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  • Yes, and I too think it's ridiculous that he gets away with it. I hope you're not going to be silent for too long? Hopefully he'll get banned but I suppose that's doubtful...

    I'm glad some progress was made on the other, and I hope that continues. :)
    ASCon is showing the impact of being widely ignored, at least by those he really, really wants to listen. And that color looks good on him, don't you think? :eek:
    But it is fun to talk in his thread to each other instead of replying to his remarks.
    Yesterday a 17 year female , who attends Lancaster High School in California, was beaten by a football player, on school grounds, for being gay. After receiving over a dozen blows to her jaw, head, eye and head, all he received was a 5 day suspension by the Lancaster School District. She suffered from a fractured jaw and multiple concussions to the head and the Deputy Sheriff advised her mother to re-think her wanting to file charges against the football player because her daughter pushed him back. The school ended up documenting "assault" charges on the victims school file, NOT the football players!!! To make things worse, the Deputy Sheriff warned the victim, by saying, "Just so you know, if you file charges against him, I'm taking his side." We're attempting to raise awareness and bring this story to light because Lancaster High School is trying to sweep this "Hate Crime" under the rug!

    A letter sent to Ellen Degeneres via Facebook. Not sure if it's true...but good grief!!!
    Hey TM, from today I'm looking after my neighbours cat/house for a fortnight so it's a bit of a break....hows you?
    TM, you said that so beautifully. Thank you for posting it. God be with you, and with your dear friend. I'm praying.
    Well, because of your white text, I can't read what I'm writing so hopefully, this comes out ok...

    Anyway, mute point does make sense if you don't say anything though... I guess mine would be a mute point.... :plain:
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