORD that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at his heart.

There is no way to read this passage and get that God was happy with the situation on the Earth. He did kill everybody, so we know that he really was upset. So if the figure here is saying the opposite of what it seems to be saying then how does the second half of the sentence fit with the first?
It just simply cannot mean the opposite unless the whole thing is a figure that means the opposite of what it says, in which case God would not be grieved at His heart but encouraged! But if that is true then why did he wipe out the whole planet minus 8 people? It just doesn't make any sense!

Further still, there are readily available writings on the subject that provide clear and logically sound explanations for the figures. But I have yet to meet or encounter a single Open Theist who cares enough to lift a finger to discover it for himself. That says a lot.
Give a title and author of a book or article that addresses this issue head on and I will promise to read it. How’s that?

When I point out to an Open Theist that there is a misunderstanding about a doctrinal tenet, they don't say, "Really? Please explain." Instead, I get resistance and defiance. Open Theists are so arrogant that it doesn't matter to them whether or not they properly understand an opposing viewpoint. It is anti-intellectual. Anti-knowledge. It is provincial, puerile and small-minded.
I personally have told you at least a half dozen times that if you have something to teach me, do it. I wasn’t kidding.

Forget me. Forget my theology. Think of your own understanding. Think of your own acquisition of knowledge. If you truly cared about what determinists believe and how they treat anthropopathic language and passages, you wouldn't need me to chide you about it. You would go find out on your own intitiative. If I were convinced you cared one whit about it, I would happily oblige. It's clear to me that you don't;
I have actually looked a few things concerning this Presuppositionalism thing you espouse. All of it either makes little or no sense or it bares no resemblance to anything I've ever seen you post. This is why I have asked you about it more than once before (with no response, by the way).

If you only knew how often I do this, you would thank me.
You know what, I believe you. You and I definitely have a disconnect somewhere that prevents us from seeing where the other is coming from. I have no doubt that you bite your tongue as often as I do, perhaps more so.

It's called Socratic Irony. It's how I learn. It's a perfectly legitimate form of discourse. Jesus and Paul used the method. It's quite effective.
Yeah well when it's used too often without the use of straight answers in the mix it's also called annoying.

It only further shows that you're having a hard time keeping up, Clete. You can't even mock me accurately.
Whether you believe it or not Jim, you come across to me exactly the way I came across to you when you called me insane. That's just exactly the way you sound to me sometimes when you post the way you do and for the same exact reasons.

Didn't you say earlier that it is an "overstatement" to say that God wants everyone to be saved? It's an "all-or-not-all" proposition, Clete.
I explained myself when I said it but for the sake of clarity. Yes, God would love it if everyone in the world responded to Him in faith. There are none that He would turn away.

Once again, you've missed the point. The Open Theist God has a problem. God wants to save more than He can, because of His stipulated standards. The determinist view has no such problem.
How is this a “problem�?
God would be justified in sending every last person to Hell if He wished. The salvation of even one soul would be a great victory for God. That’s one soul less than what would have gone to Hell otherwise. You seem to forget that the whole kit and caboodle was condemned in Adam the moment he fell in the Garden. If God had “cut His losses� as you put it, none of us would be here and millions of saved souls would never have existed.

God wants to save, and will save, exactly and only those whom He has chosen to save. No more. No less. Yes, we both believe God cannot save everyone, but my view doesn't put that desire on God, as yours does.
So my version of God is a big loser, and yours is the author of evil and the creator of beings designed specifically and only for His wrath.
I’ll take a just and righteous loser over the author of evil any day of the week and twice on Sundays, thank you very much.

It's not weakness I'm implying. It is incoherence. How could a God who wants all men to be saved and to come to the saving knowledge of Christ sit by and watch scores of people plummet into hell?
With a heavy heart, full of sorrow and grief over the needless tragedy of it, that’s how.

