conspiracy theories

way 2 go

Well-known member

Controlling the 'Mark' after a Con Trick

Is this what we're seeing in the MSM re vaccine injuries?​

Are we witnessing Goffman’s con man playbook in real life? The con men are disappearing but leaving a few of their men in place to manage the public anger. Are the recent revelations a carefully managed release, just enough to keep the victims reassured?

A couple of comments from yesterday’s ‘excess deaths’ post got me thinking.

Governments will never acknowledge any mistakes because a) the entire narrative would collapse, b) they are worried about liability and accountability and increasingly c) they are worried that there could be a massive wave of unrest if the people finally understand they have been systematically lied to and gaslighted.

Been saying this but lemme say it again: Government paid for the shots and PUSHED them hard on the peasants. Government will not investigate government for government wrongdoing.
So governments won’t investigate themselves (to avoid liability and narrative collapse) and they are worried about civil unrest if the population thinks they have been lied to.

But what do they do if the truth becomes too big to hide? Too many stories on social media and too many empirical observations of people getting sick or ill or dying. Excess death numbers reaching new highs. Trying to sweep it under the carpet is no longer doing the trick. What to do?

I may just be too suspicious for my own good but some things have not felt right recently. Well things haven’t felt right for a long time but recently it has felt like things are being increasingly manipulated.


In a 1952 article called “On Cooling the Mark Out: Some Aspects of Adaptation to Failure”, Goffman took a close look at confidence (con) men and how they would manipulate their ‘marks’. They allowed the ‘marks’ to win at first before conning them into transferring over their life savings. Once the money was transferred, some ‘accident’ would occur and the con men would disappear with all the ‘mark’s’ money. But the thing that is relevant to my article today, is what happened once the con men disappeared.


Is this what we're currently witnessing with the BBC ‘accidentally’ letting Aseem Malhotra talk about vaccine harms? Is Elon Musk tweeting about it to make it seem normal? I’m not saying that this is what is happening or that either are complicit, just that information has been heavily supressed over the last few years so when suddenly it is ‘allowed’ to appear, I question why.

Maybe this is all to conspiratorial. It would take too much planning and keeping people quiet for the above scenario to happen. However, the planning part has already been taking care of.

In March 2020, John Hopkins - Bloomberg School of Public Health published “The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario to Facilitate Medical Countermeasure Communication”.

Chapter 17 looks at vaccine injuries and messages that specifically address the topics of adverse side effects. It also looks at how to improve health authorities’ ability to respond to public distress about medical issues after a vaccination campaign.

Then chapter 18 deals with ‘acknowledging loss’. In the fictional scenario there is growing negative public opinion regarding the vaccines and the government’s perceived indifference to victims of the public health response to SPARS.

One senior health official argued that time and a robust medical monitoring program for vaccine recipients—the components of which were already in place—should be sufficient to determine whether public concern about long-term effects was, in fact, warranted: “We have to wait for the data. People need to understand that fact.”
However, people are increasingly worried about the long-term effects of the new vaccine. Therefore waiting until the science is clear is not an option.

The senior leaders in attendance concluded, after much prompting by Dr. Flynn, that no top political or public health figurehead had publicly recognized the collective sense of vulnerability that the pandemic had elicited or the strength that the public exhibited under threat of grave danger. Moreover, no national leader had publicly acknowledged the public’s broad willingness to accept a prescribed countermeasure that promised to end the pandemic, but whose long-term consequences were not fully understood at the time.
It was decided to devise behavioural guidance on how to strengthen the public’s coping skills, provide support for grieving individuals, encourage a forward direction and meet other SPARS recovery needs.

The President would go on air to acknowledge the emotional toll of the pandemic and give his gratitude to the people for remaining strong. He would also convey his appreciation for adhering to public health recommendations, including vaccination, to hasten the end of the pandemic in the face of considerable uncertainty.

Top risk communication advisors from the CDC, FDA, NIH, and SAMHSA conferred as a group about how best to frame the President’s remarks. The group vigorously debated whether it was appropriate for the President to acknowledge the sacrifice that vaccine recipients had made on behalf of their communities or to console them in their grief over that sacrifice.
Numerous politicians connected with the vaccination programme and health officials have resigned recently. Many of them, even though they are still young, have indicated that they won’t continue in public facing positions. Jacinda Arden is the latest. Does this resignation speech sound like a person who has decided to leave a job they love on their own accord? Yes the polls were terrible but it is a shock to everyone that she is quitting politics for good.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

Controlling the 'Mark' after a Con Trick

Is this what we're seeing in the MSM re vaccine injuries?​

Are we witnessing Goffman’s con man playbook in real life? The con men are disappearing but leaving a few of their men in place to manage the public anger. Are the recent revelations a carefully managed release, just enough to keep the victims reassured?

A couple of comments from yesterday’s ‘excess deaths’ post got me thinking.


So governments won’t investigate themselves (to avoid liability and narrative collapse) and they are worried about civil unrest if the population thinks they have been lied to.

