" How to Avoid Converting to Catholicism, in 8 Easy Steps"


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
1) Don’t Read Scott Hahn
I would add here to not read Pope Benedict XVI (former Cardinal Ratzinger) either:

Here's a thought he had on the idea of abolishing celibacy as a requirement for the priesthood:

" The poorer an age is in faith, the more frequent the falls. This robs celibacy of its credibility and obscures the real point of it. People need to get straight in their minds that times of crisis for celibacy are always times of crisis for marriage as well. For, as a matter of fact, today we are experiencing not only violations of celibacy; marriage itself is becoming increasingly fragile as the basis of our society. In the legislation of Western nations we see how it is increasingly placed on the same level as other forms and is thereby largely "dissolved" as a legal form. Nor is the hard work needed really to live marriage negligible. Put in practical terms, after the abolition of celibacy we would only have a different kind of problem with divorced priests. That is not unknown in the Protestant Churches. In this sense, we see, of course, that the lofty forms of human existence involve great risks."


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
1) Don’t Read Scott Hahn
2) Don’t Read Church History
3) Don’t Read the Early Church Fathers
4) Don’t Meet Any Great Catholics
5) Don’t Start Living Like a Catholic
6) Don’t 'Give God an Inch'
7) Don’t Pray
8) Don’t Let Your Faith Be Challenged

9) Keep a closed mind
10) Don't allow the Spirit of Truth In
11) Be a bigot
12) Believe anti-Catholic propaganda Pamphlets
13) Enjoy Jack Chick
14) Insist you are correct after being proven wrong
15) Deny the Communion of Saints
16) Re-write history

Gary K

New member
Just as an aside, the links between Catholicism and paganism are documented very thoroughly. Every Catholic belief comes directly from paganism. This is documented very thoroughly, so thoroughly it is undeniable.

That is not a condemnation of Catholics per se, but a very valid criticism of the system of belief as there are a lot of fine Catholic Christians.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Just as an aside, the links between Catholicism and paganism are documented very thoroughly. Every Catholic belief comes directly from paganism. This is documented very thoroughly, so thoroughly it is undeniable.
Catholic beliefs, off the top of my head:
Jesus is the Son of Man from the book of Daniel
Jesus is the only begotten Son of God
"whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"
The Trinity is God
The Bible is the Word of God
The death and Resurrection of Christ really happened
Abortion is evil
Homosexual and all other out-of-place marital relations are all grave sin
1st Corinthians 15:3-4
... I'm getting tired.
That is not a condemnation of Catholics per se, but a very valid criticism of the system of belief as there are a lot of fine Catholic Christians.
OK. Peace.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Just as an aside, the links between Catholicism and paganism are documented very thoroughly

Sure, in the sense that the links between Trump and Russian Collusion we documented thoroughly. The problem is, all the documentation is propaganda and lies.

You anti-Catholics are the fake news Marxists of Religion.

Gary K

New member
Sure, in the sense that the links between Trump and Russian Collusion we documented thoroughly. The problem is, all the documentation is propaganda and lies.

You anti-Catholics are the fake news Marxists of Religion.
Except for the fact that the links between paganism and Catholicism are backed up by the Bible. There is a reason the Bible calls the institution, not the people, Babylon. God says He has people inside Babylon and calls for them to come out of it.

The institution has acted in ways that completely violate God's law for centuries. The Inquisition was pure evil and evil never comes from God. And even after the Inquisition was ended the institution defended rather than repented of it's actions for centuries. That is not the behavior of a church led by God and His mercy and goodness.

There is zero evidence that God gave any human the authority to change His law. It simply doesn't exist in the Bible yet the Catholic church openly says it has the power to change the law of God. It's in written documents that have existed for a long time and been confirmed by modern day Catholics. However, God is eternal and changes not. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His word never changes because He never changes. His promises are trustworthy because He is always the same person.


Well-known member
Specifically, what are some of the Catholic beliefs that you consider to be pagan?
Indulgences. Payments to money-loving priests in exchange for a limited period of 'grace' in which the sinner can commit premeditated sins without consequences.

Gary K

New member
Specifically, what are some of the Catholic beliefs that you consider to be pagan?
Forbidding to marry. That man has the ability to forgive sins. That Mary needs to be an intercessor between man and God. All of these are founded in pagan beliefs. The roots of all of these ideas, and a lot more, originated in Nimrod's Babylon. It's a short list right here but it demonstrated the principal.

If anyone is interested in learning more there is a book written in the 1850s by a Scottish minister that documents the links in detail using ancient history and the Bible. It is titled The Two Babylons written by Alexander Hislop and a is a masterpiece of documentation. I found it a few months ago looking for historical reading material on archive.org. I found later it is available from multiple resources on line as it is long out of any copyright laws. It's a fascinating read.

Gary K

New member
Indulgences. Payments to money-loving priests in exchange for a limited period of 'grace' in which the sinner can commit premeditated sins without consequences.
Did you know the Jews of Christ' day were selling indulgences? They taught that if someone was tired of supporting their parents all they had to do to get out of it was donate money to the temple and say the word Corban. Jesus very specifically denounced this practice in His sermon on the mount.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Specifically, what are some of the Catholic beliefs that you consider to be pagan?
These ones I'm sure:
Catholic beliefs, off the top of my head:
Jesus is the Son of Man from the book of Daniel
Jesus is the only begotten Son of God
"whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"
The Trinity is God
The Bible is the Word of God
The death and Resurrection of Christ really happened
Abortion is evil
Homosexual and all other out-of-place marital relations are all grave sin
1st Corinthians 15:3-4
... I'm getting tired.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Did you know the Jews of Christ' day were selling indulgences? They taught that if someone was tired of supporting their parents all they had to do to get out of it was donate money to the temple and say the word Corban. Jesus very specifically denounced this practice in His sermon on the mount.
That's not indulgences.