Statistically, He is losing big-time (hence the term, Big Loser), and any economist, statistician or gambler would suggest He cut His losses and end it all right now. The "God Who Risks" is betting against the house, and He loses big every single day.
It’s a matter of perspective I suppose. It seems to me that you are not qualified to make such an assessment anyway. God obviously thinks it worthwhile to do things the way He is doing them, and He’s smarter than the both of us put together.

You have it backward. Pour the biblical meanings of these words into them and it is a correct statement. In other words, read this statement without the Open Theistic spectacles cemented to your face and without the inane ideas of non-individual "corporate election" and non-salvific "choosing-for-a-task" in your head and suddenly you have Biblical truth.
Nope on the contrary Jim, to get what I think that verse says all anyone has to do is read it no specialized knowledge is needed at all accept an ability to read. A third grader who knows nothing at all about theology could read and understand it perfectly.

I already knew that is what you think. It's Open View arrogance. I've seen it before. Open Theists just can't fathom the possibility that their view could be wrong, so they blithely dismiss it. If you really thought it was possible to be wrong, you'd stop at nothing to find out, much like I've stopped at nothing to investigate Open Theism. But you don't really care, do you?
All I’m waiting on is someone to show me where I’m wrong. You up for it?

I don't care. It wasn't my intent to impress you, but to shame you and to show that you really don't give a hoot. If you did, you wouldn't waste so much time rehashing things that have long been established.
Oh yeah, heaven forbid that we actually ask someone to make an argument for the theology they believe on a web site which is in existence for that express purpose. Give me a break. Swordsman start this thread and titled it in a manner so as to make sure Knight (and probably myself) would be sure to engage him in a debate about Open Theism. What would you like for us to say…
“Uh Swordsman, I can’t respond to your mindless ranting right now, to do so would require that I rehash material I’ve already covered with Hilston on another thread and he said I don’t know what I’m talking about but didn’t explain what he meant or how I was wrong so I need to go read every post Jim’s ever written to see if he’s explained himself elsewhere and in addition he mention some guy named Pink so I need to read all his stuff too so that I know for sure that I know that Calvinism is heresy before I crush you into powder in this debate.�

Really? What have you read of Calvin or his cronies?
I have read some of Calvin’s writing although admittedly very little.
I’ve read a few different books (at least in part) by A.W. Pink – A Study of Dispensationalism, Gleanings in Genesis and Gleanings From Paul, maybe small portions of one or two more.
I’ve read most of what is on a website that features the writings of a man names R.L Babney His is by far the one I’ve read the most of. I read Pink’s books when I was in high school, when I was still up to my neck in Calvinism myself. That’s been a long time ago.
There are others, mostly modern authors like R.C. Sproul and John MacArthur and Charles Stanley.
All of whom, by the way, teach the exact same tenets of Calvinism that I believed for the first 20+ years of my Christian life. I, for one, do not buy your assertion that we (open theists) are ignorant of what Calvinism actually teaches. The TULIP mnemonic device is relatively new and Dabney wrote before it was in common use but he would have agreed with it fully, as would have Pink and as far as anything I’ve seen so would Calvin, Luther, and Augustine.
This isn’t a complete list but in addition to books, I’ve also read lots of articles, mainly on the internet, by various authors whom I couldn’t begin to name. I usually end up reading them because someone claims that they “do the best job of defending their beliefs that they’ve ever seen, blah, blah, blah� So, I’ll read it and discover that they use the exact same arguments that you and others here on TOL use, the exact same ones, sometimes verbatim.

What have you read of about the figure of anthropopathism? List the titles and authors.
Anthropopathisms are figures of speech that attribute the attributes of man to something other than a man (emotion, intellect, sight or another of the senses, etc). It is not quite the same thing as anthropomorphisms which attribute the form of man onto things other than men(arms, legs, eyes, etc).
See, I knew that without even having to look it up! Have I read any books on the subject? Well, “Figures of Speech Used in the Bible� by E.W. Bullinger discusses this and I’ve read that portion of his book along with one or two others, but I have not read the entire volume.