But what do they do if the truth becomes too big to hide? Too many stories on social media and too many empirical observations of people getting sick or ill or dying. Excess death numbers reaching new highs. Trying to sweep it under the carpet is no longer doing the trick. What to do?

I may just be too suspicious for my own good but some things have not felt right recently. Well things haven’t felt right for a long time but recently it has felt like things are being increasingly manipulated.


In a 1952 article called “On Cooling the Mark Out: Some Aspects of Adaptation to Failure”, Goffman took a close look at confidence (con) men and how they would manipulate their ‘marks’. They allowed the ‘marks’ to win at first before conning them into transferring over their life savings. Once the money was transferred, some ‘accident’ would occur and the con men would disappear with all the ‘mark’s’ money. But the thing that is relevant to my article today, is what happened once the con men disappeared.


Is this what we're currently witnessing with the BBC ‘accidentally’ letting Aseem Malhotra talk about vaccine harms? Is Elon Musk tweeting about it to make it seem normal? I’m not saying that this is what is happening or that either are complicit, just that information has been heavily supressed over the last few years so when suddenly it is ‘allowed’ to appear, I question why.

Maybe this is all to conspiratorial. It would take too much planning and keeping people quiet for the above scenario to happen. However, the planning part has already been taking care of.

In March 2020, John Hopkins - Bloomberg School of Public Health published “The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario to Facilitate Medical Countermeasure Communication”.

Chapter 17 looks at vaccine injuries and messages that specifically address the topics of adverse side effects. It also looks at how to improve health authorities’ ability to respond to public distress about medical issues after a vaccination campaign.

Then chapter 18 deals with ‘acknowledging loss’. In the fictional scenario there is growing negative public opinion regarding the vaccines and the government’s perceived indifference to victims of the public health response to SPARS.

However, people are increasingly worried about the long-term effects of the new vaccine. Therefore waiting until the science is clear is not an option.

It was decided to devise behavioural guidance on how to strengthen the public’s coping skills, provide support for grieving individuals, encourage a forward direction and meet other SPARS recovery needs.

The President would go on air to acknowledge the emotional toll of the pandemic and give his gratitude to the people for remaining strong. He would also convey his appreciation for adhering to public health recommendations, including vaccination, to hasten the end of the pandemic in the face of considerable uncertainty.

Numerous politicians connected with the vaccination programme and health officials have resigned recently. Many of them, even though they are still young, have indicated that they won’t continue in public facing positions. Jacinda Arden is the latest. Does this resignation speech sound like a person who has decided to leave a job they love on their own accord? Yes the polls were terrible but it is a shock to everyone that she is quitting politics for good.
The latest conspiracy theory I have heard is that in order for Global governments to actually coalesce into a deference to a single Authority where the names of the countries might still be in effect but the laws, or rules, are going to be largely from a single group of elites, there will need to be a falling out of the NPCs from their current governments. The pandemic was only loosely planned, as well as the vaccines, but if we see so many people dying that it cannot be ignored the NPCs of the western world will turn on their current government and start following a global governing body. This will coincide with World War III which is not entirely planned but it would be so convenient that the elites are doing what they can to get it going. This would include, at least in their mind, a wonderful nuclear Exchange.

A strange thing to note in this scenario would be that the lower ranking Elites would be sacrificing themselves. And if this is true, and they know it, it really does point to a religious fervor against the true God.

Actually I shouldn't just say this without mentioning my view. Since I am a citizen of Heaven this is really more of a matter of interest and not nearly as big a deal as people wound up in the machinations of this world.

way 2 go

Well-known member
The latest conspiracy theory I have heard is that in order for Global governments to actually coalesce into a deference to a single Authority where the names of the countries might still be in effect but the laws, or rules, are going to be largely from a single group of elites, there will need to be a falling out of the NPCs from their current governments. The pandemic was only loosely planned, as well as the vaccines, but if we see so many people dying that it cannot be ignored the NPCs of the western world will turn on their current government and start following a global governing body. This will coincide with World War III which is not entirely planned but it would be so convenient that the elites are doing what they can to get it going. This would include, at least in their mind, a wonderful nuclear Exchange.

A strange thing to note in this scenario would be that the lower ranking Elites would be sacrificing themselves. And if this is true, and they know it, it really does point to a religious fervor against the true God.

Actually I shouldn't just say this without mentioning my view. Since I am a citizen of Heaven this is really more of a matter of interest and not nearly as big a deal as people wound up in the machinations of this world.


Oh boy, some of this stuff is gold man. I didn't realize this was all buried down here in this sub forum. There should be a way to make this forum more visible

way 2 go

Well-known member
free form friday
Mark Groubert and Eric Hunley
joined by Robert Barnes
some facts, some theory , some untold stories :oops:



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I've heard this before. It sounds like the Chinese government is buying farmland, but I think it is Chinese companies, owned by Chinese individuals, that are buying. And despite everybody's concern that every individual in China is owned by the government, it is not quite as true as the mass media wants us to believe.

The last time I spoke to my rep in China about this they were simply interested in Investments that were not the stock market while at the same time getting their money out of China because the government acts like it owns everyone's money.