If Evolution


We call this type of answer a COP-OUT.

The RISEN and ASCENDED LORD Jesus Christ also appeared to Paul and gave Paul revelation.

You just cherry-pick the parts the Bible that you prefer to use and toss out the rest. You have no basis for this but your own arrogant opinion.

So Paul said, as well as thousands of other people in the world who think they saw Jesus. Charles Manson died today, he thought that he was Jesus. Paul had his own Pagan beliefs that he brought to the new gospel about the cross. He was sincere but was never taught by Jesus in the flesh so he was at a disadvantage.

In the Bible I pay attention to what is true.


New member
Which one of these is a lizard?



Both are reptiles. Lizards or glass snakes are a genus, Ophisaurus of reptiles that resemble snakes, but are actually lizards. Although most species have no legs, their head shapes, movable eyelids, and external ear openings identify them as lizards.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Separated by fossils in desert sands, fossil forests, and ancient rivers. Tell us how forests and deserts had time to form and be buried during the flood.


They didn't.

But we know you're not interested in a sensible discussion.

For instance, no retraction after your stupid analysis of scripture in relation to the global flood was exposed for what it is.

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Greg Jennings

New member
Both are reptiles. Lizards or glass snakes are a genus, Ophisaurus of reptiles that resemble snakes, but are actually lizards. Although most species have no legs, their head shapes, movable eyelids, and external ear openings identify them as lizards.

Are you familiar with therapsids, and how we know that mammals came from them? It is due to similar morphological differences in the skull, particularly the ear and jaw, that you use above to determine what is a snake and what is a lizard.

Also, both pictures were lizards

The Barbarian

Barbarian suggests:
Separated by fossils in desert sands, fossil forests, and ancient rivers. Tell us how forests and deserts had time to form and be buried during the flood.


They didn't.

Well, let's take a look. YE creationists tell us that all the strata exposed by the Grand Canyon are "flood deposits", and the Grand Canyon was formed by water erosion during the "Flood Year."

Yet the Redwall limestone layer has ocean fossils and the overlying Supai Sandstone shows an arid climate, with tracks of animals throughout. How, exactly, does a desert, complete with plants and animals, suddenly develop underwater during a flood?

Higher up, in the Hermit Shale?

"Raindrop impressions, the molds of salt crystals and numerous sun-cracks also add to the picture. This region has been described by Dr. David White as "the scene of showers, burning sun, hailstorms, occasional torrents and periods of drought and drying up of pools" during Hermit times."

Explain to us how the land dried up and showed sun-cracks in the soil at the bottom of the sea you think covered the Earth.

Farther up, the Coconino formation shows arid conditions and sand dunes with the tracks of desert animals.

Farther up, the Kaibab Formation:
"Along both sides of Grand Canyon at the top, two buff and gray layers of limestone stand out as massive cliffs separated by a tree-covered slope. The upper of these limestones forms the plateau surface and may be seen for a great distance in every direction. Both layers were formed as the result- of vast accumulations of organic and sandy materials on sea bottoms, and in places they are composed largely of the remains of marine life-shells, corals and sponges. The teeth of sharks have also been found in the upper limestone."

Tell us, Stipe. How does all this (there's more layers if you want to hear about them) form in the "Flood Year?" How do deserts form at the bottom of a sea?

Or are YE creationists wrong, and these aren't "Flood Deposits?"

(Bunny Trail deleted)

Sorry, Stipe. If you'd like to make another try at fitting your flood story into Genesis, start another thread.

And do tell us how you fit those deserts into the flood.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
How, exactly, does a desert, complete with plants and animals, suddenly develop underwater during a flood?

It wasn't a desert.

How does sandstone form in a desert?

(Bunny Trail deleted)
We know you hate it when your vapid assertions about the Bible are so easily shown to be rubbish.

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New member

Are you familiar with therapsids, and how we know that mammals came from them? It is due to similar morphological differences in the skull, particularly the ear and jaw, that you use above to determine what is a snake and what is a lizard.

Also, both pictures were lizards

I just wanted to point out that species that are able to interbreed are not able to reproduce. Again, that shows proof of design, and not evolution.


New member

It wasn't a desert.

How does sandstone form in a desert?


Erm, sand accumulates and compresses the lower layers, then ground water percolation cements the grains together. Same as other sedimentary rocks.

You should know that though — didn't you study for an Earth Sciences degree?

Right Divider

Body part
So Paul said, as well as thousands of other people in the world who think they saw Jesus. Charles Manson died today, he thought that he was Jesus. Paul had his own Pagan beliefs that he brought to the new gospel about the cross. He was sincere but was never taught by Jesus in the flesh so he was at a disadvantage.

In the Bible I pay attention to what is true.
Your example is completely contrived and incorrect.

Why do you believe that Paul "needed to be taught by Jesus in the flesh"? Paul was taught by the RISEN and ASCENDED LORD Jesus Christ and the LORD knows far more than you do.

You have no idea what's true. That's why you'll believe just about anything.


Your example is completely contrived and incorrect.

Why do you believe that Paul "needed to be taught by Jesus in the flesh"? Paul was taught by the RISEN and ASCENDED LORD Jesus Christ and the LORD knows far more than you do.

You have no idea what's true. That's why you'll believe just about anything.

Paul's Gospel was about the cross as an atoning sacrifice, the human sacrifice of Gods Son. Its they who cherry-pick certain things said by Jesus to construct their false teachings, basically over writing the original gospel of Jesus. Paul was sincere, I don't believe he knowingly mislead or changed the gospel, but even the apostles who spent several years being taught by Jesus were imperfect humans who got things wrong.

Jesus' gospel was about salvation through faith in the Father. A life dedicated to doing Gods will, not merely the practice of rituals or mere belief that killing a God-man is a substitute for taking responsibility and restoring relations with the Father.

The Bible only says that Paul was receiving inspirational revelations from Jesus. Nowhere does it say Paul was meeting with Jesus in Arabia to be tutored. If he was Jesus would have instructed him of the original, pre-cross Gospel.
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Right Divider

Body part
Paul's Gospel was about the cross as an atoning sacrifice, the human sacrifice of Gods Son. Its they who cherry-pick certain things said by Jesus to construct their false teachings, basically over writing the original gospel of Jesus. Paul was sincere, I don't believe he knowingly mislead or changed the gospel, but even the apostles who spent several years being taught by Jesus were imperfect humans who got things wrong.
The RISEN and ASCENDED LORD Jesus Christ gave Paul the revelation that Paul taught. Your ridiculous idea that this was somehow "made up by men" is utter nonsense and shows your lack of respect for the Word of God.

Jesus' gospel was about salvation through faith in the Father. A life dedicated to doing Gods will, not merely the practice of rituals or mere belief that killing a God-man is a substitute for taking responsibility and restoring relations with the Father.
Jesus' died for the sins of the world, just like the Bible says. Caino is teaching false doctrines of men; Cainoism.

The Bible only says that Paul that he was receiving inspirational revelations from Jesus. Nowhere does it say Paul was meeting with Jesus in Arabia to be tutored. If he was Jesus would have instructed him of the original, pre-cross Gospel.
Where do you get this nonsense?

Paul taught the manifest wisdom of God. Something that you clearly know nothing about.

Go back to your alien stories.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Erm, sand accumulates and compresses the lower layers, then ground water percolation cements the grains together. Same as other sedimentary rocks.

Sounds unlikely.

The compression would never be enough and any cement delivered would just add readily be removed by percolating water.

Also, of we look at the Supai sandstones:


Flat, extensive, with contact horizons uniformly parallel.

Something other than a desert getting cemented somehow is going on here.

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The RISEN and ASCENDED LORD Jesus Christ gave Paul the revelation that Paul taught. Your ridiculous idea that this was somehow "made up by men" is utter nonsense and shows your lack of respect for the Word of God.

Jesus' died for the sins of the world, just like the Bible says. Caino is teaching false doctrines of men; Cainoism.

Where do you get this nonsense?

Paul taught the manifest wisdom of God. Something that you clearly know nothing about.

Go back to your alien stories.

Jesus lived for the cause of salvation in the original gospel.

Jesus didn't die for the cause of sin.

Anyway, looooong after Adam and Eve incarnate on this evolved earth, the Israelites wrote the creation story for consumption by the Israelite people. They were ignorant of the actual facts. They didn't claim to be writing the Word of God, that claim came later.

Right Divider

Body part
Jesus lived for the cause of salvation in the original gospel.

Jesus didn't die for the cause of sin.
Poor confused Caino.

Anyway, looooong after Adam and Eve incarnate on this evolved earth, the Israelites wrote the creation story for consumption by the Israelite people. They were ignorant of the actual facts. They didn't claim to be writing the Word of God, that claim came later.
GOD wrote the creation ACCOUNTS. That you don't believe them makes perfect sense, since you don't believe God.

Your silly ideas about the GOD BREATHED scripture prove that you are on the outside looking in.


Poor confused Caino.

GOD wrote the creation ACCOUNTS. That you don't believe them makes perfect sense, since you don't believe God.

Your silly ideas about the GOD BREATHED scripture prove that you are on the outside looking in.

I don’t need your insincere pitty, my faith in Jesus dosnt rely on murdering the Son so that the Father could finally forgive. :duh:

Book worship leaves people in the embarrassing position of defending things that don’t make sense.

The earth doesn’t look anything like the Hebrews creation story because they didn’t know any better.

Jose Fly

New member
It's fascinating to peek back in here and see the same folks still going around the same circles with each other, and the same creationists still employing the same dishonest tactics.

Meanwhile in the real world...

Belief in Creationism at All-Time Low

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The percentage of U.S. adults who believe that God created humans in their present form at some time within the last 10,000 years or so -- the strict creationist view -- has reached a new low. Thirty-eight percent of U.S. adults now accept creationism, while 57% believe in some form of evolution -- either God-guided or not -- saying man developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life.

Looks like that whole "It's a great time to be a creationist" claim was about as accurate as most other creationist claims. :cool:

Right Divider

Body part
I don’t need your insincere pitty, my faith in Jesus dosnt rely on murdering the Son so that the Father could finally forgive. :duh:
Then unforgiven you shall remain.That's not going to end well for you.

Book worship leaves people in the embarrassing position of defending things that don’t make sense.
Once again.... I don't worship the book, I worship the GOD that WROTE it.

The earth doesn’t look anything like the Hebrews creation story because they didn’t know any better.
The LORD GOD almighty gave the actual account of what happened. That you don't accept the LORD GOD's account is par for the course for someone that thinks great knowledge comes from space aliens.

Greg Jennings

New member
I just wanted to point out that species that are able to interbreed are not able to reproduce. Again, that shows proof of design, and not evolution.


So what of species able to interbreed? Are they proof of evolution?

Many can and produce viable offspring with other species. Bears, for instance


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
It's fascinating to peek back in here and see the same folks still going around the same circles with each other, and the same Darwinists still employing the same dishonest tactics.

They still only love the appeal to popularity.

It's their automatic first port of call.