Bob Enyart is a great man

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Freak said:
I also appreciate his stance for Jesus Christ and for his use of the death penalty for evangelistic purpsoes. However, it is tiring to hear the constant references to Bob such as, "You should read Bob's book, The Plot" or "Listen to this show" or "Bob is great" or "Bob believes this" etc etc. As if he is the only believer on this forum that is incapable of teaching error.

Enyart is a flawed human like all of us. He has his strengths and weakeness. He is right on a alot of issues but he's wrong on others (that's right he's not perfect). Place this individual in a proper perspective.

Are you saying that it's as if people who listen to Bob seem to idolize him?
:think: Where have I heard that before?


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beanieboy said:
Are you saying that it's as if people who listen to Bob seem to idolize him?
:think: Where have I heard that before?



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There have been many classic BEL shows.
I've never heard or seen these shows but Bob has told me about them:

When he was broadcasting over KQRS (I think it was that station) he had his studio in a trailer near a farm. One of his big shtiks back then was "High atop the towers of KQRS..." One day this sow escaped from the farm and came up to the trailer window and started snorting into the trailer. Bob interviewed the pig for the show.

Another is when he found this huge bug right before airtime, and he held it hostage for $500. If any tree-hugger called in and gave his credit card number to pay $500 and save the bug he wouldn't kill it at the end of the show. So someone finally called in and paid $501 to have it killed. And it was swiftly squashed.


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Dread Helm said:
There have been many classic BEL shows.
I've never heard or seen these shows but Bob has told me about them:

When he was broadcasting over KQRS (I think it was that station) he had his studio in a trailer near a farm. One of his big shtiks back then was "High atop the towers of KQRS..." One day this sow escaped from the farm and came up to the trailer window and started snorting into the trailer. Bob interviewed the pig for the show.

Another is when he found this huge bug right before airtime, and he held it hostage for $500. If any tree-hugger called in and gave his credit card number to pay $500 and save the bug he wouldn't kill it at the end of the show. So someone finally called in and paid $501 to have it killed. And it was swiftly squashed.

I saw that one. :)


New member
Dread Helm said:
There have been many classic BEL shows.
I've never heard or seen these shows but Bob has told me about them:

When he was broadcasting over KQRS (I think it was that station) he had his studio in a trailer near a farm. One of his big shtiks back then was "High atop the towers of KQRS..." One day this sow escaped from the farm and came up to the trailer window and started snorting into the trailer. Bob interviewed the pig for the show.

Another is when he found this huge bug right before airtime, and he held it hostage for $500. If any tree-hugger called in and gave his credit card number to pay $500 and save the bug he wouldn't kill it at the end of the show. So someone finally called in and paid $501 to have it killed. And it was swiftly squashed.

While I would never pay someone $500 not to kill a bug, why would anyone pay $501 to kill a bug?

What a sucker!

Why is it that so many right wing Christians want to pointlessly kill life?


Merely Christian
I confess....

I am a right wing Christian mass murderer. And I choose my victims by race... such as arachnid.


Formerly Shimei!
beanieboy said:
Why is it that so many right wing Christians want to pointlessly kill life?

Actually, we are the ones trying to safe lives, remember?
Unless you are equating a bug with an unborn baby.


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Nineveh said:
I confess....

I am a right wing Christian mass murderer. And I choose my victims by race... such as arachnid.

I'm currently holding a spider hostage.
Give me $500 by credit card or Pay Pal, and I'll kill it.


Formerly Shimei!
I confess, I mowed my lawn and I think I took a few bugs out. I tried to mow around them, but there were SO many!!!


Formerly Shimei!
beanieboy said:
I'm currently holding a spider hostage.
Give me $500 by credit card or Pay Pal, and I'll kill it.

Are you the host of a right wing Christian talk show that needs financial support?


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Well while we're all confessing....

I dusted today which probably wiped out many dust mites.

And I ate part of a murdered cow last night! :chew:


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Shimei said:
Actually, we are the ones trying to safe lives, remember?
Unless you are equating a bug with an unborn baby.

And the ones that like to kill homosexuals, adulterers, murderers, AND some random bug that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Buddhists believe that all live is there for a reason. To pointlessly kill anything, including a bug, shows little regard for life. People used to shoot at buffalo from trains for sport, and never stop to pick them up. As a result, the Buffalo began to border on extinction.

I am not against killing of all life forms. Cats are around to kill mice, that contaminate your food. But telling someone that you are going to kill a bug unless you get $500 is twisted.

