ARCHIVE: Open Theism part 2

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Well-known member
Only thing bad about the ignore button is that you have to be signed in for it to work. And even though I asked first, let’s have another go at it, RobE, and see what happens. I hope we can do this without loosing it in fewer than 10 posts.

Give it up. Rob's not interested in real debate. Just getting people frustrated by seeing what stupid things he can say and have people think he's serious.

He's say the sky was green, if he thought you'd respond to him.

I think he's lonely and just wants people to talk to him.



New member
Give it up. Rob's not interested in real debate. Just getting people frustrated by seeing what stupid things he can say and have people think he's serious.

He's say the sky was green, if he thought you'd respond to him.

I think he's lonely and just wants people to talk to him.


I'm afraid you be rite.
I'll bet he could build a case for the sky actually being green on foreknowledge alone.

It is not good for man to be alone ..... but it is good to leave some men alone.


TOL Subscriber
How does one use the word HOPEFUL in the context of a settled future?

You are not reading Nang's posts any longer?

I put up a pretty, bright pink avatar so that you cannot miss me, but apparently you skipped this.

I have been giving Patman a real life example of Calvinistic hopefulness.



TOL Subscriber
Key word: FATALLY.

We screw up
by missing out on God's plan.

You do know the definition of "fatally," do you not?

God's BIG plan remains in tact whether we decide to participate or not.

God's BIG plan includes the fate of all men; which is predetermined by Him, not by our choices.

Man is NOT "the captain of his fate". . .



New member
You do know the definition of "fatally," do you not?

God's BIG plan includes the fate of all men; which is predetermined by Him, not by our choices.

Man is NOT "the captain of his fate". . .


That sure is filled with hope. :rolleyes:

I did read your earlier post, and I was struck by how much your experience is unlike your theology. In fact your experience is much better than your theology. I guess most of ours are.;)

Nang: I guess that is what I am trying to convey to you.

My girls know the grace of God and His salvation, and have put their future in His sovereign and controlling hands, according to the faith gifted to them by His grace, and the instilled hope that assures them He will bless their chaste lifestyle.

Frankly, I am thrilled that they are letting God decide their future, rather than running with the crowd.

It is "totally weird" you do not see this as HOPEFUL, good, and righteous, and glorifying to God, but as something to doubt, criticize, and even charge against them simply because Grandma is a Calvinist . . . especially so, considering you OVT'ers all claim to be so ethically pure and Americas' foremost advocates of sexual morality, anti-abortion, who believe in rights to life, etc., etc.

Oh well . . .just thought I would share some real-life Christianity-in-practice with you . . .it is my first-hand witness to the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ evident in a couple of lovely young women who have been sanctified by the grace and holy power of God, amidst this ugly, sinful, dark world of sin.


First off don't put me in the crowd you have in mind in the bolded paragraph above. Where did I make that claim or give that impression? That's the kind of blanket statement you wouldn't tolerate. I do see your experience as hopeful - not settled and I celebrate with you. I think it is wonderful they are in the faith. How should I pray for your girls?

I love Calvinist Grandmas. I have (had) one.

PS: I liked the cat in the bag ... but this one has a nice smile.


Well-known member
Nang said:
especially so, considering you OVT'ers all claim to be so ethically pure and Americas' foremost advocates of sexual morality, anti-abortion, who believe in rights to life, etc., etc.

Talk about a complete straw man! You're delusional, Nang!



New member
Hi patman,

I've decided to reply to you since you are cordial and not demeaning in your reply towards me.

You had mentioned books as constantly changing. Is the concept of the books given for our understanding? We do have alot of symbology in the Bible say for example.. Revelation, so that we may grasp somewhat the things of God or in the Heaven as the writer convey them to us. The same can be said for God toward us when He speaks to us.

