President of Virginia Teachers' Union fails English Grammar 101


Well-known member
Biden's AG hatchetman Garland is ready to jail parents for finding fault with teachers, meaning this parent may be facing jail time for grading and failing the grammar in this letter written by the President of the Virginia Teachers' Union.

A Virginia teachers union has faced ridicule online after it sent a letter riddled with grammatical and typographical errors. The union president explained that the union mistakenly published a draft, rather than the completed letter.

Ellen Gallery, a homeschooling mother of three who lives in the area, claimed that she and her kids had gone through the letter, correcting mistakes. She and her kids marked what they identified as eight errors in that one opening sentence.

"But the bigger issue is that the teachers union is signaling support for closing schools once again," he warned. "They want all students and staff tested before reopening schools, but that's not the norm for any other businesses, and it's the added barrier could have practical issues in terms of logistics and testing supply."