ECT About Hebrews' warning: Do not draw back to perdition


Well-known member
The book of Hebrews was written to the Hebrew believers. It pertained to them and not to the Gentile "Grace believers" who Paul was sent to. You cannot use Hebrews to make a point about Gentile believers.

Yes, you can. But the fallout for Israel in that first generation was a sign to the rest of the world. The Gentiles were not going to have the same things happen to their lands. Yet they were warned. There is even an account that shortly after the DofJ, Emperor Vespasian tried to make adultery illegal in Roman law.


Well-known member
Interplanner - ever the Partial Preterist - ever "doing the history" - ever looking in the physical for TALL TALE "signs" of an issue the Partial Preterist "spiritualizes" into lies...

Lol, he then shuts his eyes that he might mock his close cousin in this same mistake; the Acts 2 Dispy.

Think I'll remain M.A.D....

1, no one knew if there would be an extended church age
2, it has been full of horrible events for believers
3, there is nothing 'spiritualized.' Mt24A is still about 1st century Judea. Mt24B is after that. No one knew what the delayed return would be like for Christians. No one knew what kind of hatred there might be for Christians once the church age settled in; it's just a fact of church history. 'Things don't happen the same way twice.'


New member
Yes, you can. But the fallout for Israel in that first generation was a sign to the rest of the world. The Gentiles were not going to have the same things happen to their lands. Yet they were warned. There is even an account that shortly after the DofJ, Emperor Vespasian tried to make adultery illegal in Roman law.

Lol - Vespassian; the very individual who ransacked the Temple and carted so many thousand Jews as slaves off to Rome via his son Titus.

Of course, this is where your Partial Preterism comes in to assert that God used Vespassian in that way.

You, who mock Acts 2 Dispy's own confused version of your looking to secular events to prove the Scripture.

Your 70AD to their 1948...



Active member
You (STP, the oil additive) are not of those who draw back then
.....they's the other bunch who received not the promise
He most certainly may, and can, draw back at any time whatsoever,
if he chooses to do so!
This is what all of the many many dire warnings are all about.

I write this for the benefit of others ...
who might just be open to receiving spiritual Truth ...
but certainly not for you who is too deceived to be open.
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Active member
The promise in Hebrews was preached in Early Acts.
Yes indeed, the promise in Hebrews was preached in Early Acts.

However, believe it or not, I can prove Sripturally that
BOTH "the promise" and "the gift" refer strictly
to what the 120 received on the Day of Pentecost!

And this was none other than:

-- the Holy Spirit coming INSIDE them,
thus baptizing them into the body of the church (1 Cor 12:12-14).
7 NT verses talk about believers having the Spirit INSIDE of them.

-- the Holy Spirit coming UPON them,
thus giving them the baptism with the Holy Spirit,
with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
7 NT verses talk about these believers receiving the Spirit UPON them.
The 7 UPON verses connect directly Scripturally to related items,
such as: the promise, the gift, the baptism with the Holy Spirit,
filled with the Spirit, tongues, boldness, power, prophecy, miracles.

I would be happy to provide the verses to anyone who is interested.

The leadership in your church has not received this special anointing
administered by Jesus Himself, and thus rejects its' validity for today.
They are cessationists who teach that the baptism with the Holy Spirit
and the 9 spiritual power gifts (1 Cor 12) have ceased.
However, they are in evidence all over the world today
wherever a lot of UNBELIEF does not reign supreme.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
He most certainly may, and can, draw back at any time whatsoever,
if he chooses to do so!
This is what all of the many many dire warnings are all about.

I write this for the benefit of others ...
who might just be open to receiving spiritual Truth ...
but certainly not for you who is too deceived to be open.

You HAVE drawn back, that is why you are stuck on these dire warnings....they are for YOU

We still believe what we believed at the first when we were first saved.


Active member
Do you drive a late model Ford?
I can easily guess what your lifestyle is.

True belief produces obedience to Jesus' commands,
which in turn produces good works/deeds unto eternal life.

"Faith without works is dead", i.e. works acceptable to Father God.

READ Matthew 7:21-23 ...
Jesus never knew (approved of) those who did not do the will of Father God.
The opposite of this is doing lawlessness.

The NT teaches about the many facets of doing God's will.
'Tis not merely the "believing" of John 3:16.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
You moron ...
you have no idea at all what the people here truly believe, what their lifestyle is, and etc.!

It is the Holy Ghost who is getting under your skin

What I know my old muckeroony is what people MUST believe in order to be saved

You never came to the cross full of the shine you are now full of, you would have been turned away. God would have said "go ahead then let's see you save yourself"

We come to the cross with nothing


New member
You moron ...
you have no idea at all what the people here truly believe, what their lifestyle is, and etc.!

Hah, you say that to Totten after YOUR posting the following supposed mind read to me:

"The leadership in your church has not received this special anointing..."

You actually have that conclusion in common with Totten.

Thus, if Totten is, as you put it - "a moron" - then you are also, by this same association.

Personally, no, I do not hold to the gifts as still in operation - any of them.

I also know that is a very personal, a very touchy issue with many.

Nevertheless, I have yet found in the "Church" world any evidence the gifts are still in operation.

Their purpose is ever never evident.

Prove it - go do what they were meant for - go clear out a hospital - go do by that what they were meant to do by that (back when they were in operation).

Go! "Draw all men" by their operation.

And don't post the results. They will be on every news channel the world over.

They will..."draw all men..." absent of the need for your "wisdom of words."

In other words, as JohnW might put it - "sit down!" your notion has no legs to stand on - your "gifts" notion has proven you a cripple the world over.


Active member
Personally, no, I do not hold to the gifts as still in operation - any of them.
That is why you are a spiritual dwarf.
The simple solution ...
Goest thou with a missionary organization overseas
with a pentecostal/charismatic organization ...
and becomest thou undwarfed.
Butski, too simple for those who have been deceived
by Satan through their Western churches!

News Flash ...
For all of these 2000 years,
God's churches were supposed to be New Testament churches!


New member
I can easily guess what your lifestyle is.

True belief produces obedience to Jesus' commands,
which in turn produces good works/deeds unto eternal life.

"Faith without works is dead", i.e. works acceptable to Father God.

READ Matthew 7:21-23 ...
Jesus never knew (approved of) those who did not do the will of Father God.
The opposite of this is doing lawlessness.

The NT teaches about the many facets of doing God's will.
'Tis not merely the "believing" of John 3:16.

While I agree that true faith produces the fruit of the Spirit. The law is/was our schoolmaster to bring us to Jesus Christ that we might be justified by faith, Galatians 3:24. And from my understanding of Hebrews 10 the message was to Jews who were thinking of offering animal sacrifice to obey the Old Covenant after claiming to accept the Precious Blood of Christ, I Peter 1:18-19. For after Jesus offered His blood to forgive all our sins how offensive must it be to the Blessed Godhead/Trinity to have worthless blood of animal also added to this One last offering:
For by one offering He hath perfected for ever them who are sanctified.
Hebrews 10:14
For with Christ we have the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant, Hebrews 13:20. Christ has free us from the bondage of the law, Galatians 5:1-3. But to try to keep oneself under the law of Moses and still follow Jesus Christ is to fall from grace:
Christ is become of no effect to you, whoever of you are justified by the law; ye have fallen from grace.
Galatians 5:4

Yet as believers led by the Spirit we are not under the law, Galatians 5:18; but we will produce the Spirit's fruit, Galatians 5:21-25.