In our eyes or in our perceptions, the books are constantly changing or in jeopardy of being changed at different points in our lives as we look at our present state in examining ourselves to God's eye, but in God's eye, He already knows overall as it is written what will be according to His will. In the perceptions of a habitual sinner crying out to God that he doesn't want his name blotted out of the Book of Life at that moment. In God's eye, He already knows whose name is blotted out and whose is not for He has made the vessels for honor and for dishonor. How else could Judas Iscariot be written to be lost already? Because Jesus admitted in public that the one that would betray Him never really believed. John 6:64 Although it was written that He would lose nothing except for the one prophesied to be lost, God's will stands in regards to salvation according to His Word towards us in Jesus Christ, because Judas never believed in the first place.

There is more hope under Open Theism than Settled Theology. Under Settled Theology, whether it be our eternal resting place, or be it our day to day lives, nothing is truly left to our will.

I don't think I would want to be considered an advocate for Settled Theology just to oppose certain points that make up Open Theism. We are called to take heed on how we build on our faith. 1 Corinthians 3:10-23, but unless the Lord builds the house, we labour in vain for those that build it. Psalm 127:1 Thus the potter to the clay.

You may find comfort in God's control that Settled Theology applies to us, but what about those who are victims of that control, who end up with broken lives, and end up with devastated eternities? If God would so willingly predestine a terrible eternal life for thousands of people, why would he be so gracious to you and your granddaughters to the extent that you have hope?

Sometimes I wonder if that is not the reson why this topic would be seen detrimental to those seeking the Lord. To state one view over another may actually disregard some of the things you believe in or supports what you believe. How did John 3: 15-21 says as to why those that do not come to believe? They prefer the darkness rather than come to the Light. So why would God start on that clay if He knew they prefer not the goodness of the Lord? Why start on something that would resist Him all the way? It would be a shame to Him to start on someone, and He wasn't able to finish. Luke 14: 28-30 If Jesus taught it, then He shall lead by example. Philippians 1:6-11 John 6:21.

According to Settled Theology, God has either predestined them to heaven or hell, and no amount of prayer, no amount of plea, no matter how many people may be doing it, can change God's mind on whether or not to save them.

But with Open Theism, God has already decided he wants them. All that needs to happen is they choose him back, and God will be faithful to take them. More over, God has settled a big part of the future! He has already determined that he will give us all a blessed home in heaven who are in Christ. He will add our names to his book, and we will all be there, because our hope will be made a reality.

If God invented time and is outside of time as He is the Alpha and Omega, then He is already seeing us from the future. He slowed time down for a day and then sped it up another in historical Biblical past so that shows God being in control of time and all that is therein. Thus God is present from the beginning and to the end. He is already looking at us.... in the future, dare I say this? We are not there now, of course, because we are not there all across time. God is. So as predestined goes and foreknowledge, how else to explain God being God to us? How else does one explain He chose you? If we are to live with Him, would that not go to choosing us to those He knows wants to be saved and to live with God again? Would there be a need for the concept of books to let us know that God knows all things? Could the concept of the books be used as part of the tools He uses to fashion us as we would not desire to be blotted out of the Book of Life? But even now we are limited in understanding this as His thoughts are not our thoughts nor His ways are our ways. So I am reckoning that open theism and settled theology are mutually compatable and yet mutually incompatable if one takes in account from what points of view we are talking about... from man's.. or from God's. If from God's, then only what He is willing to impart wisdom in a point of the matter is going to enlighten us to His ways and His thoughts, but in our eyes, our hope is in the Lord.

I am no intellectual and hardly worthy of partcipating in this thread. I can only hope by the grace of God that He has imparted some wisdom through this poor bloke of a believer to help categorize this quest in understanding God's ways, and what is to be considered our focus irregardless in the matters of faith and hope in Jesus Christ.


Active member
I am no intellectual and hardly worthy of partcipating in this thread. I can only hope by the grace of God that He has imparted some wisdom through this poor bloke of a believer to help categorize this quest in understanding God's ways, and what is to be considered our focus irregardless in the matters of faith and hope in Jesus Christ.

Hi Pariah,

Thank you for your kind words. I believe you are more than able to participate here:)

There are a few things I would like to point out about your answer. Not that these things really apply to open theism, per-say, but they might help you with general scripture and this discussion.

