11-year-old Gang-Rape Victim: Should She Be Able To Legally Abort?

11-year-old Gang-Rape Victim: Should She Be Able To Legally Abort?

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And that makes it OK?

Not only is that bigoted, steeped in ignorance of high functioning autism but it equates to calling a single homosexual a faggot just because you don't happen to like them as a person. If you don't think it's OK to call homosexuals "faggots," then you shouldn't think it's OK to call one of them "faggot."

The fact you think it's OK to call me a "simp," because you don't like me and I happen to be on the autism spectrum makes you no better than a racist.

Trying to elicit some simpathy LH? Good try. :third:

No again. You're simply a consistent jerk who has no qualms leveling similar comments...thus now you can add (not surprisingly) hypocrite to that list. So stop crying foul...and reap what you sow.

It was directed at you and only you and you know that.....simp.


New member
Hall of Fame
Trying to elicit some simpathy LH? Good try. :third:

No again. You're simply a consistent jerk who has no qualms leveling similar comments...thus now you can add (not surprisingly) hypocrite to that list. So stop crying foul...you sound like a little girl.

It was directed at you and only you and you know that.....simp.

Is Brandon self-proclaimed or actually officially for-real diagnosed?:think:

First time I can remember him making this claim.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
And that makes it OK?

Not only is that bigoted, steeped in ignorance of high functioning autism but it equates to calling a single homosexual a faggot just because you don't happen to like them as a person. If you don't think it's OK to call homosexuals "faggots," then you shouldn't think it's OK to call one of them "faggot."

The fact you think it's OK to call me a "simp," because you don't like me and I happen to be on the autism spectrum makes you no better than a racist.

Calling homosexuals "Faggots" is offensive, or at least its considered to be so. And while I'm certainly not pro-PC, I can agree with them that that's offensive.

Says the guy who has no qualms about insulting people on the autism spectrum by calling them "simp." You'd tell a woman to abort her child if it was found to be autistic, or had down's syndrome, or some other form of mental retardation, wouldn't you?

Yeah, he probably would. I honestly find that particular pro-abortion argument even more offensive than a pro-choice across the board position. At least the latter is, at least sometimes, out of a misguided support for freedom of choice, but supporting it particularly for disabilities is almost a Hitler-like argument, and certainly resembles eugenics.

Autism has nothing to do with "Mental retardation" and I'm sure you knew that considering you have it but the wording of your post leaves that open to confusion.

No, just you ...simp.

Shut up. LH's position is absolutely correct. If you want to insult Lighthouse, and only Lighthouse, find a better way of doing it. Right now you're also attacking me and probably other people here.

Neg rep for a stupid insult that had no intellectual basis whatsoever AND attacked more people than intended. Also: Reported.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Trying to elicit some simpathy LH? Good try. :third:

No again. You're simply a consistent jerk who has no qualms leveling similar comments...thus now you can add (not surprisingly) hypocrite to that list. So stop crying foul...and reap what you sow.

It was directed at you and only you and you know that.....simp.
I don't have any need for sympathy.

And I don't call people such names based on any actual disorder. I don't refer to the guy who played Corky on Life Goes On as an "idiot," or "moron." And when I call you such things it is because of the stupidity of your position, nothing else. And if you want to call me an idiot for my position, fine. I don't care. It doesn't bother me. But to do it in response to my admitting to my diagnosis sheds light on you, and shows us all you're a bigot.

So, how, exactly, am I a hypocrite?

Calling homosexuals "Faggots" is offensive, or at least its considered to be so. And while I'm certainly not pro-PC, I can agree with them that that's offensive.
I have no qualms about calling them offensive names, because they are on offense to God in their behavior, and the embracing of said behavior.

Yeah, he probably would. I honestly find that particular pro-abortion argument even more offensive than a pro-choice across the board position. At least the latter is, at least sometimes, out of a misguided support for freedom of choice, but supporting it particularly for disabilities is almost a Hitler-like argument, and certainly resembles eugenics.

