Pediatrician refuses to care for lesbians' baby


actually left off a few posts back after being on topic for about every post...and what's this post doing, exactly? Getting us back on track?

Anyway (and back on topic) if the larger facts bear out that no delay or harm was done it's mostly about....

....whiny fags expecting to accepted by society as "normal"

if you were truly a follower of Christ you would see this and reject their claim of normalcy

town said:
A letter of complaint to the local chapter of the AMA seems in order, given the doctor first accepted and then, in an untimely manner, rejected their visit would seem in order causing a needless embarrassment and distress.

yes, yes, by all means, let's ignore the spiritual conflict that a true Christian (Dr. Roi) struggled with and let's put the spotlight on the hurt feelings of the perverts

you're a disgusting piece of trash, town


New member
Hall of Fame
actually left off a few posts back after being on topic for about every post...and what's this post doing, exactly? Getting us back on track?

Uh, yeah, actually. Don't know about bybee but you could sure stand to ignore the little snake. Moving on.

Anyway (and back on topic) if the larger facts bear out that no delay or harm was done it's mostly about holding yourself out to the public and discriminatory practice, though my understanding from the article is that it's an uphill battle in this particular jurisdiction.

Seems to be really playing with fire, though.

As for an AMA complaint: Good idea, but it would give her an opportunity to play the woe is me martyr card. Maybe this is all win-win for the doctor after all.


New member
Uh, yeah, actually. Don't know about bybee but you could sure stand to ignore the little snake. Moving on.

Seems to be really playing with fire, though.

As for an AMA complaint: Good idea, but it would give her an opportunity to play the woe is me martyr card. Maybe this is all win-win for the doctor after all.
If she gets enough attention so that other patients start leaving then she could probably fill those spots with the "right kind" of patients. Just how many all-white, upper-class neighborhoods are left in Detroit anyhow?


New member
yes, yes, by all means, let's ignore the spiritual conflict that a true Christian (Dr. Roi) struggled with and let's put the spotlight on the hurt feelings of the perverts

you're a disgusting piece of trash, town

For what it is worth you've made a pretty compelling case as to why there was no delay.

Though what I don't understand is why you think there is a 'spiritual conflict' in treating an infant. The infant is scarcely responsible for whatever crimes you levy against the parents.


Let us reflect.
The Jews are the chosen people.
ISIS beheads those who won't convert to Islam.
Christians believe God hates gays.

This can't be good.


Hall of Fame
If she gets enough attention so that other patients start leaving then she could probably fill those spots with the "right kind" of patients.

THIS is the outcome I would hope for. Children deserve to be treated by a physician who puts his/her patient's care as their first priority.


New member
Hall of Fame
If she gets enough attention so that other patients start leaving then she could probably fill those spots with the "right kind" of patients. Just how many all-white, upper-class neighborhoods are left in Detroit anyhow?

The city itself? Uh, none, I'd say. Plenty in the burbs though.:chuckle:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
THIS is the outcome I would hope for. Children deserve to be treated by a physician who puts his/her patient's care as their first priority.
Sure. It's a shame that can't be said of everyone with a medical license.

Someone wrote:
....let's ignore the spiritual conflict that a true Christian (Dr. Roi) struggled with and let's put the spotlight on the hurt feelings of the perverts
She's no Christian martyr. She didn't have to say yes, by state law. She said yes. Then she waited until they were on the premises to have a change of heart. This isn't someone being put upon, isn't even in the baker ballpark.

Is working with lesbians for the health and welfare of an infant, an endorsement of lesbianism?
Hard to see how it could be.



Is working with lesbians for the health and welfare of an infant, an endorsement of lesbianism?

you mean like just ignoring the big white elephant in the room?

unless one is working with them to overcome their loathsome perversion, any acceptance of them in a normal environment is an endorsement of their claim to "normalcy"

of course, there are many who claim to be followers of Christ who don't agree with God that homosexuality is an abomination

they see it as just a choice

in this, they are no different from those who support the abomination and perversion of baby-murdering


Actually I think Dr. Roi did a good thing but mishandled it. In my opinion she should have gone through with the initial exam and then at its conclusion explained her religious quandary and recommended to the parents that they and their family deserved a better physician/family relationship than she could provide. I'll bet the young couple would have appreciated her integrity and also agreed that their wisest choice would be to replace her as the primary care provider.


New member
Sure. It's a shame that can't be said of everyone with a medical license.

Someone wrote:

She's no Christian martyr. She didn't have to say yes, by state law. She said yes. Then she waited until they were on the premises to have a change of heart. This isn't someone being put upon, isn't even in the baker ballpark.

Hard to see how it could be.

Most of us here on TOL are anti-abortion. That means to me that the life of every baby is sacred. If we hold the life to be sacred then, surely, we also believe that those in the Health Care professions will work to care for the lives that present themselves
for care?


Hall of Fame
Most of us here on TOL are anti-abortion. That means to me that the life of every baby is sacred. If we hold the life to be sacred then, surely, we also believe that those in the Health Care professions will work to care for the lives that present themselves
for care?

Exactly. Putting disdain for a group of people ABOVE the care of an infant is not prolife.


Most of us here on TOL are anti-abortion. That means to me that the life of every baby is sacred. If we hold the life to be sacred then, surely, we also believe that those in the Health Care professions will work to care for the lives that present themselves
for care?

as a Christian, don't you agree that the best care for the child would be provided by parents that were not perverted?


New member
Thought this piece by a gay man was interesting - although I'm not certain I care for the conclusion...... :plain:

Doctor Who Turned Away Gay Moms Isn't the Real Problem -- Here's What Is

By now, you might've heard about the pediatrician in Michigan who turned away two lesbian moms and their 6-day-old daughter.

As a gay man, I thought I'd be outraged by the case, but as I read the details I was surprised by my actual response: sympathy for the doctor. Yes, really!

Her name's Vesna Roi, and she's been caring for babies for decades. In an apology note to the moms, she explained that "much prayer" had led her to believe that she "would not be able to develop the personal patient doctor relationship" with Krista and Jami Contreras and their newborn, Bay.

That and the "much prayer" comment tell us everything we need to know about what's really going on here: she's uncomfortable with lesbian couples. Okay, sure, fine. So are lots of people! Other people are uncomfortable around interracial couples, or Catholics, or babies. Personally, I'm uncomfortable around clowns.

I'm sympathetic to Dr. Roi because she probably feels that she made the right choice: if she didn't think she could form a strong relationship with the family, and knew that another doctor could probably do better, shouldn't they go to whoever can provide the best possible care?

After all, if I was a doctor and a clown came to me for treatment, we would probably both be happier if I sent him to a colleague, rather than huddling in a corner in terror with a tongue-depressor as my only means of self-defense.