One of your proofs that open theism was incorrect was made by examining scripture's use of how God has books. Basically saying if there are books written about us, the future must be settled. My answer was "these books are changing." You answered back "Only to us."

Where did you get that answer? Why did you arrive at it? You started with "there is proof in the books" but ended up with the conclusion (sorry to paraphrase, but) "these books are vague." But your starting position was that these books are about us, but it ended up that they are somehow different for us, they appear to change?

Do you see what I am saying? To keep that proof, you had to redefine your original point, but in doing so, it weakened the point.

I think that, as far as the books are concerned, that the scriptures accurately defined them as dynamic. God is constantly working on them, updating them with names.

I can understand where you are coming from tho, I too was once a settled theist. At first glance, the impression about them is they are written in their finished version. But that isn't said, "finished version" is implied by our own beliefs. If you just look at the words, you get the impression that they were "written from the beginning until now."

As a theist, my main concern in understanding God is gathering my information about God from scripture. From that I can say it is undebatable that he is loving, and that he loves the world. With this undebatable truth, I find it hard to fit the settled view of the world into God's love.

I say that because it is unloving of a god to create us and doom half of us to hell simply because it was his will. If it is true that God is predestined people to hell, God doesn't love those people, he just loves the interest they bring to this story he has written.

But along with that, I cannot make settled theology fit into scripture. I can only say that time is both settled and open.

Jesus was predestined to die if man was to be come sinful. But Judas was not predestined to be the betrayer, he just ended up being the one who brought it about. Judas did that so the scriptures would be fulfilled... that is that Jesus would die for our sins.

If settled theology is true, there are millions and millions of Judas'es running around, just waiting on their time to come, with no hope.

OOK, sorry, I get windy sometimes. Maybe we could break it down a little more.

Do you see the problem that comes from a "loving" god predestining a soul to eternity in hell?


New member
Whoa, God has WAY more future knowledge than I have. God's definitive future knowledge is limited by the choices we have not made.

John 17:12 'While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction' so that Scripture would be fulfilled.​

Patman said:
Example, "Will Abraham give everything he has to me if I ask it of him?"

Genesis 12: 1 The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you.
2 "I will make you into a great nation
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.

3 I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you

Patman said:
It was a choice Abraham didn't make yet, so that is why God tested him, to see the answer. It is these freewill choices that we are still in the grey area that God doesn't know the outcome because the answers to the choices do not exist in the present.

Genesis 22:15 The angel of the LORD called to Abraham from heaven a second time 16 and said, "I swear by myself, declares the LORD, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, 17 I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, 18 and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me."

"because you have obeyed me."
"because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son"


New member
The farmer hopes it will rain next Friday. I hope it won't. Will it?

Ask God because He knows.

Hope isn't a delusion either way; unless you think just hoping guarantees results and then you are really setting yourself up for disappointment.

Hope for an outcome with no idea of what will happen is delusional. Muz said it

Muz said:
First, Open Theist generally say that God has knowledge of all possible courses of the future.

Philetus said:
But, the word of God says that Hope does not disappoint us.

What does this mean to you?

We can distinguish from contingencies (at least Open Theists can) and what God has said God will do and have complete confidence in that future because (to use a recent phrase thrown at OT) God is God and can do anything.

John 17:12 'While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled.​

It may or may not rain. That’s a contingency built into the very fabric of the environment. It isn’t going to affect God’s ultimate intentions for the future either way, but it may wreck my planned picnic. My hope may have been misdirected, and I may be disappointed that it rained, but my HOPE in the future God has planned (not seen) isn’t shaken in the least bit because I know God is able to do what God has said God will do. And as far as I can tell, God hasn't said a thing about next Friday's weather. We will all have to wait and see.

Are you saying God can't predict the weather now?

By faith, I hope in the future God in Christ is now preparing. My neighbor doesn't. That shapes the future to some degree. It's called Open Theism, Open View, Free Will Theism and probably is held by many who simply don't call it anything. They just accept it as reality.

Your turn ... answer the question.


What is the question? I'll answer.


