Ted Cruz: 'On 9/11, I Didn't Like How Rock Music Responded


New member
Hall of Fame

Probably, but they haven't been on for 35 years. And they don't have some of the depraved programming that's on MTV.

Little out of the loop on MTV, though from what I remember it wasn't all rock. Isn't the running joke now that music doesn't even show up on MTV?


My side is with Christ...

"The Left--we will tell you how to think. We will tell you how to speak....Tell me any Left wing organization that has had to shut down because of speech." ~ Dennis Prager

Queue jeopardy theme (right click, open).

Silence the Critic (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). :Shimei:



Rednecks, Ni66ers, etc.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
"The Left--we will tell you how to think. We will tell you how to speak....Tell me any Left wing organization that has had to shut down [/URL]because of speech." ~ Dennis Prager
Lovely. By which I mean completely unresponsive, even if you did make my last point and underline it. :plain:

That last being:

You think it's a coincidence men on your side: steal, kill and destroy.
My side is with Christ, so you begin with a fairly big mistake. And you compound it by first (I have to suppose knowing your stereotypes) believing I'm a liberal, when I'm no more that than I am a conservative, meaningfully, and double down on that error by asserting the intellectually bankrupt and unsupportable notion that stealing, killing and destruction are either a) an attribute of liberalism or b) singularly the province of any party, let alone the aim.

I'll wait while nothing I said makes the least sense to you. :plain: