500 Year Anniversary of the Reformation Coming Soon


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Well I was there and I must say it was a bit anti-climactic. True to the German spirit, the event was more about food, beer, and hot honey wine. I must say, that hot honey wine was awesome! I don't know if that's a product of the Reformation but if so Viva la Reformacion!

I had the fortune of being able to go with the father of our foreign exchange student who lived only 2 hours away so lodging was not a problem and we got up early and so got the last of the parking anywhere close. Being there early, not much was going on, and since Chancellor Merkl (whose dad is a Lutheran pastor) was in the church behind The Door we couldn't get within 100 feet and the goings on inside were by invite only and for some reason nobody thought I was important enough to get an invite so we stayed outside and drank wine.

I have planned on being there for the past 25 years. Back then I was quite the Evangelical evangelist and thought Luther was the cat's meow but I have come to conclude lately that Luther's theology is only "good" in comparison to Catholic teaching, but has for the last 500 years muddies the waters of biblical theology.

Folks, Jesus' death on the cross was not meant to be mankind's ticket to heaven. It was meant to draw people into relationship and wholeness, and is not the only way people have relation with God. When he said, "no one comes to the Father except through me," he was not speaking about all of mankind. The only ones included in "no one" were the religious people standing in front of him who rejected him and called him a demon. For THEM their only hope was standing right in front of him, the one they wanted to kill. For 500 years Protestants have been stripping that verse out of context.