New member
Give it up. Rob's not interested in real debate. Just getting people frustrated by seeing what stupid things he can say and have people think he's serious.

He's say the sky was green, if he thought you'd respond to him.

I think he's lonely and just wants people to talk to him.


It's all in the understanding of the problem, isn't it?

John 6:44, Muz. Are you still standing by the idea that God ordains reprobation or will you return to being a free will theist?

No response needed.


New member
Hi patman,

One of your proofs that open theism was incorrect was made by examining scripture's use of how God has books. Basically saying if there are books written about us, the future must be settled. My answer was "these books are changing." You answered back "Only to us."

Where did you get that answer? Why did you arrive at it?

Hopefully, by the grace of God, I shall attempt to share again whatever He would have me share. To requote myself

Would there be a need for the concept of books to let us know that God knows all things? Could the concept of the books be used as part of the tools He uses to fashion us as we would not desire to be blotted out of the Book of Life?

Okay. I did not want to share this as incredulous as it will sound when you read it, but I guess there was a reason for me to have this memory of it.

My folks claimed that I had almost died when I was little. I don't recall it. I do recall several other dire situations, but I don't recall almost dying. Anyway.. I am more inclined to believe that what I am sharing with you is just another prophetic dream and not really a memory of me being with the Lord when I almost died.

The memory has me being with the Lord. I loved being there! Then my mother and others appeared, begging for me to return. Then I saw the Lord sitting at a stand holding a book to show me what I was to do if I went back. I was seeing a continual sin I would commit in my adulthood as I was just a tot seeing this. I was grieved by this, but before I could decide not to go back, my mother and the others were screaming in anguish for me to return. The Lord was next to me when I was looking up in tears, crying as I said weakly, "I do not want to be seperated from you." Jesus replied,"I'll see what I can do."

Remember the dream Paul had about the man pleading for him to come to Macedonia? Naturally, the man did not know of the dream. I took this as the role of the Holy Ghost is to show us things to come. I'm thinking it was just one of the many prophetic dreams I had in growing up, but it did puzzle me as to why the book, and here we are talking about the books. Was I almost a goner? Would that book be discontinued if I stayed? Or was this being shown for my benefit? Not that it did any good in detering me when I had reached adulthood, but He has delivered me and is keeping me from it! So what I had just shared... does it not raise questions from both sides of the issue? Does this show what God would have to deal with, to this bloke, if I went back into the sinful elements of the world in bringing me Home? It's obvious to me. Did knowing the future deter me from my sin? Nope. Like a memory coming forth at a time too late to remind me not to. So the memory had no power any more than my will did, thus Jesus came to the rescue.

So then you would say.. He changed the books. I could say yes... but at that point in time, I really believed I had a choice to stay or go back, but yet, what was written? Constantly changing according to my view? What if He did not show me all of what was written in the books? Like I was going to be sent back? Like Him coming to my rescue afterwards?

So was the prophetic dream.. the Heavenly encounter of the books written of what I would do.. one of the tools used to fashion me in Him to confess my need for Him in the future? Was the concept of the books for my benefit?

More? I had a dream about being in the garage. I got up on a ladder to look at something on a plank of wood running across two support beams in the garage. I saw one of those traps my brother had stored up there, and I noticed a baby raccoon in it. I reached in to get it, and I thought I got a hold of it, but it slipped through my fingers and fell off to the other side to the floor. My dad was there as I went to catch the baby raccoon, but as I reached for it, it turned into a cat and it scurried away. Within the next few days, a cat got adopted into the family, and the tail was the resemblance of a raccoon tail. Once again, the Holy Spirit in me was showing me things to come. Was that written?

So many prophetic dreams are coming together.. now more than ever as all the ones since a tot through high school to now are coming true as the recent ones are coming true faster. Is this just for me to know and to warn me to be ready for the rapture like the signs of the fig tree and as a woman in labour pangs or is death coming at this stage in my life?