A Buddhist would never threaten a Muslim that he was going to eat a ham sandwich unless he received $100, and then eat it anyway when someone stupid paid $101 for him to eat it.

It wouldn't be edifying. It's all about power, and nothing more. It is purposefully mocking with the intent to harm, and the intent to provoke and offend.

Romans 14:
15If your brother is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy your brother for whom Christ died.

Taking from this text, and that of Buddhist texts, I can only conclude that such an action is not acting love.


Blessed beyond measure
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Maybe beanie's right. Let's have a TOL memorial service for the dearly departed bug.

Who wants to deliver the eulogy?


New member
Even though it is in jest, there is a lot of focus and glee on the killing of other things from posters.

Buddhism teaches that all life comes from one source. While it may be necessary to end life for another to continue, such as eating, or self defense, but unnecessary killing of life makes one question the giver of that life.

The bible says that one should not worry about what they will eat, because God cares for us even more for the birds, and he cares for them as well without their tolling.

But he does care for them, so to just randomly kill these birds, who provide song, whose very existence of flight gives us hope and inspiration, the dove symbolized as the HS, shows disregard for life itself.

I was waiting for the bus as I usually do, and at this time of year, I often see several caterpillars at this one stop. They were lost on the cement, looking for leaves and grass. I bent down, scooped them up and put them on the grass. While it may seem insignificant to me, I suppose my life would seem insignificant to a being that could create a caterpillar that turned into a beautiful butterfly, so in mercy, I return the favor.


Caped Crusader
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beanieboy said:
Even though it is in jest, there is a lot of focus and glee on the killing of other things from posters.

Buddhism teaches that all life comes from one source. While it may be necessary to end life for another to continue, such as eating, or self defense, but unnecessary killing of life makes one question the giver of that life.

The bible says that one should not worry about what they will eat, because God cares for us even more for the birds, and he cares for them as well without their tolling.

But he does care for them, so to just randomly kill these birds, who provide song, whose very existence of flight gives us hope and inspiration, the dove symbolized as the HS, shows disregard for life itself.

I was waiting for the bus as I usually do, and at this time of year, I often see several caterpillars at this one stop. They were lost on the cement, looking for leaves and grass. I bent down, scooped them up and put them on the grass. While it may seem insignificant to me, I suppose my life would seem insignificant to a being that could create a caterpillar that turned into a beautiful butterfly, so in mercy, I return the favor.
Are you pro-choice regarding abortion? Or should abortion be re-criminalized?


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Turbo said:
Are you pro-choice regarding abortion? Or should abortion be re-criminalized?

I think abortion is wrong.

In my opinion, most people simplify it.
Pro-choice people want to keep it safe and legal, say the fetus isn't human, and if you have seen a 8 week old fetus, it's kind of freaky.
Pro-Life insist that the second the egg is fertilized, the soul is housed.

I question that. People have miscarriages all the time, and that would be a lot of souls that didn't even have a chance. But of those who have miscarriages early on, sometimes there is no funeral, no death certificate, etc.

It's more complicated than either side believes, but I am pro-life.


New member
But to add to that, if there are millions of unborn babies that would be saved by criminalizing abortion, we as a society have to prepare to deal with the fallout - more child support, more children being born to young women, etc.


Formerly Shimei!
beanieboy said:
And the ones that like to kill homosexuals, adulterers, murderers, AND some random bug that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Homosexuality and adultery and unborn baby murder are now legal. We would first have to re-criminalize these actions and only after a conviction for one of these crimes would anyone be put to death.

beanieboy said:
Buddhists believe that all live is there for a reason. To pointlessly kill anything, including a bug, shows little regard for life. People used to shoot at buffalo from trains for sport, and never stop to pick them up. As a result, the Buffalo began to border on extinction.

I am not against killing of all life forms. Cats are around to kill mice, that contaminate your food. But telling someone that you are going to kill a bug unless you get $500 is twisted.

I'll kill a bug simply for being in my house, is that twisted? If a mosquito lands on you, what do you do? Plead with it not to bite you? Do you brush it off and encourage to find blood elsewhere?

Last night my wife saw a hawk swoop down and pick off a squirrel. Should we arrest the hawk for murder?

beanieboy said:
Romans 14:
15If your brother is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy your brother for whom Christ died.

Out of context, you have no idea what this verse is about.


Formerly Shimei!
beanieboy said:
I think abortion is wrong.

In my opinion, most people simplify it.
Pro-choice people want to keep it safe and legal, say the fetus isn't human,

In your world view, what does being human have to do with it? It IS LIFE, is it not?

I though all LIFE was sacred in the Buddhist view.....
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