ARCHIVE: Open Theism part 2

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Nathon Detroit

More and more I see people claiming to be Christians, all the while diminishing the work of God, through Christ. These people are not Christians, truly they are Satanists.
Ok, ok... we get it....

This goes out to everyone on this thread...

Everyone is a heretic.
Everyone is a Satanist
Everyone is a hell bound sinner
Everyone is a deceiver
Everyone is a liar and a jerk.

We get it. Can we move on now?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Ok, ok... we get it....

This goes out to everyone on this thread...

Everyone is a heretic.
Everyone is a Satanist
Everyone is a hell bound sinner
Everyone is a deceiver
Everyone is a liar and a jerk.

We get it. Can we move on now?
I wasn't referring to you, Knight.


New member
This thread is unbelievable. Have people on this site gone off the deep end? Since when did the Calmanianism debate become a reason for such recalcitrance?

What was your first clue?

Ok, ok... we get it....

This goes out to everyone on this thread...

Everyone is a heretic.
Everyone is a Satanist
Everyone is a hell bound sinner
Everyone is a deceiver
Everyone is a liar and a jerk.

We get it. Can we move on now?
I know I feel better! :sigh: I thought I was the only heretic here. :noid:
I was getting so lonely after all the times I felt marginalized and ostracized:

1st Council of Nicaea
Constantinople One
Council of Ephesus
Council of Chalcedon
Constantinople Two
Constantinople Three
2nd Council of Nicaea
Constantinople Four
Lateran One
Lateran Two
Lateran Three
Lateran Four
1st Council of Lyons
2nd Council of Lyons
Council of Vienne
Council of Constance
Council of Florence
Lateran Five
Council of Trent
First Vatican Council
Second Vatican Council

And Now
... drum roll and fodder please ....

1st Council of TOL

Finally wisdom has spoken ... we are all 'out of' this together. The family of God united in stupidity.

Great insight Knight. I guess everybody is somebody's heretic sometime.

Nathon Detroit

AMR your rep to me stated.... "neg reps are for cowards". Let me correct you ... neg reps are for stupid posts which you have made a lot of lately.


New member
You waste your breath with sinless perfectionism heresies. THE most basic issue is the Deity of Christ that you reject. You waste your time on peripheral issues while ignoring an essential, salvific truth.
You wast your breath trying to tell people you believe which you clearly do not. You remain dead because you prefer your death to Christ life. You say so every time you make a post.


New member
Whatever. Who asked you what sort of free will you believe in? I didn't, nor do I care. Such a thing is meaningless in the first place and has nothing to do with the topic of free will as any other sane person understands it.

Here we go again. I can't sin because my testimony is that I am perfect. Brilliant!

This is quite true but you fail to understand is that whether a Christian believes that they are subject to the flesh or not, the fact is that they are not regardless of how they act as a result of their unbelief.

A point you wouldn't lose sight of so easily if you would get off this definition of sin kick that you seem obsessed about.

Stop worrying about the words you use and just get the message across! Which is more important the words or the meaning behind the words?

Even so, this has nothing whatsoever to do with Open Theism or free will.

We cannot remain subject to our former self. We have been crucified in Him whether we acknowledge it or not. The key that people need to learn and that you need to focus on teaching them is that it makes no difference what they do, they are identified in Christ and are therefore perfect because He is perfect and His perfection has been imputed to them by faith in Him. It is true that once they understand this truth that their walk will become much more fruitful in this life but even if that never happens, it doesn't change who they are in Christ.

Stop contradicting yourself! Now we can sin! :bang:
How in the world do you ever expect for anyone to take you seriously when you cannot even be consistent with your own standards? The idea that Christians can sin or be carnal should never ever come out of you mouth unless and until you drop this silly rampage you are on concerning everyone else's "misuse" of the term. No one is going to care one bit about anything you have to say if you cannot keep from being a hypocrite when you say it.

Now if you want to discuss this aspect of the Gospel of Grace further, please start another thread or find one where it will be on topic. Thanks!

Resting in Him,

Will, I didn't wont to believe it Clete, but you are afraid of the Gospel of Christ. It is acceptable to you only on your terms. It doesn't work like that. You have no standing to say anything of truth concerning the Gospel. You are a non believer in the Gospel of Christ and a firm believer in Cleteisms.


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Hall of Fame
You, like your master, hate all truth that is God's Truth. You vomit lies to serve him who would corrupt us all, for you are so full of arrogant stagnation that you would pop like a toad before doing otherwise. The poison of your tongue is evidence of the evil in your heart. You are a devil come to encourage the evil in men's hearts.

Do you really believe Clete is a child of Satan, not a child of God?

If you think he calls you an enemy of the gospel, why come down to his level (I think he thinks you are a fellow believer in Christ)?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
AMR shows no evidence whatsoever of being a believer. He preaches a different gospel, worships a different Jesus, has no understanding of what the word "truth" means, is not willing to be swayed by either the Scripture or sound reason away from what has repeatedly been shown to be both irrational and unbiblical. He won't even respond with any substance to the arguments! He isn't interested in the arguments. He's interested in spewing his blasphemous doctrine and calling anyone who gets fed up with his smug condescending attitude "vitriolic" so as to provide himself a convenient excuse for his inability to answer the arguments against him.

He may well be a believer but given the evidence against such a conclusion and the complete lack of evidence for it, I will give him the benefit of the doubt and act toward him as though he were not.

Resting in Him,

How does his Christology differ? I think you both affirm the virgin conception, Deity and resurrection of Christ, Second Coming, Trinity, etc.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I have no benefits of doubt to extend to you, for I am convinced you are not a believer. You are a devil.

(Please, Nang and others that are in agreement, I urge you to not add your support to this so that you may remain here boldly teaching the truth.)

You both need to learn from George Whitefield (Calvinist) and John Wesley (Arminian...a free will theist like OT).

They were able to see the gospel preached with fruit despite their division and doctrinal differences. In the end, in love, they considered each other co-laborers for Christ.

Learn to disagree with maturely.

If you are making Calvinism into a cult, I must distance myself from this direction. A rejection of TULIP is not tantamount to rejecting Christ and His finished work.

If Clete is an unbelieving devil, does that make me one also...or has this become petty and ad hominem?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Q: Does love require free will?

As Sanders has argued, free will is not an end in itself elevated to dethrone God. It is necessary for the higher good of reciprocal love relationships between creature and Creator. He did not want us to be Pinocchios.
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