The Trinity

The Trinity

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There is but one God. That there are real distinctions in the Godhead does not make three Gods. The Persons of the Godhead do not divide up the singular essence of God, making three Gods. In other words, God is one simple (having no constituent parts) essence, with three subsistencesPersons—that do not divide the essence of the one absolute God.


Your theology is inconsistent. If I asked you, "Is the Father God?" You would say, "Yes," would you not? The Father is a person in Himself, distinct from anyone else, right? He is not Himself AND someone else, is that not true?

Then, if I ask you, "Is the Son God?" You would say, "Yes," right? He is Jesus, the SON OF God. Another individual.

Then if I ask you, "Is the Holy Spirit God?" "Yes," you would say, right?

Now, add up the Gods. I count THREE.

Yet after all that, you still say there is one. It makes one's head spin.



New member
Re. post #1157, by Mr. Religion....

You need to study some more yourself, sir. The scriptures you quote are verses that can be analyzed and shown to be much different than what you are saying they are. If what you believe about them is true, they CONTRADICT hundreds of other scriptures. You show a surface understanding of Scripture, and you are really not familiar with the whole Bible. If you were, you would see clearly the supremacy of Jehovah, the Most High.

To disassemble your portrayal of John 8:58 as Jesus claiming to be God, check this out:

Jesus was not expressing any idea that he was God. What was he really saying? Many scholars will admit and attest to the fact that Jesus was not uttering "I Am" in some mysterious fashion in John 8:58. See the following list of other versions that show that "I Am" is a puny translation of what Jesus was saying.

(1) The 1960 and 1973 printings of the New American Standard Bible also has "I have been" as a variant reading in the margin.

(2) The Living New Testament: "The absolute truth is that I was in existence before Abraham was ever born."

(3) The Twentieth Century New Testament: "before Abraham existed I was."

(4) Noyes, G.R.N.T. (1878): "Jesus said to them, 'truly,truly, do I say to you, from before Abraham was, I have been.'"

(5) Parker,P.G. Clarified N.T.: "Jesus answered, before Abraham existed, I existed."

(6) Cotton Patch Version (1970): "To this Jesus replied, 'I existed before Abraham was born'."

(7) Good News for the World (1969): "Jesus answered, I tell you the truth, I already WAS before Abraham was born."

(8) The Complete Bible, An American Translation Goodspeed: "I tell you I existed before Abraham was born."

(9) New Believers Bible, New Living Translation: "I existed before Abraham was even born."

(10) The New Testament, C.B. Williams: "I solemnly say to you, I existed before Abraham was born."

There are over 20 more versions that say the same thing. Was Jesus claiming to be "I Am"? NO.

The rest of your arguments can be dismantled as well. I can do that in subsequent posts, if you insist on posting this spurious stuff.

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New member

This will surprise you. I agree, Jesus is God, manifested in the flesh.

What I still think we disagree on is that he is not another God, again he is God. And, heres comes the other point, he is also the Redeemer, he purchased us with his blood.

Maybe you agree with me, but I have the opinion that you believe in trinity, which is not biblical.


You would fold on such flimsy "evidence" as what Mr. Religion has provided? For all his listing of scriptures, he really has no proof. I can take each of his so-called proof verses and dismantle them. Just say the word. Don't fold up just because of the large amount of tossing out verses. He doesn't know what he's doing.


New member
The divine Son took on the human form of one of his own created beings, he is now both human and divine forever.

Nope, he GAVE UP his human body....remember his SACRIFICE? What did he sacrifice? His human body! What else was there to sacrifice forever?

THINK for a change.


New member
That scripture is clear. That NAME is not a NAME like "John" or "Sally". IN THE NAME OF has to do with AUTHORITY.

ALL three have the SAME AUTHORITY, since THEY are the ONE GOD.

You are right when you talk about recognizing the authority of certain ones. However, the scripture to which you refer does not say that they are all equal, or that they have the SAME authority.

Be careful what you say. There is no proof of "one God" there.


New member
Kingdomrose, your heresy has you forgetting that "a rose by any other name, would smell as sweet" (is still a rose).

You are going by "what makes sense to me..."

Always an error - Gen. 3:6.