Autism has nothing to do with "Mental retardation" and I'm sure you knew that considering you have it but the wording of your post leaves that open to confusion.
quip seems to think it does, which was my point and why I stated that he is ignorant of HFA. I can understand why some might think more advanced autism was equal to mental retardation, so I can give a pass on that, but it is clear that I am not, else I wouldn't be posting on TOL at all. I'm trying to educate.

Shut up. LH's position is absolutely correct. If you want to insult Lighthouse, and only Lighthouse, find a better way of doing it. Right now you're also attacking me and probably other people here.

Is Brandon self-proclaimed or actually officially for-real diagnosed?:think:

First time I can remember him making this claim.
I know I've been diagnosed. Obviously I can't speak for him.
Granite has me on ignore, so he won't see this but I have been officially diagnosed.


New member
You're getting your moral precepts mixed up with legal ones...not too awful surprising though. Lifers' have a though time distinguishing between the two.

Pigeonholing me will not erase the commonsense logic of my statement. I don't even have to defend it. If she can make a life and death decision like an abortion then she can have consensual sex with anyone she likes.

Doesn't follow that what is "legal" must be utilized. Try again.

I'm talking about real life and what happens as a result of your ideas around abortion. It's the real fruit of your position. Deal with it.

Biasing the mind of a little girl who naturally wants to please her parents does not count as informed consent. She's not old enough to understand the full ramifications of a choice like murder or if you prefer, the intentional elimination of her own offspring.

Nice dodge.

No, you were the one dodging and I'm sure the other readers can figure that out for themselves.

You sound defensive, like this is a personal issue for you...either directly or indirectly. No more no less, take it as you will. :idunno:

When anyone is denigrated, be they autistic, white, black or "bastard children" it is a personal issue. I personally care about how others reading this thread may feel reading your callous comments. I also care about you, because I doubt you really want to sound this out of touch, and you could always retract that comment about the child being a thing that reminds of abuse, instead of a decent human child, a reminder of life, family, victory and survival, etc. It's sad when a child is fatherless, not disgusting. What you said reminds me of how a girl in India is perceived and treated starting from the womb when they are aborted like they are some sort of sad defective curse on the family.

Show some real compassion.

What makes you think that forcing her to give birth will not increase her suffering?

Long term or short term? Long term - abortion has to be more suffering.

Short term - either way we are talking pain, blood and suffering. As soon as the girl was impregnated the damage, the forcing was done. The baby will come out one way or another and that way won't be a bed of roses.

Moreover, do you even care of her suffering as long as that "baby" is not "assassinated"? Plus, at 11, there's more individuals affected than just her.

The suffering of other individuals should be secondary to condition mother and child. And yes I care. No one can take away the suffering of a rape survivor. Murder won't erase it.

I see you are getting behind on the conversation. Sorry about that.

Fool's words are only BS according to your incomprehensible standard. Try a dictionary if you need some big words explained.


Shut up. LH's position is absolutely correct. If you want to insult Lighthouse, and only Lighthouse, find a better way of doing it. Right now you're also attacking me and probably other people here.

Neg rep for a stupid insult that had no intellectual basis whatsoever AND attacked more people than intended. Also: Reported.

I call 'em as I see him..As stated, LH shows no compassion for others different then him so he should expect the same in return. As for you, if you want to interpret it a personal slight..you're entirely free to do so. Though I suggest simply adding me on your ignore list. :idunno: ....because I've no intention of shutting-up. :up:

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I call 'em as I see him..As stated, LH shows no compassion for others different then him so he should expect the same in return. As for you, if you want to interpret it a personal slight..you're entirely free to do so. Though I suggest simply adding me on your ignore list. :idunno: ....because I've no intention of shutting-up. :up:

I happen to like Lighthouse despite not agreeing with him on some issues. But I don't care if you hate him and want to insult him or whatever. That's between the two of you.

But when you make an attack against an entire group of people, I'm going to call you out on it. And I'm not going to ignore you, I'm going to call you out for being a bigot.

It would be like if I insulted Obama. If my insult was just against Obama, that would be between me and him. But if I called him a ******... I'm not really "politically correct" but I could completely understand why other black people would get mad because I made that comment. If I insulted Obama by calling him a ******, it would be obvious that I didn't do that solely because I had a problem with Obama, but because I had a problem with black people. Instead, I'd call him a murderer, a thief, a kidnapper, or any number of things that are actually true, but I wouldn't call him a ****** because that's insulting to people other than him that don't warrant being insulted.