Why the stage? When I moved here in Pennsylvania in the summer before the fifth grade, the very first night, I dreamt that I went out to the mailbox to see if the post office was that quick in forwarding my family's mail. There was none as I turned to see my two new neighbors walking across their property from their house across a lot that was their yard which could fit another home, as they walked into the back yard of our home. I thought maybe somebody from my family was in the backyard, but it was not so as I saw them continuing in their walk past the opened backdoor of our garage which I could see because the garage door was opened. Then I saw the two walk around the side of the garage to the front and just when I thought they would go to the front door to knock, they went into the garage to knock at the door that led to the kitchen. Then the very next morning, it happened exactly like that! I asked the Lord what was the purpose of that dream. It was so dramatically the same. Was it a voice? Or was it a thought? "The stage is set. The players are in place. The die is cast." If I ever had any doubt about where I was to be, that was proof enough for me. There is more to this story but to spare the people I love the humiliation and not to reopen old wounds, I'll pass on that neccessity of the prophetic dream which was meant solely for my benefit in knwoing.

But I shall stop there. Typing this, I cannot see how anyone else would believe this. I am going through this and yet...

So let us go to Judas.

Jesus was predestined to die if man was to be come sinful. But Judas was not predestined to be the betrayer, he just ended up being the one who brought it about. Judas did that so the scriptures would be fulfilled... that is that Jesus would die for our sins.

If settled theology is true, there are millions and millions of Judas'es running around, just waiting on their time to come, with no hope.

John 17: 10And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them. 11And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. 12While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.

John 6: 64 64But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him.

There are no more Judas'es running around for it prophesied of that one. There is another son of perdition that is to come about in the great tribulation. From one point of view.. kind of unfair that the lot falls to someone having to fulfill that prophecy, but from God's point of view, this is Him redeeming those that want to be with Him out of this sinful world as those that care not to have anything to do with God because they prefer the darkness rather than come to the Light lest their deeds be reproved. So He can place all the bad guys where they need to be and all those that would seek Him where they need to be because He knows those that are seeking Him as in Macedonia and those that were not at the time, as in Asia and Mysia. Salvation is to all, but why not to them? Bcause He knew they would reject Him so as it is written.. do not cast pearls before swine, He led the believers to those that seek Him. From God's point of view, He knows those that are His and He calls them by name because He knows those that seek Him just as it is the Lord that brings us out of the womb.

Isaiah 44:24 Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;

Isaiah 49: Listen, O isles, unto me; and hearken, ye people, from far; The LORD hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name.

And as the Lord set the stage for this fallen world that was inevitably to come about, so has He set the characters in place. The instructions as the die is cast.

Deuteronomy 4:29 But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.

Psalm 27: 8 When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek.

It is not for us to judge God and say that is unloving when we do not have the mind of God to understand His ways. Remember what Jesus said?

John 16: 12I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. 13Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

I thank the Lord that I believe in Him, and that I love Him too. I trust Him to keep me from falling and to present me faultless, because I prefer the Light than the darkness. I want to be with God, and He knows that. God being God, He shall bring it about through Jesus Christ the Lord with what He has to work with in this world and in this time... to His glory in bringing me to Himself... through His Son.

John 6: 44 44No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

Thus I see no will of man, but a revelation of Jesus Christ made possible by the Father for all those that seek Him.

John 1: 11He came unto his own, and his own received him not. 12But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: 13Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
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Active member
There are no more Judas'es running around for it prophesied of that one. There is another son of perdition that is to come about in the great tribulation. From one point of view.. kind of unfair that the lot falls to someone having to fulfill that prophecy, but from God's point of view, this is Him redeeming those that want to be with Him out of this sinful world as those that care not to have anything to do with God because they prefer the darkness rather than come to the Light lest their deeds be reproved. So He can place all the bad guys where they need to be and all those that would seek Him where they need to be because He knows those that are seeking Him as in Macedonia and those that were not at the time, as in Asia and Mysia. Salvation is to all, but why not to them? Bcause He knew they would reject Him so as it is written.. do not cast pearls before swine, He led the believers to those that seek Him. From God's point of view, He knows those that are His and He calls them by name because He knows those that seek Him just as it is the Lord that brings us out of the womb.


