A bit about me

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I do find it humorous, however, the way that some of you seem to have a problem with a man who has earned a PhD.
Swing and a miss. We have them about the place. And Mensa kids too...and some who manage nicely enough without being either. It isn't the degree but the degree of something present and wanting in your opening address that we're having a bit of fun with.

Is it that big of a threat, that you have to find a way to attack me because I took the time, trouble, and effort to stay in school?
Not even in the zip code of the ball park.

I mean, really, come on. As for the jerk who asked in the chat session if I ask people to call me Doctor, I do not care either way,
You say, but then there's this--
and those who sit in my class will call me what I chose, if they want to pass that is.
Good to know you have your academic priorities in line.

Yeah, I have the power and I've earned it. So there.
Hit a nerve then...you introduce yourself as Doctor ___ to strangers or at parties, don't you? :D

It isn't power, doofi, it's responsibility and how you wield it says a great deal about what you actually gleaned from the pursuit. Or maybe you're too accustomed to that control and mandated respectful posture on the part of those kids and aren't up for being prodded a bit by those who either don't stand beneath you on the academic rungs or don't care if they do. :think: Something to consider, even if offered by a jerk. :chuckle:

You do realize that's the second time you've engaged in name calling in lieu of reasoned (or, better yet, humorously reasoned) counter. And the jerk? He still hasn't.



New member
Ah, I see, typical of Christians, your sense of humor runs very shallow. Even my wife gets the Britney Spears joke, but then again we are burdened with the guilt of religion, so its easy.
Why did you assume Wizard was Christian?
I do find it humorous, however, the way that some of you seem to have a problem with a man who has earned a PhD.
Well you did draw a lot of attention to it. Plus I'm pretty sure that you are not the only poster here with a PhD, you trumpet it while they do not, so it leaves a negative first impression.
As for the jerk who asked in the chat session if I ask people to call me Doctor, I do not care either way, and those who sit in my class will call me what I chose, if they want to pass that is.
Are they a jerk for asking it or were they just a jerk who happened to ask that? Because it's a legitimate question and not something I'll get to worried about when/if people bother to ask me that.
Yeah, I have the power and I've earned it. So there.
Steady on there on the ego trip mate, that's exactly the type of attitude which will attract further similar rebukes like moths to a flame. You have a PhD, good for you, but that does not make you a superior or some sort of authority on matters outside your field. So ease up on your power trip and comment on a few threads first.

Atheist PhD

IF I last, oh no, I don't run that easily.... I just like to throw a bit of "anger" up to judge just how serious you guys are. I'm not as "upset" as you might think, so don't worry about me, I've got a plan here.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
...I suppose since I do not have a Christian doctrine to guide me, my morals are what, suspect? My morality comes from doing the right things, helping others, being kind, loving those around me, and NOT being judgemental...

Since you have a PhD in marriage and counseling (I think that's what you said earlier but I could be wrong) suppose a young couple comes to you and presents the following scenario:

Wife: "Mr. PhD, we just found out that I am pregnant and it was unplanned...we just aren't ready for the financial burden of raising a baby and I want to have an abortion."

Husband: "Mr. PhD, you stated in your thread on Theologyonline that you are a moral man and that you believe in doing the right things. Could you help us out and direct us to a respectable abortion practitioner so that we can end this?"

What's the moral and right thing to do here Mr. PhD?

You also claim to not be judgmental. I have a family member that is an accused sex offender for molesting a little girl. Would you not judge this man for his perverted deed?


New member
IF I last, oh no, I don't run that easily.... I just like to throw a bit of "anger" up to judge just how serious you guys are. I'm not as "upset" as you might think, so don't worry about me, I've got a plan here.
*checks files* Hmmmm.... I can't seem to find your plan in the the EAC database. Are you sure you filled in the correct application and had it approved by Richard Dawkins? I know it's mainly a formality since you didn't request any black helicopters or mind-control rays but we really should follow procedure!


