Real Science Radio's List of Solar System Formation Problems (Part 2)


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RSR's List of Solar System Formation Problems 2

This is the show from Friday July 24th, 2015


* Conclusion of this RSR List Show: Hear part 1


* March 2015 IAU Image Typical of Pluto Expectations: (Below, see our list of solar system formation problems.) Just a few months ago, the International Astronomical Union used an image of Pluto (right) that represents the expectations of secular astronomers depicting a heavily cratered body grimy from sweeping up billions of years of space dust. Again though, the predictions of old-earth astronomy failed. Likewise, from its physics to its major predictions, the entire theory of solar system formation, the nebular hypothesis, has failed. Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams back up to get the big picture by quoting NASA's exoplanet database manager Caltech astronomer Mike Brown who said: “Before we ever discovered any [planets outside the solar system] we thought we understood the formation of planetary systems pretty deeply… It was a really beautiful theory. And, clearly, thoroughly wrong." Exoplanets, with their masses, sizes, composition and orbital characteristics differ from what had been predicted for decades by the standard model of solar system formation, including with their retrograde orbits, highly inclined orbits and hot jupiters, effectively falsifying that model.


* July 2015 What Pluto Actually Looks Like: The actual photos of Pluto from NASA's New Horizons mission will help make it obvious to thousands more people that the nebular hypothesis theory of origins is not helpful in understanding our solar system (or any other solar system for that matter). On today's program, Bob and Fred air an audio clip from a a leading planetary scientist on the Passport to Pluto Science Channel update on NASA's mission acknowledging that even close to home, the predictions of mainstream (secular) astronomy mostly fail, and that's for planets nearest to home, in our very own solar system system. Taken together, the impressive scientific discoveries that completely falsify the nebular hypothesis of solar system formation include these:

- exoplanets contradicting the predictions of the theory
- that our Sun is missing nearly 100% of its predicted spin
- that our Sun's rotation is seven degrees off the ecliptic
- the missing predicted uniform distribution pattern of solar system isotopes
- the missing expected uniform distribution of Earth's radioactivity
- the contrary-to-expectations fine tuning of the solar system
- the many contrary-to-expectations transient events in the solar system
- that proponents try to prop up the theory by claiming ubiquitous planetary catastrophism
- planetary and star formation problems have seemingly intractable physics problems (consider the Philae landing)
- contrary to an Oort or Kuiper origin, comets contain earth-like minerals and rounded boulders
- short-period comets still exist even though they have lifespans of only thousands of years
- the 1,346 trans-Neptunian objects with known orbits reach perihelion at the ecliptic
- that Mercury has greater density than can be accounted for by evolutionary accretion
- that Uranus rotates perpendicularly and Venus rotates backwards.
So the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the BBC, Nova, Bill Nye, Lawrence Krauss, etc., wrongly built public confidence in the secular origins nebular hypothesis story. The longstanding claims of solar system formation were invented ad hoc to account for the particulars of our own solar system. Now that thousands of exoplanets are being discovered, the story telling will simply become, as with epicycles and levels of Darwinian selection, shall we say, more complex.

* Socks Blown Off: From RSR's List of Shocked Evolutionists, close-up photos show the youthful appearance of Pluto as do the images of its largest moon: "We originally thought Charon would be an ancient terrain covered in craters," said New Horizons team member Cathy Olkin. "So when we saw the pictures this morning, it just blew our socks off." :)

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Greatest poster ever
* Socks Blown Off: From RSR's List of Shocked Evolutionists, close-up photos show the youthful appearance of Pluto as do the images of its largest moon: "We originally thought Charon would be an ancient terrain covered in craters," said New Horizons team member Cathy Olkin. "So when we saw the pictures this morning, it just blew our socks off." :)
"New Horizons’ newest images reveal Pluto’s largest moon Charon to be a world of chasms and craters...The most prominent crater, which lies near the equator of Charon in an image taken July 11 and radioed to Earth today, is about 60 miles (96.5 kilometers) across." --

Here's a photo of Charon:


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Greatest poster ever
And so far as Pluto having a "smooth, craterless surface" is concerned, have a look for yourself:
