Who Loves Donald Trump? Pastor Bob talks to Pastor Jeff


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Who Loves Donald Trump? Pastor Bob talks to Pastor Jeff

This is the show from Wednesday, July 25th, 2018


International Bible Conference president Jeff Anderson tracked down our office number after hearing Bob Enyart criticize "pro-life" leaders at this morning's "Colorado Faith Action" GOTV (get-out-the-vote) event designed to get pastors to get their church to go vote Republican. Before a few dozen pastors, Bob Enyart called out the organizers (CFA's Debbie Chaves and others) and those who for decades have organized hundreds of such events for hiding the fact that after the Church has successfully elected ten thousand pro-life politicians, and after winning many presidential elections, "our" side still fully funds the killing of innocent children and has packed the courts with pro-abortion judges. Bob asked Jeff about such matters including about Jeff's support for (and misrepresentation of) the father of homosexual marriage, and of government takeover of health care, and of religious persecution of pro-life hospitals and pro-family adoption agencies, Mitt Romney.