New member
Welcome Atheist PhD! Uh, interesting thread here but like most things on this website it was destined to fall into negativity. I personally can't stand more than a week of posting on this website without having to take a break. It messes with my mellow and carefree attitude towards existence. Good luck out there. :e4e:


Well-known member
Uh . . . I'll just say welcome :) . . . and that we've all voted before and Town Heretic is clever. Don't fight it; its been settled.


New member
Welcome Atheist PhD! Uh, interesting thread here but like most things on this website it was destined to fall into negativity. I personally can't stand more than a week of posting on this website without having to take a break. It messes with my mellow and carefree attitude towards existence. Good luck out there. :e4e:

Same here.

Welcome to TOL, but it helps to be doing something else (like...watching Carebears) while reading/posting here, just to keep a good balance.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
PHD-man is getting toasted here. :chuckle:

Even by the atheists. :rotfl:

Still, it's nothing compared to the reception a YEC gets at an atheist forum ... :plain:


New member
Same here.

Welcome to TOL, but it helps to be doing something else (like...watching Carebears) while reading/posting here, just to keep a good balance.

:D I'm actually streaming the Rugrats right now. The jokes about shampoop and dog broomers really helps dull the edge, :chuckle: .


Well-known member
IF I last, oh no, I don't run that easily.... I just like to throw a bit of "anger" up to judge just how serious you guys are. I'm not as "upset" as you might think, so don't worry about me, I've got a plan here.

... which evidently includes ducking my question.

Memento Mori

New member
*checks files* Hmmmm.... I can't seem to find your plan in the the EAC database. Are you sure you filled in the correct application and had it approved by Richard Dawkins? I know it's mainly a formality since you didn't request any black helicopters or mind-control rays but we really should follow procedure!

:chuckle: How funny commenting on the non-existent *wink wink* EAC.

(Dude. Shut up! Do you really want to give away the Preparation H?!)


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
Hello, I believe in being up front, I am an Atheist. I have had no belief in god for several decades now, and I have no interest in changing that. Why, then, am I here? Good question, I have come here as an intellect, in search of an understanding of faith. I have a thirst to know why, when confronted with such overwhelming evidence against a personal god, Christians refuse to even acknowledge the obvious points.

Though we Christian's have not seen, yet we believe or the just shall live by faith.

I have a theist friend, we have a strange relationship, we take turns choosing a book to read, then we debate the pros and cons of what the author has written. I find that the more I read that is written by Christian writers the stronger my belief that god is a man-made construct, and my atheism grows even stronger.

Pros and cons of what is written that is true, keep reading you'll eventually see the truth.

So, here I am, open to discussions and debate. I make this promise to each of you. I am NOT here to cause you trouble, I am NOT here to disrupt your forum, and I am NOT here to deconvert anyone. I will answer questions, I will offer my rational opinions and views, I will guide you to read certain things, and in turn I'll listen to you and read what you present. My hope is we can do this openly, without hate or fear, that you will come to see me as a gentle soul, a man not possessed by the devil, or evil in my intent, but a man who loves life, his family, his world, and those who inhabit it.

Others have said it, "This can be a tough forum." Are you a quitter?

I am a moral man, though many might think otherwise on this site. I am a hard working man, and I have reared two wonderful children, both of whom have gone on to lead very productive and wonderful adult lives. I volunteer in the community, I teach without trying to spread my views, and I love each of you in the spirit of mankind.

I'm sure you have heard this before, a certain man stated he had kept all the above from his youth, the response was, "You lack one thing." May you in your love for all in the spirit of mankind see the truth of what you lack.

And, that is me, in a nutshell.

This is me and my responses in thumbnails.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Fool, who is nobodies fool, asked the good doc a few questions that revealed the good doc is a fool. No foolin!:D
I think this one goes down as a community effort in the truest sense. You come in swinging around here you have to expect to get hit and you'd better have a good chin and a better sense of humor. :maxi:
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