Really? Yet you still go around with a distorted definition of total depravity and immutability? If that's true, then the destructive effect of Open Theism on the mind is worse than I thought.
No I don’t. Guess what Jim, you don’t get to define what Calvinism is! Sproul is probably the leading Calvinist in this country at the moment and I just heard him less than a month ago say on national radio that God cannot change at all period. I think his exact words where “God is utterly immutable.� And then he went on for half an hour making the point painfully clear and explaining how this doesn’t cause the logical problems that one would intuitively think it would.
C.S. Lewis, another prominent Calvinist whom I’ve read quite a bit said in his book “Miracles�, that “God cannot be touched by love.�, a statement about God’s impassibility, a related doctrine to immutability. And both he and Sproul used the same exact arguments that I’ve seen Swordsman and Z Man and other Calvinist on this site use to defend those beliefs. Are you going to suggest to us that R.C. Sproul and C.S. Lewis are a couple of half baked theologians like the rest of us here at TOL?

We agree that God cannot save everyone, but for different reasons. We agree that the Bible is God's inerrant and infallible word, right? We agree that Jesus is God incarnate, right? I'm sure we could find a whole host of other things.
Well yes, dispensationalism for one big one. I didn’t mean to suggest that we don’t agree on anything at all, I just meant that we seem never to be in agreement on this web site. You and I seem to be polar opposites on just about every issue that we discuss. That’s all I meant.

I wish that weren't the case, Clete. Perhaps we should have a phone conversation, just to get to know better how we each communicate. Maybe there is a disconnect and I'm reading something into your words that isn't there, or vice versa.
Yeah, I’d say there is plenty of missing each other happening on both sides. I would welcome a phone conversation. It’s just a matter of getting our schedules together. I know you work at night but I’m sure we can figure it out.

I didn't claim you've been disrespectful toward me. You seem (seem -- I don't know -- I'm just guessing based on observation) to not respect the debate. Someone once said, "Our enemies make us scholars." Those words are meaningful to those who respect debate. They go out and study their enemy. They more thoroughly study their own positions. They change and refine and hone their arguments. Here, it's just the same ol' song, different thread. Same distorted assumptions, different forum. If I ever saw an Open Theist say, "Based on those quotes, I've been making a wrong assumption about the doctrine of total depravity. I'm going to stop that," then I would say, "There's a person who seems to respect the debate."
Well, I can tell you that it would take a whole lot more than a single quote from Calvin to convince me that the TULIP doctrines are erroneous. And even if you succeeded in convincing me that Calvin would not be a Calvinist today, that still leaves all of today’s Calvinists to deal with who do believe the modern version of the TULIP doctrines. And do believe that God is utterly immutable and cannot have a new thought in His head or be touched by love.
It is not even my normal mode to make a claim as to what someone believes and then attack that belief anyway. Generally I wait till someone says something that is wrong and then I try to get them to see that it is wrong. In other words, I am debating what someone has already stated at a belief, there is no need for me to argue against distortions of my own making. The Calvinists on the site give me plenty to work with as it is.

While appreciate your kind remarks, and I sincerely desire to have a cordial and respectful discussion with you, your exit interview with Zman made me re-think even wanting to talk to you on the phone. Something told me that I was seeing my future.
Well, that won’t happen unless you start shooting blasphemies all over the place on threads where more than one unbeliever is known to be present and sure to read it. Those sorts of things coming from an unbeliever do plenty of harm but are somewhat expected. But coming from someone who claims to be a follower of Christ, statements like that do dramatically more harm and must be staunchly and publicly opposed, especially in the presence of someone who is already a skeptic. You may disagree with my reasoning on this and I’m sure you disagree with the way I handled it but at least now you know how to avoid such treatment yourself. Let me know if you would like to set up a phone call and we’ll figure out a time.

Resting in Him,