At the same point, you not liking LH is no excuse for using an anti-autistic insult, even if your beef is legitimately with him and not all of us.

In fact, I'm reporting this post too, for defending idiocy.


Pigeonholing me will not erase the commonsense logic of my statement. I don't even have to defend it. If she can make a life and death decision like an abortion then she can have consensual sex with anyone she likes.

I really don't believe the average 11yr old has the maturity nor capacity to understand the long term conseqences of her actions (either way) Yet, if I propose a solution that doesn't agree with you I'm "forcing my ideology on her". :idunno:

Nonetheless, this has nothing to do with having consensual sex with anyone....she was raped.

I'm talking about real life and what happens as a result of your ideas around abortion. It's the real fruit of your position. Deal with it.
It's "dealt with"...you just don't approve of what's been dealt. So...deal with that.

Biasing the mind of a little girl who naturally wants to please her parents does not count as informed consent. She's not old enough to understand the full ramifications of a choice like murder or if you prefer, the intentional elimination of her own offspring.

You could add the motherhood to that list as well.

No, you were the one dodging and I'm sure the other readers can figure that out for themselves.

Dodging a dodge?! :doh:

I'm laying my (unpopular) opinion out on the line here...what the hell could I be dodging?

When anyone is denigrated, be they autistic, white, black or "bastard children" it is a personal issue. I personally care about how others reading this thread may feel reading your callous comments. I also care about you, because I doubt you really want to sound this out of touch, and you could always retract that comment about the child being a thing that reminds of abuse, instead of a decent human child, a reminder of life, family, victory and survival, etc. It's sad when a child is fatherless, not disgusting. What you said reminds me of how a girl in India is perceived and treated starting from the womb when they are aborted like they are some sort of sad defective curse on the family.

Show some real compassion.

Long term or short term? Long term - abortion has to be more suffering.

That's subjective and debatable.

Short term - either way we are talking pain, blood and suffering. As soon as the girl was impregnated the damage, the forcing was done. The baby will come out one way or another and that way won't be a bed of roses.

Yes, this is a no win situation but then why add to this forcing. You're placing the poor girl at the whim of others. You think the poor thing possibly won't have severe self-esteem issues...or value herself only as she's viewed/valued by the wants of other?

The suffering of other individuals should be secondary to condition mother and child. And yes I care. No one can take away the suffering of a rape survivor. Murder won't erase it

Birthing the child won't erase it either.

I see you are getting behind on the conversation. Sorry about that.

Fool's words are only BS according to your incomprehensible standard. Try a dictionary if you need some big words explained.

Sure. :rolleyes:
Petty ad hom rhetoric.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I don't have any need for sympathy.

And I don't call people such names based on any actual disorder. I don't refer to the guy who played Corky on Life Goes On as an "idiot," or "moron." And when I call you such things it is because of the stupidity of your position, nothing else. And if you want to call me an idiot for my position, fine. I don't care. It doesn't bother me. But to do it in response to my admitting to my diagnosis sheds light on you, and shows us all you're a bigot.


I have no qualms about calling them offensive names, because they are on offense to God in their behavior, and the embracing of said behavior.

I understand the distinction you're making here, but the non-Christians here won't. Just pointing that out.

Even still, I do not agree with you. Jesus ate with prostitutes, and while he did tell them to repent, he didn't call them whores.

You can, and should, condemn homosexuality, but call them what they are "Homosexuals." No need to be deliberately insulting about it.

quip seems to think it does, which was my point and why I stated that he is ignorant of HFA. I can understand why some might think more advanced autism was equal to mental retardation, so I can give a pass on that, but it is clear that I am not, else I wouldn't be posting on TOL at all. I'm trying to educate.

I'm smarter than they are, at least with regards to certain subjects.

That said, fair enough.

Granite has me on ignore, so he won't see this but I have been officially diagnosed.



I happen to like Lighthouse despite not agreeing with him on some issues. But I don't care if you hate him and want to insult him or whatever. That's between the two of you.
In fact, I'm reporting this post too, for defending idiocy.


