Who Do You Love??


New member
Who DO You LOVE, and what and how is that Love???

Jesus Knew that man Only Loved himself, and NO ONE ELSE!!! --- MAN; -- that includes YOU, -- ONLY Loves yourself, - no one else. - You Only love your own “THNKING” and ignore the thinking of others.
(( Explain )):
You only Love the Things you are interested in, and nothing else. – (( Proverbs 23:7 KJV )) – 7- “For ( As he thinketh in his heart ), (( so is he ))”. ---//---- Did God say that the man IS anything that is not thought in his heart?? – NO!! – The man “IS” What he thinks in his heart, and he Loves those things only. – ( Thus ), no man can love anything another person thinks, meaning that the man does NOT Love anyone else’s thinking, ( Unless it’s the same as your thinking ), AND, - that IS WHO “THEY” are; - their thoughts!! - However, Jesus knew that. -- So Jesus loved everyone else’s thinking, meaning Jesus Loved them, AND gave them what they thought: - Food, Fellowship of concern, Healing, and his LOVE, ((( BUT -- Jesus had His own thinking ))), - ((( Who He WAS ))), and that was, - “Righteousness, Giving, Understanding”, and the teaching of His FATHER!!! -- (((( And they Killed Him )))) because They did not care what Jesus THOUGHT within Himself, which was who He WAS!!! – Man / You all don’t give a Wit what Christ, or the Christian thinks which makes them who they Are!! – Every Christian “IS” ( Every other Christian who ( Thinks like Christ ) – WE Are ONE!! – That’s what the Spirit of God / The Word / Christ SAYS!!!!

A Mormon thinks like a Mormon, - a Catholic thinks like a Catholic, and a Baptist thinks like a Baptist. – If you think like a Catholic, that’s who you ARE, a Catholic, says GOD!!!! -- Is a Catholic a Mormon, or a Baptist a Catholic; -- (( NO ))!! – Well then, what makes a Christian a Christian? – Thinking like a Catholic, Mormon, or a Baptist????? - (( A Christian is one who thinks like CHRIST, not a Mormon, or any other false “~christian”, like someone who ( Thinks like a Catholic, or a Baptist ). – Christ was one who Thought like the Father, and now He is the Father. --- (( Isaiah 9:6 KJV )) – 6- “The mighty God, The everlasting Father”. ---///---

Friends, Dating, Marriages, are to the One’s who are alike ( IN THOUGHT ), not of a different thought of themselves. – Therefore, you ALL can Only love the thoughts of yourselves and those who have the same thoughts as You, -YOUR Thoughts. – (( Isaiah 55:7-9 KJV )) – 7- “Let the wicked (( Forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his Thoughts )): and let him return unto the LORD, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. 8- ((( For my “Thoughts” are not your “Thoughts” ))), neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 9- For as the Heavens are higher than the earth, (( So are My ways higher than your ways, and My ( “THOUGHTS” ) than your Thoughts” )). ---//-----

Now, look in the Glass and listen to yourself and SEE WHO YOU ARE!!! --- And Prove THIS Wrong!!!!

Paul – 011714

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Not that we loved Him but He loved us.

We are to abide in Jesu's love....if you have experienced His love you pine when He withdraws or if a shadow falls between.....then we mourn and cry to be restored.

God is most faithful He will always show why the shadow fell.