Recent content by Derf

  1. Derf

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    Of course! That's why they need to be resurrected first. But that kind of death where the dead no nothing is no longer available after it is thrown in the lake of fire. Only the 2nd death is, which is the lake of fire.
  2. Derf

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    Except now we have the immovable rock being hit by the unstoppable force. Their bodies are new and improved. They are incorruptible. If incorruptible, then the fires of hell can't annihilate them, but they still feel the pain.
  3. Derf

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    Of course! Because those who take the threat seriously don't want it to happen to them. So they, through threat of eternal punishment, are eager to avoid such. You should, too, Brain. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.
  4. Derf

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    Here are some bible verses that show the opposite--that destruction doesn't mean utter destruction. Exodus 10:7 KJV — And Pharaoh's servants said unto him, How long shall this man be a snare unto us? let the men go, that they may serve the LORD their God: knowest thou not yet that Egypt is...
  5. Derf

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    It could possibly be talking about different places. Or, the darkness might be symbolic of not having the Father and Jesus around, since they are the light of the New Jerusalem. Or it might be showing that the parable wasn't supposed to be describing things exactly as they will be in the lake...
  6. Derf

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    I'm not questioning God or His words. But He didn't set before all life and death in that passage, but before the Israelites who were about to enter Canaan by passing over the Jordan: [Deu 30:18-19 KJV] 18 I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish, [and that] ye shall not prolong...
  7. Derf

    A little comedy break....

    Sounds like the right enigma to present to those pushing the trans agenda. "Your job is to help the human race survive, and you have to pick two people to carry on the species in the ark."
  8. Derf

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    You're just not convincing. By your statement, you admit that eternal suffering is biblical, and the reason you give for it being not literal is that you don't like it. But if God resurrects everyone to an eternally incorruptible body, what is He to do with the ones who refuse to obey Him? I...
  9. Derf

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    But death is thrown into the lake of fire prior to the penalty of those that were misled. So death (the 1st kind, where they would return to dust) is impossible, because it is entirely defeated. This seems to me to be where most Christians go wrong, because they think of man as immortal, at...
  10. Derf

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    The resurrected are made of incorruptible stuff, that can't die. 1 Corinthians 15:42 KJV — So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: 1 Corinthians 15:44 KJV — It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body... 1 Corinthians...
  11. Derf

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    Why is two chances enough? Why not 3? But that's not what the scripture says. It says they are judged for 2nd death, not for the 1st. And a 2nd death, which is a different kind of thing than the 1st, requires a different kind of sin than the 1st, don't you think? For sinners? I thought you...
  12. Derf

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    Because the phrase "little flock" isn't used in Rev 14:3. You might be right, but you don't have enough evidence to say the 144,000, mentioned first in Revelation, is the same group that was alive when Jesus was speaking on the earth, especially since all of that group Jesus spoke to died...
  13. Derf

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    It doesn't seem like death is eternal, since all die, then all are resurrected, then all are judged. Judgment follows resurrection, which follows death, so death is not eternal. Do you agree with that? So, since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and the wages of sin is death...
  14. Derf

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    Possibly Possibly not Probably not They inherit the earth/land, but they aren't bound to stay there, they just get to dwell there. Yes, the ones that came against the saints was "numbered as the sand of the sea" (and I agree it means "many"), but those were destroyed by the fire that came...
  15. Derf

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    This makes sense to me. Perhaps, but it seems like those who are resurrected before the Millennium are only (underlined text below) those who have already passed the test of faith (bold text below): Revelation 20:4-5 KJV — And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto...