Dole-promoting Obama’s success is bad for India and other states.



In Genesis God decreed that for correcting Adam he must labor hard to get food. The dependence of poor and unemployed on the state makes them lazy and degenerate. Begging from persons is not so bad for poor as begging from state. Then he may inspire thrift, pity and sense of responsibility in givers making them better too. The beggar is inspired to follow the giver. But in case of state dole nothing of these qualities can come. Rather the poor takes it as a matter of rights to become ingrate and complaining. The 1st world nations are going it bankruptcy due to making the poor unproductive and spoiled this way. We poorer countries are also aping them to our destruction.
Of course a Christ follower is always productive. He is essentially a giver even when himself hungry in prison. But worldly people refusing to follow him become unproductive. States spoiling them further by dole may survive temporarily but is sure to fall in the end.
I am discussing Paul here not catholics. But I believe that original church was catholic as it was led by first pope Peter. They made bible overrating Paul to support their apostacies.


Go to youtube and put in "supply side Jesus." That is your version of Christ,the exact opposite of Christ,the anti-Christ.
To blame the poor for the financial crisis is ignorant in the extreme. Read some newspapers! Get informed!
Also, to imply that multi-national corporations are following Christ's example is absurd.
It is also absurd to imply that if you are unemployed (unproductive ) you cannot be a follower of Christ. There are millions searching for work.
Actually,the poor work harder (many have 2 jobs etc) then the leisure class that "earns" their money via gambling ( Wall Street , etc) or inheritance. Its funny how many hate welfare recipiants because they believe assistance causes laziness and then wonder why their son is lazy and only wants more money from them.
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Go to youtube and put in "supply side Jesus." That is your version of Christ,the exact opposite of Christ,the anti-Christ.
To blame the poor for the financial crisis is ignorant in the extreme. Read some newspapers! Get informed!
Also, to imply that multi-national corporations are following Christ's example is absurd.
It is also absurd to imply that if you are unemployed (unproductive ) you cannot be a follower of Christ. There are millions searching for work.
Actually,the poor work harder (many have 2 jobs etc) then the leisure class that "earns" their money via gambling ( Wall Street , etc) or inheritance. Its funny how many hate welfare recipiants because they believe assistance causes laziness and then wonder why their son is lazy and only wants more money from them.

I am neither blaming poor only nor claiming that multinationals or any follow Christ. It will be far better to leave poor-help to charitable persons and societies. They can help better and create right employment for them. Government employment or charity is unproductive as we see here.
Actually when I started following Christ by freely donating blood when I was unemployed, employment sought me out. God decides for his own.