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  1. H

    ECT Did God Create everything?

    My friend and I are having a debate on the statement: God created Everything. I say man created air planes, cars, tv's and nasty play boy magazines. He says God created everything, but men use what God created to make things, so technically God made everything.....and play boy magazines...
  2. H

    ECT God's ways are higher than our ways?

    What does this really mean? Whenever I'm talking about God to other Christians and trying to define Gods abilities or character, it always comes to, "his ways are higher than ours," "we can't understand," or, "don't limit God." Typically these answers come up when I question God knowing the...
  3. H

    ECT Do Miracles still happen today?

    My mom and I disagree that Miracles still happen today, that people get miraculous healing, supernatural causes save peoples lives, etc. I think miracles "could" still happen but they are highly unlikely. My mom thinks her surviving a car accident while remaining unhurt was a miracle. She...
  4. H

    ECT Are we supposed to be nice?

    I have heard many pastors say we are supposed to be the nicest people on earth, and some others who say judge rightly and be manly! But this verse strongly supports the nice Christian side. If my daughter gets raped, should I hand the rapist my other daughter...