Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 7


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A lot of smileys
Sorry...I know that to you that's like garlic to a vampire.
but no answers again I note.
Like I said, as soon as you've actually read what I wrote, and are willing to ask me a question about what I actually wrote, I'll be more than happy to answer it.

Yes, of course an accuser is either telling the truth or not telling the truth.
Then why did you ask me the following:
How do you "know" that an accuser is telling the truth or not telling the truth? You say it's very easy to know by inference.

You claim that you can easily know by inference whether the accuser in question is doing either but won't explain as to how.
Obviously I never claimed that, which is why you cannot quote me doing so. Duh.
I've already shown how ascertaining whether someone is being truthful or not is hardly so easy to gauge as you seem to think.
I grant that you did, in fact, string some words together, and that you thereby have shown that you are capable of so doing.
So, once again, do explain how "you can easily know by inference that he/she is telling the truth or not telling the truth".

Sure, I'll explain once again. I'll lay out the syllogism for you:

Major Premise: Every accuser is someone who is telling the truth or not telling the truth,
Minor Premise: X is an accuser,
Conclusion: X is someone who is telling the truth or not telling the truth.

With which (if either) of those, two premises of this sound and valid argument do you disagree, Professor?

Now, as I said before: When you've actually read what I wrote, and are able to ask me a question about it, I'll be more than happy to answer it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Sorry...I know that to you that's like garlic to a vampire.

Like I said, as soon as you've actually read what I wrote, and are willing to ask me a question about what I actually wrote, I'll be more than happy to answer it.

Then why did you ask me the following:


Obviously I never claimed that, which is why you cannot quote me doing so. Duh.

I grant that you did, in fact, string some words together, and that you thereby have shown that you are capable of so doing.

Sure, I'll explain once again. I'll lay out the syllogism for you:

Major Premise: Every accuser is someone who is telling the truth or not telling the truth,
Minor Premise: X is an accuser,
Conclusion: X is someone who is telling the truth or not telling the truth.

With which (if either) of those, two premises of this sound and valid argument do you disagree, Professor?

Now, as I said before: When you've actually read what I wrote, and are able to ask me a question about it, I'll be more than happy to answer it.
Rambling on does not help you. I quoted you directly in the latter part from your own post. Here it is again:

"So, as long as you know that so and so is an accuser, you can easily know by inference that he/she is telling the truth or not telling the truth. Duh!"

So, I've quite easily quoted you claiming the very thing you somehow seem to have forgotten about.

Crack on with it, the floor is yours!
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Rambling on does not help you.
Then why do you do it?

I quoted you directly in the latter part, here it is again:
Yeah. What's your point?

Your memory is as pathetic as your attention span and your "reasoning" capacity, Arthropod. See, you gotta go further back in the thread to call up ⬇️the correct post⬇️:

Like I've said, numerous times, if you go actually read what I wrote (in ⬆️that post⬆️) and actually ask me a question about what I wrote in it, I'll be happy to answer it for you.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Then why do you do it?

Yeah. What's your point?

Your memory is as pathetic as your attention span and your "reasoning" capacity, Arthropod. See, you gotta go further back in the thread to call up the correct post:

Like I've said, numerous times, if you go actually read what I wrote (in ⬆️that post⬆️) and actually ask me a question about what I wrote in it, I'll be happy to answer it for you.
I don't, I leave it to you, along with the kindergarten stuff.

You've been asked a question for long enough and frankly, someone who thinks that Trump won the 2020 election hardly reaches a conclusion through evidence and reasoning.


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You don't what?
I leave it to you
You leave what to me?
along with the kindergarten stuff.
Ah, you're going to let me keep all my linked quotations of you in my posts? Thanks!
You've been asked a question for long enough and frankly, someone who thinks that Trump won the 2020 election hardly reaches a conclusion through evidence and reasoning.
IOW, you still refuse to go back to actually read--and ask me a question about--what I wrote in this post:


like marbles on glass
I'll do you one better, I found a link with the full study.

