Acronym Game


Well-known member
Good results are very intriguing to anyone that is on narcotics

How embarrassing, I have to reply to myself:

Not All Reefers Can Obtain THC In Colorado Springs

(I should get extra points for a nested acronym, don't you think?)


Well-known member

Some Ugly Retards Return Every New Display Except Rumpelstiltskin

RCC (Roman Catholic Church) Uses Many People, Even Long-Standing Tithers, Irrespective of Liturgy, To Safely Keep Intact Nepotism.

(More extra points for nested acronym, please :))
(With apologies to our Catholic friends on TOL)


Well-known member
Never, Ever Periodically Overturn Toasters; Insects Scramble Maddingly!

First, I have to object. To demand that someone "never, ever periodically" do something is a double negative, of sorts, leaving the actual demand ambiguous. It could mean that the demandee must never overturn toasters, or it could mean that the demandee must always overturn toasters. And context doesn't help, as the goal may be to CAUSE insects to scramble maddingly, or it may be to PREVENT insects from scrambling maddingly. :chz4brnz::chz4brnz:

Be that as it maddingly may, and since you've opened the door to double negatives...

Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) Isn't Never Gleefully Luring Young'uns :cheers:

(don't miss the subtle reference to "toasters")
(more points for nested acronyms)