Thanks for sharing all that. It is interesting. There are times I have dreams that seem to come true, I never really felt they were prophetic, but it is still neat. For as many dreams as I had that seemed to come true, I had a million more (I like sleep ;)) that didn't.

In scripture, when a dream is prophetic, the dream replays itself in he mind of the sleeper. They are often unpleasing, and often make a call to action.

That said, I believe God can use many aspects of ourselves, including dreams, to minister to us. I have always heard that people who were prevented from dreaming went crazy, so they have their purpose.

The first dream you mentioned didn't really come to pass it sounds. If any of your dreams contained a message, that one would be it..... but you didn't sin accordingly. While I truly do not think it was prophetic, it kept you pure. But IF it was, the prophecy didn't come to pass...

Prophecy is used to do just such a thing. Prophecy inspires change. Sometimes they do inspire it, sometimes they don't. That shows that prophecy isn't about the future, it is about shaping the future.

If God is working with us, and shaping us, this would mean the future isn't already shaped. That means the future is open!

You will find in scripture times where God proclaimed that something would happen that didn't. The classic example is found in Jonah. You know the story, God told Jonah to preach to Nineveh they would be destroyed in 40 days, and after a short detour they repented at the message and God didn't destroy them.

Jonah, who was a prophet, knew God wouldn't destroy them. And he was quite upset when God didn't do it. God explained to Jonah that he loved these people, and they are his to love as he saw fit(paraphrased).

This shows prophecy isn't a glimpse of the future. Even Jonah, a prophet, knew God wouldn't really destroy them.

Jonah 4:2 So he prayed to the LORD, and said, “Ah, LORD, was not this what I said when I was still in my country? Therefore I fled previously to Tarshish; for I know that You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, One who relents from doing harm.

If Nineveh could change, who couldn't? Could Judas change, even though Jesus foretold what he would do? Jesus had plenty of enemies other than Judas who could betray him, what if Judas saw Jesus' signs and wonders and repented of the evil in his heart?

A lot of settled theist become angry at me when I point out that sometimes prophecies do not come true as they were said. They ask me "How can we trust God?" They do not realize how much like Jonah they sound!

"Therefore now, O LORD, please take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live!"

They are really that devastated that the future could be open, that they would turn their back on God. Jonah is in good company, yet God wonders still why they are so mad.

What else is interesting about prophecy is that they are conditional. Conditions are only possible when there is a choice. If the future is settled, to us it could appear there are choices, but to God, there are no choices, there are only outcomes. So if God knows the future perfectly, condition do not exist to him, for he already knows what will happen. "If"
isn't a real word for him. There is only "when." There is no "Perhaps" with God, there is only "Watch and see."

Jeremiah 26:3
Perhaps everyone will listen and turn from his evil way, that I may relent concerning the calamity which I purpose to bring on them because of the evil of their doings.’

1 Kings 3:14
So if you walk in My ways, to keep My statutes and My commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your days.”

1 Kings 6:12
“Concerning this temple which you are building, if you walk in My statutes, execute My judgments, keep all My commandments, and walk in them, then I will perform My word with you, which I spoke to your father David.

Leviticus 26
3 ‘If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments, and perform them, 4 then I will give you rain in its season, the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.

God never lies, there is no shadow of turning, no blemish in his words. How can God make a promise he knows he will not keep? Maybe he doesn't know that part of the future.

I do not believe Judas was predestined to be the cursed man who betrayed our Lord. Rather, he was one of many alive in the day who would have done it, and it ended up being him. It fulfilled the scripture by causing the Death of Christ, but as I have shown, any prophecy concerning Judas is not a guarantee it would happen to him.

When the time of the antichrist comes, there will be plenty of men who are willing to fill the part. No one man is singled out from creation, there will be an abundance of God's enemies to do the job.

So prophecy is God's plans at work, often based on conditions, which conditions can only exist to God if the future is open. Because conditions do change, so do the outcome of the prophecies. If the future were settled, no prophecy would ever come miss a beat because God would only proclaim the foreseen outcome, and not the a possible outcome (see the difference?).


