No His & Her AutoComplete Coming from Google


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No His & Her AutoComplete Coming from Google

This is the show from Tuesday, November 27th, 2018


Bob takes Google's AutoComplete ban of his and her pronouns and adds it to list of education associations that have banned the use of words like girls, boys, and man. (Will Google ever completely ban gender pronouns from gmail?) And speaking of genderless email, Bob also explores the moral implications arising from whether or not Trump's campaign manager actually met with Wikileaks about the hacked Democrats. Bob then reports on two science stories. First, on the lab-grown (from embryonic stem cells) tiny kidneys growing muscles and brain cells, possibly indicating the presence of a tiny child whose body is attempting to develop. And secondly, about Evolution's Big Squeeze ( when scientists realize that Siberia's extinct one-horned rhino coexisted with (wo?)mankind. If so, that reminds us that all animals coexisted with mankind as at