May you soon recover your self from the snare of the devil - who has taken you captive at his will - 2 Tim. 2:25-26.
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Perhaps you are confused by the fact that some of the statements that Jesus made were from a human perspective and some were not.

In the case of Jesus telling the apostles that he is now sovereign God after resurrecting his form from the dead was the divine Christ. You were just wrong but to proud to face it.


Sacrifice is a Pagan interpretation of the tragic cross. In the original gospel preached to the Jews, the gospel they would be teaching today from Jerusalem if they hadn't rejected Jesus, salvation was by faith, not sacrifices. So the false claim that the cross was an atoning act is the problem for the Gentile world who invented it.

There was no sacrifice.


New member
To steko, re. post #1130: You are getting around to saying, aren't you, that Jesus praying to himself is not such a silly idea, right? I can't get over the feeling I get when I hear or read somebody say that Jesus was praying to himself. That is the most scurrilous, outrageous, unreasonable thing that anyone could dream up! You are insulting Jesus, and completely eradicating his Father, Jehovah, whom he loves. He wasn't playing a game when he talked about his Father in heaven!

You're a JW and don't have a clue. Jesus Christ was and is God the Son. Jesus Christ prayed to God the Father. Jesus Christ is God, ONE with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.


New member
Sacrifice is a Pagan interpretation of the tragic cross. In the original gospel preached to the Jews, the gospel they would be teaching today from Jerusalem if they hadn't rejected Jesus, salvation was by faith, not sacrifices. So the false claim that the cross was an atoning act is the problem for the Gentile world who invented it.

There was no sacrifice.

We don't accept the fabricated urantia UFO cult garbage. God's Word - the Holy Bible - tells the story completely and accurately. At best, the ub is a cross between a comic book and science fiction.


Well-known member
Re. post #1157, by Mr. Religion....

You need to study some more yourself, sir. The scriptures you quote are verses that can be analyzed and shown to be much different than what you are saying they are. If what you believe about them is true, they CONTRADICT hundreds of other scriptures. You show a surface understanding of Scripture, and you are really not familiar with the whole Bible. If you were, you would see clearly the supremacy of Jehovah, the Most High.

To disassemble your portrayal of John 8:58 as Jesus claiming to be God, check this out:

Jesus was not expressing any idea that he was God. What was he really saying? Many scholars will admit and attest to the fact that Jesus was not uttering "I Am" in some mysterious fashion in John 8:58. See the following list of other versions that show that "I Am" is a puny translation of what Jesus was saying.

(1) The 1960 and 1973 printings of the New American Standard Bible also has "I have been" as a variant reading in the margin.

(2) The Living New Testament: "The absolute truth is that I was in existence before Abraham was ever born."

(3) The Twentieth Century New Testament: "before Abraham existed I was."

(4) Noyes, G.R.N.T. (1878): "Jesus said to them, 'truly,truly, do I say to you, from before Abraham was, I have been.'"

(5) Parker,P.G. Clarified N.T.: "Jesus answered, before Abraham existed, I existed."

(6) Cotton Patch Version (1970): "To this Jesus replied, 'I existed before Abraham was born'."

(7) Good News for the World (1969): "Jesus answered, I tell you the truth, I already WAS before Abraham was born."

(8) The Complete Bible, An American Translation Goodspeed: "I tell you I existed before Abraham was born."

(9) New Believers Bible, New Living Translation: "I existed before Abraham was even born."

(10) The New Testament, C.B. Williams: "I solemnly say to you, I existed before Abraham was born."

There are over 20 more versions that say the same thing. Was Jesus claiming to be "I Am"? NO.

The rest of your arguments can be dismantled as well. I can do that in subsequent posts, if you insist on posting this spurious stuff.

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Sad but true that folks believe in tradition rather than scripture.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Follow the crowd GM. I will follow scripture.

The problem is, you create your own "theories" and expect your fellow posters to accept them. Are you looking for a following or are you seeking truth? If you were truly using the Scriptures to learn, you'd know your "theories" are so much "hooey." You believe that God created the Lord Jesus Christ and that Christ was not with God from the beginning. The truth be told; Christ created ALL that is, according to Genesis. Christ isn't a created being like the angels and mankind. He is part of the Trinity which makes up the Godhead. You have chosen to be a heretic. That position fits you well.