Ask Knight (Archived)

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the chubby woman/tiny crop-top (not to be confused with crouching tiger/hidden dragon) is a combination of things. Knight already pointed out denial, but it's also a matter of being told that there is no right or wrong; do whatever makes you feel good. They feel "sexy" in their outfit, so it must be o.k.

Additionally, it is a reflection of a messed up body image much like anorexia, where a woman or gilr sees fat where there is none. These women see thin where there is none. Unfortunately not even photos of themselves seem to deter these chubby women.
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New member
Yes yes, I know I'm supposed to be sleeping... but my sister isn't here, so it's hard, and yes that's my excuse. :p

Which brings me to the question, how is Dad and Cat? Wasn't my sister perfect? Isn't she pretty? :D *Realizes exactly how dead she is when Cat or Dad sees this :eek: *


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Hall of Fame
You're not dead. I think that's pretty funny. I'm not speaking for Cat.


New member
Originally posted by BillyBob

No, I was joking about him being single know.

It was just a joke....
Either way, I think Knight probably covered it. :chuckle:


New member
Hall of Fame
Hey Billy.... :loser:

While I do look forward to marriage, I don't want to recklessly rush into it. So excuse me for taking my time in searching for the best wife geekiness can attract. You just wait, I'll have more kids than Sozo! :bannana:
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