New member
Ask God because He knows.

Hope for an outcome with no idea of what will happen is delusional. Muz said it

What does this mean to you?

John 17:12 'While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled.​

Are you saying God can't predict the weather now?

What is the question? I'll answer.

One post! One post and you don't even know the question?

You can't.

THE REAL question is "Why did I think for one second you could offer any content?"

You are right Mus, Sorry I slipped a cog there.


New member
Hi patman,

The first dream you mentioned didn't really come to pass it sounds. If any of your dreams contained a message, that one would be it..... but you didn't sin accordingly. While I truly do not think it was prophetic, it kept you pure. But IF it was, the prophecy didn't come to pass...

Well, it did. It didn't keep me pure. Jesus said,"I'll see what I can do," and He did deliver me. I look stupid for doing it since having a prophetic dream for which at the time, I thought it was just a dream or an odd memory, but the memory was brought back when I was in sin. And the Lord delivered me from it.

Thus... did the Lord changed the books or just showed me part of it as it was written in the books for Him to intervene aftewards which was also written in the books, but I just did not see that part of it so the books like you said about the dreams.. could have been used to warn us and as in the first dream, definitely had shown my confessing my need for the Saviour.

Prophecy is used to do just such a thing. Prophecy inspires change. Sometimes they do inspire it, sometimes they don't. That shows that prophecy isn't about the future, it is about shaping the future.

If God administer judgment that is to be carried out no matter where nor when, and He foresaw that Nineveh needed a preaching against as well as a warning, then one could see that God knew they needed it to fashion them.

Jonah 3: 9Who can tell if God will turn and repent, and turn away from his fierce anger, that we perish not? 10And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.

One could say that Jonah 3:9,10 was written for future instructions as it was obvious that Nineveh needed instructions.

Jonah 4: 9And God said to Jonah, Doest thou well to be angry for the gourd? And he said, I do well to be angry, even unto death. 10Then said the LORD, Thou hast had pity on the gourd, for the which thou hast not laboured, neither madest it grow; which came up in a night, and perished in a night: 11And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?

So like God issuing judgment to Israel if they did not do His will when He was issuing all His commandments, and His judgment stood regardless of time, Nineveh needed instructions since He admitted to making them as He did the gourd. So that prophecy was a warning.

And when NT use the term prophecy, it meant preaching. God did say for Jonah to preach.... thus I wonder if that use of the term prophecy was as a warning, and Jonah 3:10 was written to keep with His written word elsewhere in the Bible about sinners turning from their evil ways and thus an answer to verse 9 for those that pose the question and wonder how God would answer.

If Nineveh could change, who couldn't? Could Judas change, even though Jesus foretold what he would do? Jesus had plenty of enemies other than Judas who could betray him, what if Judas saw Jesus' signs and wonders and repented of the evil in his heart?

Thus I see Nineveh's prophecy as being preached against as Jesus spoke of the one that was foretold of what he would do. He singled out Judas as te betrayer as it is written. The son of perdition is coming as well as people accepting the mark of the beast, do you believe people will heed that prophecy and turn? I think it will happen regardless because God foreknew that people prefer the darkness rather than come to the Light. Ask yourself this question: can someone with the mark of the beast repent? If judgment stands, one has to wonder if they were the kind of people that never would. Did God make them that way or He just knew that during that time on the earth, they would never want Him and thus decreed by taking the mark, they were forever damned.

Let us look at two scriptures.

Proverbs 3: 5Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 7Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

One could say that the verse supports Open Theism.

Proverbs 16: 9A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.

One could say the verse supports Settled Theory.

I believe it is how we apply those verses. The first set as unto us to God for instructions. The second set as God to us in knowing God as God to know what it means to trust in Him since our old sinful nature would have us doubt. Yet we find the Lord's prayer of God leading us away from temptation and delivering us from the evil one. Thus the assurance in living the christian life is on God by trusting Him.

