Romney's hardened heart and unchanged mind


[Romney tells conservative voters that “poisonous language” doesn’t advance their cause by Theo Emery] "Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney told conservative and evangelical voters today that “poisonous language doesn’t advance our cause,” the day after a supporter of another GOP presidential candidate described Mormonism as a cult.

“It’s never softened a single heart or changed a single mind,” Romney said. “The blessings of faith carry the responsibility of civil and respectful debate.”

Full text: Romney tells conservative voters that “poisonous language” doesn’t advance their cause

Texas pastor, Robert Jeffress told the truth. Mormons are not Christians. Is telling the truth "poisonous"? Eph 5:11. Christianity is either true or it is false (Jn 14:6).


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I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Mormonism is non-christian in that it seeks to redefine who God is. It completely destroys the concept of the Godhead and makes God and the Lord Jesus into former humans. It preaches then all men can become gods and that their wives are baby factories that produce spirit children. Any woman who wants to become a Mormon with this kind of teaching must have rocks in her head.


[Romney tells conservative voters that “poisonous language” doesn’t advance their cause by Theo Emery] "Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney told conservative and evangelical voters today that “poisonous language doesn’t advance our cause,” the day after a supporter of another GOP presidential candidate described Mormonism as a cult.

“It’s never softened a single heart or changed a single mind,” Romney said. “The blessings of faith carry the responsibility of civil and respectful debate.”

Full text: Romney tells conservative voters that “poisonous language” doesn’t advance their cause

Texas pastor, Robert Jeffress told the truth. Mormons are not Christians. Is telling the truth "poisonous"? Eph 5:11. Christianity is either true or it is false (Jn 14:6).



Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association (a great Christian conservative organization) recently wrote an article entitled:

"Mitt Romney publicly attacks me. Why? It's not about Mormonism"

Fischer admits "Mormonism is outside the mainstream of historic Christian orthodoxy", but also goes onto say:

"But my main disagreement with Mitt is this, and this is what I told every member of the media who interviewed me: my problem with Mitt is not that he's Mormon, it's that he's not Mormon enough. In fact, that is all I've ever said about Romney's Mormon faith.

The Mormon church has always been strongly pro-life. Mitt ran as a pro-abortion candidate in 2002, and doesn't even claim to have been pro-life until 2005, just about the time he decided to run for the presidency.

The Mormon church has always been strongly pro-marriage, yet Gov. Romney imposed same-sex marriage on Massachusetts and the United States by executive fiat in 2004.

The sanctity of life and the sanctity of marriage are the two absolute non-negotiables. That Mitt suddenly discovered these values at the same time he decided he wanted to be the next Republican presidential candidate smacks of a political conversion that is more about convenience than conviction.

In fact, I think the main reason Mitt Romney tried to kneecap me on Saturday is that I have been unswerving in pointing out he imposed same-sex marriage on Massachusetts by executive fiat."

If Mitt Romney is our other supposed choice come November 2012, we're in a world of hurt.