DAYSTAR movie of the week discussion thread


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4th: missed the title of the book the Christian father was reading.

6th: God's chosen people... It belongs with several archaisms such as the Holy Land, but there it is, embedded in an evangelical family


Well-known member
10th: we are 10 minutes in and there is no 'drama' yet. It's not really drama unless there are events, mechanics, character. What we have so far is horns of theology in clash.

Theologically, we set up now to think that evangelicals are going to 'discover' the 'gospel' of Israel and it will be more vital than the Gospel of Christ.

17th: I'd like to blow the whistle earrings the mother is wearing.


Well-known member
21st: by comparison with the Christian couple, the Jewish couple had no 'connection'.

24th: there's kind of an odd line/juxtaposition here in the dialogue. "This book is about how the Jews accepted Jesus as their Messiah and then about how the Nazis killed so many of them." It's not a good depiction, so the quality of the film is dropping quickly. Most of the camera control has been static.


Well-known member
29th: good question. How did the bullies know the kid was Jewish? Is the writer too preoccupied with getting his 'message' across?

34th: disregard the note above about the book. It got explained. The book is about 10 Jews who became Christians and were killed by the Nazis.


Well-known member
40th: so if 'evangelicals' know Jesus is the Lamb of God, why do D'ists here at TOL in ECT don't think JohnB is saying that very thing when he announces him to the people as the one who takes away the sins of the world?

43rd: I like the use of the dreams to 'get through.'


Well-known member
44th: the family of God. Yes, the conception in Judaism is that it is not the Messianic community of believers, but is their traditional community from Torah.

46th: "search with your heart, not with your logic." Is that how 7th graders do things?


Well-known member
58th: so there is a conflict between Judaism and Christian faith. I'm not sure there is in D'ism.

63rd: aren't we tangled up enough already not to need to find a rabbit trail about the Holy Spirit?


Well-known member
64th: the reference back to the speaking in tongues is a problem because the true tongues are the ones that speak to the Jews--that spoke to them in the first century to hear that Jesus was Lord and Christ... Instead we have a story trying to say that 'real christians' are ones that speak in the illegible tongues of today.

67th: as far as plot goes, we don't really have a conflict until the father rejects the son, which is about 55 minutes of story...


Well-known member
74th: so the passion of Judaism is not the race, either, but the beliefs. But that is not how the Holocaust rolled out. It was biological.

84th: it's good to have the healings and then the healing power repudiated as a possession. There's nothing wrong with the concepts or outline of the script, just the authenticity of character.

We now have a script that is simply a separate baptism of the Spirit, instead of unified with the Christian message.


Well-known member
96th: basically the story is over, and its going to be one denomination against another, with an entertaining recent convert from Judaism chipping in.

Considering the fact that my other viewing for fun right now is Dicken's THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF NICOLAS NICKLESBY and that I'm finishing a short novel and script-to-be on the rejection of Tom Paine in England during the French Revolution, this piece is pretty droll. The camera likes the young girl; it is unlikely that any kids talk like the ones found here.

Christians should take stock of the richness of the visual media that film is and not make it a dry outline of theological points clanging against each other. NICKLESBY is maybe the best theology of Dickens but certain one of the best character development paths. When a script is just an outline (in reality) it lacks the interesting features of actual consequences to the characters. I don't mean that we need a graphic fight between the Christian and Jewish father, but we do need a real heart-rending rejection. We also don't need some white anti-semites to show up out of nowhere and disappear into nowhere.

On theology, if the point was that the beliefs of Judaism are rejected but not the race, the viewer should know that the race was enough of a core belief that the NT has to make it very clear that the race will not count. That is the meaning of 'God does not show favoritism' several times in the NT letters. The NT does not have the 'chosen people separate from Christians' doctrine. But it does hope for fair treatment for all races, of course, after inviting all races to believe on Christ.
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2014 docudrama

Early defining figures of the church and their actions determine church identity

7pm EST DAYSTAR (DirecTV 369)

I will prob just discuss it at Religion/ECT as I don't do 'docudrama' scripts. Look for the thread on Apr 28.


Well-known member
It's not a movie. It's a documentary treatment of Acts with some short dramatizations. I won't be discussing it here, because it's going to be mostly a theology statement, so I'll be over at ECT. But please join in. We'll see if they have done their homework.