Our Grand Baby-Saving Project (30 grand, that is)


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Our Grand Baby-Saving Project (30 grand, that is)

This is the show from Monday, August 13th, 2018


Bob and his son Dominic Enyart discuss various baby-saving, anti-abortion projects currently under consideration. Two generous listeners donated $30,000 to Denver Bible Church designated for saving an unborn child from being dismembered by an abortionist. Or more. You can email your own suggestion to Bob@kgov.com. Projects now being considered include an at-the-mill on-the-street training program for young abolitionists; producing a series of 60-second abolition videos linking to American RTL training materials; create a still-in-the-womb character for short video and meme messaging; hold a video contest; place billboards in Denver or Austin, Texas; hold an anti-abortion film event projecting the video not onto a movie screen but onto the abortion clinic itself; or, use the funds to pressure Texas Governor Greg Abbott to not break his Make-a-Wish promise to cancer-sufferer Jeremiah Thomas to fight there to abolish abortion.