Psalm 100: 3Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

So there is prophecy as you stated but it is to mean preaching as the NT uses the term to prophecy. One can see dreams and the use of the books as tools used by God to fashion us, to warn us, to instruct us as those that would listen. And as the case of Nineveh, it was used to instrcut as well as warn since the people of Nineveh were ignorant. Then there is prophecy of what will be as it is written because God is God and He foresaw all of that to come.... like Judas betraying Jesus and the coming mark of the beast and those that would receive it. So like, people with the mark could put on an act and say God is unjust cause they did not want the mark anymore just to cause doubt in the believers towards their God in being God, and to say God is unjust. But then I would think the act would fail if it was used as a platform to get believers to take the mark in defiance towards God, thus the Lord would expose them for what they are... of evil for they prefer the darkness, but God knew Nineveh did not.

Consider this, Sodom was destroyed without warning. Abraham knew of the wickedness of the city and bargained for Lot and his family to stop the city from being destroyed by finding ten rightoeus people in it, which apparently was a shy short. The two angels told Lot and his family to get out as warned, but no one else was warned. Considering how they were going to treat the two angels, reads like God knew they would not repent. The rest of Sodom was destroyed without warning that it was going to be destroyed.

So yes, God never lies. It is our understanding in knowing what is to be true that we need to read the scriptures in how they were written.. for our instructions so as to continue to fashion us for those that would seek Him or to testify of God being God to us?


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Hall of Fame
Then why doesn't He stop evil? It can't be for a greater purpose from open theism's perspective.

Then why didn't He kill Adam and begin again?

Maybe we define condone differently. I would say that if someone allows an evil and has the power to stop it, then the person condones it. Otherwise, the person would stop it. What's the flaw in this basic assumption?

If I am across the world and am aware of evil in Sudan, but am in prison (solitary confinement), does it mean I condone it? If I cannot take on an army of Nazis by myself, do I condone it? If God, in His sovereignty, gives irrevocable freedom in order to have love relationships, is it condoning evil if He does not squash us like bugs every time we sin? Evil will be judged sooner or later, so there is never condoning, just condemnation.

God did wipe man out and start again. Do you want Him to do that every millisecond? Things are more complex than you make out.


TOL Subscriber
If I am across the world and am aware of evil in Sudan, but am in prison (solitary confinement), does it mean I condone it? If I cannot take on an army of Nazis by myself, do I condone it? If God, in His sovereignty, gives irrevocable freedom in order to have love relationships, is it condoning evil if He does not squash us like bugs every time we sin? Evil will be judged sooner or later, so there is never condoning, just condemnation.

God did wipe man out and start again. Do you want Him to do that every millisecond? Things are more complex than you make out.

Jesus Christ taught that offenses are a necessity:

"Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!" Matthew 18:7


Even though Jesus states the necessity of sin, Jesus still puts the blame and cause and judgment for sin against the world of mankind.

Maybe in glory, we will fully understand these things . . .now we must accept the teachings of Christ by faith.



New member
If I am across the world and am aware of evil in Sudan, but am in prison (solitary confinement), does it mean I condone it?

God is right here.

If I cannot take on an army of Nazis by myself, do I condone it?

God was able to take on that army!

If God, in His sovereignty, gives irrevocable freedom in order to have love relationships, is it condoning evil if He does not squash us like bugs every time we sin?

Yes. He's allowing it for a greater purpose. The question remains --- Why does it matter WHEN He allows it?

Evil will be judged sooner or later, so there is never condoning, just condemnation.

For those who don't accept Christ. Otherwise, it's excused(or condoned if you prefer)!

God did wipe man out and start again. Do you want Him to do that every millisecond? Things are more complex than you make out.

It would have made sense in the open view. Adam, who by your account could have remained sinless, could have been replaced with Ben immediately. Two condemned, two new humans on deck.

There was no reason within open theism to allow Adam to continue. Without knowledge of future individuals God would have been in the same situation by just trying one human couple at a time until He achieved the desired outcome.

My claim is that He continued for your sake. He knew you and wanted you despite what would happen to those who reject Him.
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