

Well-known member
I agree, though are your exceptions more requisite than a woman's seeking abortion?

Okay, after the Fire Dept leaves. The patient, on my property, in my house, let's say, cannot be moved for six months AND I have to let a nurse live and commute every day. In addition, I'll lose my right-of-way status that a neighbor has been trying to get for 20 years!

The police can shoot me if I try and force either of them off of my property, still, at any time for the next 9 months.


Well-known member
Okay, after the Fire Dept leaves. The patient, on my property, in my house, let's say, cannot be moved for six months AND I have to let a nurse live and commute every day. In addition, I'll lose my right-of-way status that a neighbor has been trying to get for 20 years!

The police can shoot me if I try and force either of them off of my property, still, at any time for the next 9 months.

Also, the person was in your house because you put them there.


Okay, after the Fire Dept leaves. The patient, on my property, in my house, let's say, cannot be moved for six months AND I have to let a nurse live and commute every day. In addition, I'll lose my right-of-way status that a neighbor has been trying to get for 20 years!

The police can shoot me if I try and force either of them off of my property, still, at any time for the next 9 months.

And other than the "9 months" part, this is reflective of abortion/pregnancy....how?


Well-known member
Also, the person was in your house because you put them there.
What in the world? Do you want them to know that? No policeman is going to hesitate now. I'm a dead-man.
And other than the "9 months" part, this is reflective of abortion/pregnancy....how?
Go ahead and blow me away or let me live based on your worldview. Necessarily, you have to do something OR do nothing. I think that much is pretty clear. For the sake of your argument, lets say we have no idea if that person will live or heal for any quality of life. There is a chance.

In the aftermath, see if you can come up with some sort of legislation that makes sense other than simply giving me 'exclusive' rights to my own property 'no matter what?'

If there is even the slightest chance, should the law abrogate my property rights in all cases regarding life? I think it should. -Lon


Well-known member
Do you think killing children should be legalized, if free healthcare is not provided by the government?

Oh I do like to see you duck and dive, squirming back to your comfortable position of self-righteousness ..... this is fun!

Now...... Back to my questions which somehow you've failed to address....
1. Do you support special funding through taxation to provide Whole-Life Pro-Life care to anybody who is born disabled? Remember tghat for some persons this care could amount to hundreds of dollars each day, so I need your total support for this provision. YES or NO.
2. Do you support Pro-Life total medicare, education and support for all minors and possibly juniors? YES or NO
3. Do you support Pro-Life total financial support to adulthood for all persons conceived through rape? YES or NO

The questions about Pro-Life total support continue on, but if you answered three of 'em it would be lovely.

Do me a favour..... ok? Just answer the questions.


Well-known member
sounds good to me - i don't think women should be allowed to kill their children when they're adults either :idunno:

So I would be expecting you to support State Medicare for all minors and juniors, and Whiol-Life medicare for disabled, and conception to adulthood medicare for those born from rape.

This is just great..... it's just a matter of getting you to actually show some total commitment to all tghis.
Come on...... show us the courage we know thatr you have... for your convictions.



Well-known member
:yawn: Or it isn't as 'pretty' as you wanted :plain: How shallow are you?

Yes, hypocrisy, and it is you. By your insane logic, you can go ahead and club that child to death. Why? What changed? Absolutely nothing. One is just a couple of months earlier and 'sanctioned' by the law. You go ahead and live with your perverted double-standard and shallow dredges of human morality.

Oh, I'll support you in prison, if we ever overturn insanity. Until then? You bet, I demand you take care of your child. If my taxes are enough, you may get some help but have no right to it. I certainly do demand you take care of your own consequences. Driving without insurance? Your fault. Sorry it is beyond your ability to pay. Kid you cannot take care of? Your fault (should be a joy, but go figure liberals are this poor of people of character on the earth).
You don't have a right to drive. When you are on the road, I expect you to have insurance and I expect you to pay for it. Yep, demand AND no help. That's how we roll.
Sorry to jump in, this was just too insane to let go. Your ethics and logic are 'entitlement' if I make you do anything you don't want to do. Too bad. Stay off my lawn. Drive on the right side of the road. And take care of a human that you dumbly or semi-purposefully brought into this world without killing it AND out of your own pocket, just as any other responsibility or fine AND just as the rest of us, more responsible adults do.
If you want to be irresponsible and act like a child, have yourself neutered.

