İ'm a 18 year old know-it-all Muslim. Ask me anything!


This means that the Arabs will be seen as aggressors and instigators. And indeed the Hebrew writer was correct.


Keep in mind no one was saved outside of Israel during the dispensation of the Law, or at best very few were. That means none of ishmael's descendants were saved including Mohamed (according to the Hebrew Scriptures). To be saved means to be connected to God and BC one had to believe in the God of Israel to be connected - or they were not saved. Mohamed came from not only they who rejected Yeshua but also they who rejected the God of Jacob which is why they clim Ishmael as the covenanted son of Abraham yet the passage I quoted concerning Ishmael reflects the current jihadist cruelty and inhumanity, the wild beast of a man, the donkey.


Well-known member
What's God's word?
The Holy Bible.
You can't equate God's Word as the logos/memra for that is Hellenistic polytheism.
Just because your religion dictates that doctrine doesn't make it true. Jesus IS The Logos.
We worship God and God alone, not any of his angels or agents. And furthermore the books of the NT never claim to be the word of God. Most of them are written by anonymous authors.
No. Their authorship, honesty and authenticity are well established. That's FAR more than can be said for the Koran.
And we know that there were far more many gospels and writings out there, and we know that it was mere men that had to select what was to be included in the canon and what wasn't.
We also know that they chose correctly.

Having The Holy Spirit living inside of one does far more than any religion or even knowledge or study or even praying. He witnesses together with our spirit these things are true.
Yes that's blasphemy and foolish. But I don't.
Believing that doesn't make it true.
If you claim that the Qur'an is the word of a demon, then prove your claim. The Qur'an is more closer to the Tanach than the writings of St.Paul
I don't have to prove it. It speaks for itself.
You don't seem to get it. God does NOT resemble us in any form or shape. God does not have ears and eyes like our own, it is foolish and illogical to think otherwise.
But your image of God is correct?
You continue to worship, and pray, and sacrifice to a three-in-one God, that no one before Christ ever knew of.
Not me.
A God who has taken for himself a Son, like the Hellenistic idea of logos.
He put Jesus into Mary's womb. He is God's birth Son.
You may continue to be a polytheism and continue having the license to sin - and think that the Messiah died for all your sins, a satanic thought. All your life is gone to waste, you deny the God of Abraham for a false godhood
That describe Islam, not Christianity.
My God is YhVh - the God of Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon and Jesus.
If you knew The Father, you'd know The Son.