ebenz's pick of the day 1/25/03

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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame

Originally posted by Knight
My Testimony! - by bibliophile1954

God had lead me to Theology Online, after more than 20+years of being away from Him. I was depressed & suicidal after my latest job had failed, & I saw no hope for myself. I had already almost succeded in killing myself once before, & was determined not to fail this time. When I initially joined TOL, I was a rabble rouser-always trying to destroy Christianity with logic-but little by little, The TOL'ers chipped away at me until I finally got up enough courage to ask them to pray for me. They did, & I finally ended up at a church that had a Saurday evening service.

God had been leading me to that as well, although I didn't realize that until later. I couldn't have been there more than maybe 10-15 minutes , when 3 people came over to me. I told them why I was there, & they prayed with me-it was then, like the prodigal son of the Bible, that THIS prodigal son finally came home! Since that date-January 11,2003- my life has been changed like I never would have believed!

Over the next few weeks, I had developed, (or in this case been given by God), an unbelievably loving spirit. In addition, My swearing that I had done constantly over the past 20+years , virtually vanished, & my hatred of woman that I had all those years all but vanished, as well! I truley consider TOL my family, & because of the burden of love & concern that I have for all of them, as well as for the members of the church I now attend, (this too, after all those 20+years!), I physically cry whenever anyone leaves TOL, because of the endless love that I have for them through Christ Jesus. It is like losing an arm or a leg whenever one of them leave, or there is disharmony among them. They ARE my family!

God has made me into a totally new person, since1/11/03! I may have left Him, but He never gave up on me! When I came back to Him, it was like I had never left! I praise God everyday, for TOL, my church, & most of all for Jesus waiting for me to come home after all those years! The truth Of Hebrews 13, verse 8 was never truer than on 1/11/03-"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, Today, & yes, forever!"

Praise God for His love-a love that I have for all my TOL brothers & sisters, as well as the members of my church! I would sacrifice my self for everyone of them, without a second thought! I never thought I could have this kind of love, but now I can-through the awesome power of Jesus Christ, who never gave up on His prodigal son to come home!

That is what this is all about! We're supposed to be here to save lives by showing them what God's love is all about! :D Thank you Knight and bib! :thumb:
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