Nope, you are just part of the 'entitlement' generation. I will support you when you go to prison if you cannot follow the law. I have no responsibility to pay for your automobile insurance and have no problem making you pay for it out of your own pocket. Yeah, I'm a 'hypocrite' that way, to demand you take responsibility for your own actions. Driving is a privilege, not a right. You will pay for that privilege or not have it long.

Not any more than I should pay for your child's meal. You are responsible. "But what if I don't want to...." Too bad. "Hypocrite!" Uhm, no. Nice try Mr. and Mrs. 'entitlement.' Take care of what is yours! And try not to kill it, break it, or in any other way inconvenience them or your neighbor. It is expected of you, as much as you'd 'like' to try and turn that around, by some bizarre thinking and twisting of your entitlement mind.
Until law forces the point, you can kill, murder, and maim the helpless to your heart's wicked ends. When/if it passes, you will be forced to care for your poor decisions on your own, just as every other thing you are responsible for in life.

Disagree. There is no sense I have to provide for the needs of a child not my own, to be pro-life. Mandating you cannot kill OR neglect your child does not mean I need to become the provider, then for that child. Rather, all I need to do is insist that the one responsible, take care of their responsibilities. That is why parents go to jail and kids are taken away (and still would be if the law hadn't provided a convenient 'out'). I simply demand, by law, that the parent of that child take care of it, or give it to one who will. I don't have to be the one who adopts, just one more voice that assures that the child is cared for. IOW, I can mandate a law AND make you pay for that which is your own. In NO way does that make me less pro-life. I don't have to cave to socialist demands and it isn't having my cake and eating it too. You just have a deep-set and irrational entitlement mindset.

Ha ha! What a rant!
I'll need to answer tghe above drivvle later today, but I need you to show any post of mine whioch suggests that I would 'club a child' to death, or whatever rubbish you wrote.

If you can't support children for all medicare then you're Pro-Life tenet is just a fraud.
think you're a fraud.
If you can't support the disabled for Whole-Life then I think you're a fraud.
If you can't support rape-children to adulthood then I think you're a fraud.

Honestly, I haven't time to read all of your rant. That you mentioned about me 'clubbing kids' or whatever shows me that you're on the ropes.

By the way...... you have no idea about what I believe in....... about Pro-Life Pro-Choice matters.


Hall of Fame
If you can't support children for all medicare then you're Pro-Life tenet is just a fraud.
think you're a fraud.
If you can't support the disabled for Whole-Life then I think you're a fraud.
If you can't support rape-children to adulthood then I think you're a fraud.

Honestly, I haven't time to read all of your rant. That you mentioned about me 'clubbing kids' or whatever shows me that you're on the ropes.

By the way...... you have no idea about what I believe in....... about Pro-Life Pro-Choice matters.

Though I am anti-abortion without exceptions, your analysis of what pro-life *should be* is correct. The unborn need to matter AFTER birth. Just being born is not enough.


Hall of Fame
So I would be expecting you to support State Medicare for all minors and juniors, and Whiol-Life medicare for disabled, and conception to adulthood medicare for those born from rape.

^ This.


Well-known member
...................How shallow are you?
...................hypocrisy.... is you.
...................your insane logic,
...................your perverted double-standard
...................shallow dredges of human morality.
...................your heart's wicked ends.
I'm getting used to the insults and slanders of members like you, especially when 'on the ropes', so I'll take the above in my stride.
But for a sham to promote 'entitlement to life' one minute, and then shout extremist rubbish at the thought of 'entitlement to medicare and education.... and school meals' the next is so close to a schizophrenic condition as to be worrying.
Lon..... you don't care about children, imo.
Lon.... I don't believe that you totally support Pro-Life.
Lon..... I don't believe that you are committed to Human Rights.
..... and you're insulting post demeans you.