Wait, I asked you if you'd read past the abstract and accessed the entire paper and you said yes but you didn't find a link until after I asked for citations from it? How had you read the paper already if you didn't have access?

I'll take a look. I'm interested in more than just "homosexuals were interviewed."


like marbles on glass
Okay, I've read it through and questions, do I have questions...

Clear sampling bias in the metadata, which is included simplistically and without links to look at methodology. Samples from individuals in alcoholic recovery, sexually transmitted disease clinics, survivors of incest where the gender of the perpetrator is unknown, Pride parade participants who self-presented at a parade booth, and good ol' WEIRD sample, ever the staple of psychology papers.

None of the metadata are linked from the paper.

Finding differences between Pride Parade samples and WEIRD samples doesn't show cause.

Table II: Take a look at the number/percentage of men who identified as homosexual prior to molestation.

Then take a look at the numbers of lesbians molested by a male vs. female.

Sexual orientation and sexual identity are complex. This paper reads like a grad school paper. Maybe it is, I don't know.

I'm not particularly interested in the subject but had to point out some of the limitations of your links. There are more.
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
A lot of smileys but no answers again I note. Yes, of course an accuser is either telling the truth or not telling the truth. You claim that you can easily know by inference whether the accuser in question is doing either but won't explain as to how. I've already shown how ascertaining whether someone is being truthful or not is hardly so easy to gauge as you seem to think.

So, once again, do explain how "you can easily know by inference that he/she is telling the truth or not telling the truth".
This is what I've been attempting to say about former President Trump all along. He's a poor judge of character and he's not a crook.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Wait, I asked you if you'd read past the abstract and accessed the entire paper and you said yes but you didn't find a link until after I asked for citations from it? How had you read the paper already if you didn't have access?
I used to have access to the whole thing on the nih.gov website domain, idk what happened in the meantime. The study is from 2001, I read it a long time ago. I can't help what these website's do with their publishing policies in the meantime. Relax.
I'll take a look. I'm interested in more than just "homosexuals were interviewed."
Okay, I've read it through and questions, do I have questions...

Clear sampling bias in the metadata, which is included simplistically and without links to look at methodology. Samples from individuals in alcoholic recovery, sexually transmitted disease clinics, survivors of incest where the gender of the perpetrator is unknown, Pride parade participants who self-presented at a parade booth, and good ol' WEIRD sample, ever the staple of psychology papers.

None of the metadata are linked from the paper.

Finding differences between Pride Parade samples and WEIRD samples doesn't show cause.

Table II: Take a look at the number/percentage of men who identified as homosexual prior to molestation.

Then take a look at the numbers of lesbians molested by a male vs. female.

Sexual orientation and sexual identity are complex. This paper reads like a grad school paper. Maybe it is, I don't know.

I'm not particularly interested in the subject but had to point out some of the limitations of your links. There are more.
There aren't any more limitations than the biggest practical limitation which is 1. are they liars (the interviewees). The idea that homosexuals who participate in studies might skew toward exposure to rape when young, if you're going to argue that as a source of bias, then OK. I still think the results are serious. I really think it's irresponsible to make up reasons for hand-waving to dismiss them. That's the opposite of responsible. That's what the Democratic party promotes: irresponsibility.


like marbles on glass
I used to have access to the whole thing on the nih.gov website domain, idk what happened in the meantime. The study is from 2001, I read it a long time ago. I can't help what these website's do with their publishing policies in the meantime. Relax.


There aren't any more limitations than the biggest practical limitation which is 1. are they liars (the interviewees). The idea that homosexuals who participate in studies might skew toward exposure to rape when young, if you're going to argue that as a source of bias, then OK. I still think the results are serious. I really think it's irresponsible to make up reasons for hand-waving to dismiss them. That's the opposite of responsible. That's what the Democratic party promotes: irresponsibility.

Yeah okay.