Just be consistent. Either bash me with the exaggerated straw-man argument or let sleeping dogs lie.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I call 'em as I see him..As stated, LH shows no compassion for others different then him so he should expect the same in return.
That's a lie.

I have no issue with people being different from me. What I have no compassion for is ignorance in people who should be smarter.

I understand the distinction you're making here, but the non-Christians here won't. Just pointing that out.
Even if they don't really understand it they know it's there.

Even still, I do not agree with you. Jesus ate with prostitutes, and while he did tell them to repent, he didn't call them whores.
He called them to repentance and they repented. But those who did not repent were called all manner of names.

You can, and should, condemn homosexuality, but call them what they are "Homosexuals." No need to be deliberately insulting about it.
If they spit in God's face then they need to face the truth of what they are.

I'm smarter than they are, at least with regards to certain subjects.
So am I.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member

Just be consistent. Either bash me with the exaggerated straw-man argument or let sleeping dogs lie.

I don't care if you want to insult Lighthouse. That's his business. I care that you use an insult that is intended for just him but actually insults everyone with Aspergers.

As I said, its like insulting Obama by calling him a "******." Even if Obama deserves it, you're insulting millions of other people as well.

I honestly don't care, at a personal level, but the fact that you don't see this is absolutely stupid.

That's a lie.

I have no issue with people being different from me. What I have no compassion for is ignorance in people who should be smarter.

Just be careful not to confuse disagreement with ignorance. They aren't always the same thing.

Even if they don't really understand it they know it's there.

Why should they? Without God there's no reason to see any distinction. To the secular humanists: the gays were born that way (Which may be true, but is certainly no excuse: I have a disposition towards anger and anxiety and I was born that way, but I don't get to use that as an excuse) and there's nothing wrong with it (Untrue, but as it isn't a coercive act there is no reason for anyone outside the church to agree with us).
He called them to repentance and they repented. But those who did not repent were called all manner of names.


If they spit in God's face then they need to face the truth of what they are.

Biblically you're only supposed to judge those in the church, outside the church what they do isn't your business. I'm not saying you can't declare the activity sinful in general terms but to insult the person would be a clear violation of 1 Corinthians 5:11-12, at least IMO.


New member
Wow. I'm surprised with the polll tbh. I would have no issues with abortion as long as it's done in a relatively quick time frame.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Just be careful not to confuse disagreement with ignorance. They aren't always the same thing.
I am aware.

Why should they? Without God there's no reason to see any distinction. To the secular humanists: the gays were born that way (Which may be true, but is certainly no excuse: I have a disposition towards anger and anxiety and I was born that way, but I don't get to use that as an excuse) and there's nothing wrong with it (Untrue, but as it isn't a coercive act there is no reason for anyone outside the church to agree with us).
Only if they don't know the reality of what actually goes on behind those closed doors.

I need to give you the Scriptures for the things He said to the Pharisees, or what John the Baptist said to Herod, etc.?

Biblically you're only supposed to judge those in the church, outside the church what they do isn't your business. I'm not saying you can't declare the activity sinful in general terms but to insult the person would be a clear violation of 1 Corinthians 5:11-12, at least IMO.
No it wouldn't.
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New member
Even for the religious Christians here, I would like to remind them that the soul does not enter the embryo straight away, it takes over a month for an embryo to get a soul. The idea that life begins from conception is just not true, not even religiously.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I wonder about the poll also. Not their daughter ravaged by 11 animals. I would have no problem with an abortion in this case.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Is Brandon self-proclaimed or actually officially for-real diagnosed?:think:

First time I can remember him making this claim.

Brandon has told us this before a few years ago (I can't remember the exact date). And, he told me (and I think a few others) when I took him to Denver for death2impiety's and Maximeee's wedding.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Brandon has told us this before a few years ago (I can't remember the exact date). And, he told me (and I think a few others) when I took him to Denver for death2impiety's and Maximeee's wedding.
I wasn't yet diagnosed, but thought I might have it based on the observations of others that I exhibited some of the symptoms. I was officially diagnosed in the summer of 2010.