Well-known member
Though I am anti-abortion without exceptions, your analysis of what pro-life *should be* is correct. The unborn need to matter AFTER birth. Just being born is not enough.

I understand that you are anti-abortion.
Your short sentence 'Just being born is not enough' puts my long posts to shame. That is it, perfectly and in a nutshell.

I have watched friends experience some dreadful happenings in my life as a result of abortions, far too dreadful to share under the scrutinies of some members, and these leave me in very very grave doubts about my country's present legislation. (24/25 week rule). I still feel concerns about forcing or pressuring women to continue a pregnancy where a very ill foetus is discovered by scanning, and to force a mother to a lifetime's constant daily nursing of a comatose of very very disabled person is unnacceptable imo.

I believe that sterilisation of males is fine, and I believe in contraception to avoid the very problems that this thread is debating. In other words I believe that abortion as a means of getting rid of unwanted babies is totally unnacceptable, but that my country should be doing much much more to advance adoptions.

I don't believe that raped women should be forced to continue pregnancy if they cannot face such a situation.

I know that the above may be far from your idea of 'right', but moderate discussion is healthy. I won't be replying to anybody else that 'quotes' this post, though. :)


Hall of Fame
II believe that sterilisation of males is fine, and I believe in contraception to avoid the very problems that this thread is debating. In other words I believe that abortion as a means of getting rid of unwanted babies is totally unnacceptable, but that my country should be doing much much more to advance adoptions.

I believe that sterilization as well as tubal ligations should be more affordable and easier to access for men and women who have no desire to be parents. Also, comprehension sex education (which includes abstinence) is something that all teens should have access to ... IF the intent is to actually prevent unplanned pregnancies.

I don't believe that raped women should be forced to continue pregnancy if they cannot face such a situation.

I know that the above may be far from your idea of 'right', but moderate discussion is healthy. I won't be replying to anybody else that 'quotes' this post, though. :)

The only time I would favor medical intervention in a pregnancy would be to save the life of the mother, though the intent would not be to end one life but rather save both. From my view, the only reason to be against abortion is to prevent the death of unborn babies. The innocence of the child does not depend on how they were conceived.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
sounds good to me - i don't think women should be allowed to kill their children when they're adults either :idunno:

So I would be expecting you to support State Medicare for all minors and juniors, and Whiol-Life medicare for disabled, and conception to adulthood medicare for those born from rape.

not sure why you "would be expecting" that :idunno:


unless you're a retard

are you a retard?


Well-known member
Ha ha! What a rant!
Naw, yours was though. Whatever else, mine makes intelligent sense. Yours did not. :plain:
I'll need to answer tghe above drivvle later today, but I need you to show any post of mine whioch suggests that I would 'club a child' to death, or whatever rubbish you wrote.
By your argument. It is not my fault that you cannot think clearly to logical ends.

If you can't support children for all medicare then you're Pro-Life tenet is just a fraud.
think you're a fraud.
If you thought logically and clearly, that'd probably bother me.

If you can't support the disabled for Whole-Life then I think you're a fraud.
Tough. I DEMAND you not kill your handicapped relative. Too bad. I don't care what you think of me. I'm 'pro' your relative's life. That's how I roll. You will pay for that relative as long as they are under your obligation. That's how I roll. You can 'fraud' all you like. I'll 'enforce' my wishes upon you that you not harm that relative. Thankfully, U.S. law agrees with me. The whole world agrees with me.

If you can't support rape-children to adulthood then I think you're a fraud.
There are several people on the planet who are alive today, because I exist. How about you? Fraud?
Who is alive today because you are on the planet? How much do you give to help another each year?
:think: Am I a fraud, or is it you? :think:
Honestly, I haven't time to read all of your rant. That you mentioned about me 'clubbing kids' or whatever shows me that you're on the ropes.
By the way...... you have no idea about what I believe in....... about Pro-Life Pro-Choice matters.
Thinking clearly is a good trait.