Magnetic Poles Are Moving Rapidly as Never Before


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
In what way is the GPS system "based upon a fairly stationary location for the North Pole" as is claimed in the article? The GPS system is based on good time keeping and triangulation. It has nothing to do with the magnetic poles.

Also, the article talks about the equator being "30 degrees further south in South America". The problem with that idea is that the equator isn't located where it is because of the magnetic pole but because of the geographic pole (i.e. the pole that is based on the spin of the Earth). There is no such thing as a magnetic equator

Also. the position of the magnetic pole has nothing whatsoever to do with how cold the winters get! Again that has to do with the spin of the Earth and the angle of that spin relative to the Sun.

Further, any such magnetic flip would take decades to complete, if not centuries, during most of which time the magnetic field of the Earth would be effectively turned off and we would all die of radiation poisoning or skin cancer and large portions of our atmosphere would be stripped away by the solar wind.

Lastly, take my advice and don't trade any stocks according to Armstrong Economics "predictions". It amounts to nothing at all other than numerology where they look for occurrences of Pi in the patterns made by the stock market and the economy. I followed their site for a few years and I know for a fact that their predictions and prognostications are entirely unfalsifiable and are the product of self-fulfilling prophecies and the worst kind of confirmation bias.


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Greatest poster ever
In what way is the GPS system "based upon a fairly stationary location for the North Pole" as is claimed in the article? The GPS system is based on good time keeping and triangulation. It has nothing to do with the magnetic poles.
It's just like with the vaccine issue. This is what happens when dilettantes try to dabble in science. They're guaranteed to make a mess of it.

way 2 go

Well-known member

- 1840 - 1970: 5% weakening per century
- 1970 - 2018: ~7% weakening per century
- 2019: 5% weakening per decade according to a rumor from Drudge, zerohedge, Forbes, and Quora, claiming that NASA's SWARM satellite has measured this. And there's the concurrent record-breaking speed of the movement of the magnetic north pole now at 55 km per year and headed toward Siberia

Earth's Magnetic Field Decay: As summarized by University of Maryland geophysicist Daniel Lathrop, “In particular, over the last 150 years or so, the Earth’s magnetic field has declined in strength about ten percent, and continues to decline in strength [as is evident] every time people go and make new measurements.” Creationists point out that this rapid decay is not expected in such a brief snapshot in time if our planet were 4.6 billion years old. On the other hand, these careful, long-term, and worldwide measurements that document the rapidly decreasing strength of Earth's magnetic field are consistent with a young Earth. Lathrop, not surprisingly, is an old-earth geophysicist who nonetheless acknowledged this data at the opening of and midway through the 2013 program Magnetic Shield, an episode of The Weather Channel's Secrets of the Earth with theoretical physicist (emphasis on the theoretical), Michio Kaku.

For example, if the energy of the field has been dissipating at the current rate, going back only a million years would produce such heat that the oceans would have burned off the Earth, which clearly they have not.