What is your definition of racism?


Let me tell you all something that really needs to sink in.

While groups like BLM pretend that it's a movement concerning the lives of blacks, they have flat out refused to move on places like Chicago- which has seen nearly as many deaths due to black on black crime as the past fifteen years in Iraq and Afghanistan combined- and instead are just branding white people racist.

Take the blindfold off and stop having lies shoved down your throat, seriously- it is literally nothing more than a threat of a race war if white people do not meet their demands.
It's something you need to clearly understand and accept, because otherwise you're just being a damn fool.

And that's all I have to say on this thread, the subject is just going to irritate me the more I'm on here listening to a pale of lies and excuses.


New member
Whites rioting in inner cities in America ? Show me. I can believe it in Britain though .

If the cause is race, how could it be different just because they are in different nations? Differences between nations supports the idea that it is economics not race that triggers riots.


No one here is fighting it. Everyone is excusing it, instead, as they participate in it and feign their innocence.

There is very little we can do about the racism of other people, and in other countries. Nor are we especially responsible for it.

But there is a lot we can do about the racism in THIS country. For one thing, we can stop participating in it by making excuses for it, or pretending that it doesn't exist.

You seem to be working very hard at blaming the messenger for the message. Presumably so that you can then ignore a message that you don't want to acknowledge.

I don't think they're pretty at all. I think that because they control the levers of wealth, power, and cultural messaging, they get to define themselves as the measure of what is "pretty". Just as they define themselves as being more "deserving" of their easy and automatic good fortune. And we buy into this BS because we want to be them. Or we want to be more like them than the people next to us.

This is a great post to me until the last paragraph. I repped you and you are the first one I learned how to do that on! And that could a compliment or an indication I wasn't too worried what would happen if I touched that little thingy. Correction: If you had been jettisoned into outer space without a camera I would've been very regretful. What would your parents, your grandparents, or most importantly I'm guessing, your greatgrandparents think of what you are saying there? Whites in general are not pretty because they are what? Not living in the dangerous neighborhoods we want everyone out of?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Wow. You know what? You're right. There is no such thing as obese black people.



New member
Hall of Fame
Who enslaved the Irish?
The Irish slave trade began when James VI sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. His Proclamation of 1625 required Irish political prisoners be sent overseas and sold to English settlers in the West Indies. By the mid 1600s, the Irish were the main slaves sold to Antigua and Montserrat.

Who sold the first black slaves?
The slaves were "sold" more or less legally by their (black) owners. Scholars estimate that about 12,000,000 Africans were sold by Africans to Europeans (most of them before 1776, when the USA wasn't yet born) and 17,000,000 were sold to Arabs.

If there are reparations owed, they need to come from those who sold these people into slavery and only to those who can prove definatively that they owed them no debts and were kidnapped and then prove lineage on both sides.


New member
Hall of Fame
I was called a racist because i wouldnt date a black guy who kept hounding me at work. Before you question my motivation, i dont find black men generally very attractive at all. As well as chinese men, or japanese men, hispanic men, etc. I prefer white men.
I wouldn't call that racist.

Then you should be forced to date a 500 lb 2 foot tall chinese woman who is 20 years older than you. Right?
I have no idea where that came from.

So you beleive you dont really have a right to your own preference. Youve been brainwashed sufficiently.
No. You have a right to preference. I was simply saying that restricting may be evidence of more. It's a preference, not a biological law. So saying "no blacks" might be an innocent attempt to weed out people that you likely won't be attracted to or it might be rooted in something else.


New member
Hall of Fame


Well-known member
This is a great post to me until the last paragraph. I repped you and you are the first one I learned how to do that on! And that could a compliment or an indication I wasn't too worried what would happen if I touched that little thingy. Correction: If you had been jettisoned into outer space without a camera I would've been very regretful. What would your parents, your grandparents, or most importantly I'm guessing, your greatgrandparents think of what you are saying there? Whites in general are not pretty because they are what? Not living in the dangerous neighborhoods we want everyone out of?
Whites are no prettier, smarter, hard-working, or deserving than anyone else. Though you certainly would not conclude this from our culture, or from our elite cliques of advantaged children and adults that control the levers of wealth, power, and social hierarchy.

What is so sad is that they gat all the support and advantages, as if they really were superior, when they are no more superior than anyone else, in any way. Which means all the amazing intelligence and talent and vision that exists in all those OTHER people, who don't get the support and advantages of the privileged white, wealthy, "pretty" people, get left to waste away, unseen and undeveloped.


Well-known member
I was called a racist because i wouldnt date a black guy who kept hounding me at work. Before you question my motivation, i dont find black men generally very attractive at all. As well as chinese men, or japanese men, hispanic men, etc. I prefer white men.
That is clearly racist, but it's not hurtful. Personal preference may be race based, but is not necessarily bigotry. (We are discussing racism as bigotry based on race).

Is a heterosexual who does not want to have sex with anyone of his/her own gender a "sexist"? Yes. But he/she is not a sexual bigot, nor do they intend any harm or degradation to anyone.

You would only be a racial bigot if you believed that white men are superior to men of other races, simply because you prefer them.


New member
Hall of Fame
That really bothered you, didn't it. Seeing one of your sacred conservative totems going up in flames like that. ;)

I could care less what you think, im only showing you, your own bias while you think yourself so high and mighty.

The more you talk the better i like it, so people can see what your kind of thinking results in. An unsound mind.