zoo22's POTD 6/18/07

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Well-known member
Besides Nori's amazing day-long moderation in this thread... (Maybe only something only a mom could do)...

Now, I'd like to see one post where any woman told you to shut up today. Benjamin, I would love to see a real man in today's world. But, between those who are afraid to offend everyone and those who think that women should be submissive to all men, real men are few and far between. I was blessed enough to be married to one.

When I met Steve, in 1993, I was a single mom of a three year old daughter. I had been divorced for two years from a man who believed, as you do, that all women should submit to all men. He hit me many times and I thought I deserved it. He ended up divorcing me and leaving me to raise his daughter with no financial or emotional support. Steve was a breath of fresh air. He took all of the scriptures that tell men how to treat their wives to heart. He treated me like I was a treasure that he had discovered after years of searching. Although I already believed that wives should submit to their husbands, Steve actually made me want to submit instead of feeling obligated to do so. He took on the financial and emotional responsibility of raising another man's daughter as his own.

Steve passed away on January 17, 1999. My daughter was 9 years old. I was left to raise her without a father. I love my daughter more than any other living person on earth. If any man were to ever raise a hand to her in anger, I would probably beat him within an inch of his life. And, if she were to bring home a man like you, to introduce to me, I would seriously consider admitting her to a mental hospital. No woman deserves the disrespect that you've shown me and others tonight.


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