America's War on Prosperity

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Resident Fiend
Originally posted by Turbo
Not all criminals.
Which points up the fact that you're only in trouble if you get caught...:chuckle:
Back to the point, you suggested that it was pointless to even identify the causes of poverty, let alone make an effort to lessen these problems, because "it isn't like the problems listed above will ever be eradicated."
Well, you're the one who deviated, but anyway...;)

Bear in mind that any poverty-related post I make comes from a somewhat uncharitable attitude: if it isn't me or mine, it's pretty much beneath my notice. I'm not particularly concerned with the plight of the rest of society, as keeping up my little corner of it is a full-time job...

As I said to Jefferson, I fail to see what you're on about; it isn't like you're suffering...
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